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Gene Organization in Rice Revealed by Full-Length cDNA Mapping and Gene Expression Analysis through Microarray

Figure 1

Gene structure analysis in rice.

(a) The length distribution of FL-cDNA for FL-AE (black) and FL-NAE (white). (b) The distribution of open reading frame (ORF) proportions for FL-AE (black) and FL-NAE (white). (c) The distribution of FL-cDNA locus lengths for FL-AE (black) and FL-NAE (white). (d) The distribution of locus lengths for CDS-AE (black) and CDS-ANE (white) in TIGR4. (e) The distribution of the number of exons for FL-AE (black) and FL-NAE (white). (f) The distribution of exon (black) and intron (white) lengths for the respective locus types. (g) The distribution of the number of FL-cDNA clones mapped per single FL-AE (black) and FL-NAE (white) locus.

Figure 1
