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Discovery and fine-mapping of adiposity loci using high density imputation of genome-wide association studies in individuals of African ancestry: African Ancestry Anthropometry Genetics Consortium

Fig 1

Locuszoom plots of six novel waist-to-hip ratio adjusted for BMI (WHRadjBMI) loci: (A) TCF7L2/HABP2 and SPRYD7/DLEU2 in men and women combined; and (B) SSX2IP, PDE3B, CASC8, and ZDHHC1/HSD11B2 in women only. All plots use AFR LD from the 1000 Genomes phase 1 reference panel. In each plot, the most significant variant within a 1Mb regional locus is highlighted. P-values for all variants including the most significant variant are based on the African ancestry discovery phase only (AA-Discovery). In addition, for the most significant variant, P-values are annotated and illustrated from the African ancestry discovery and replication phases (AA-Discovery+Replication). SNP rs2472591 was available in the Europeans from the GIANT consortium effort and combined with the African ancestry discovery and replication phases (AA+EA).

Fig 1
