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Exome Sequencing and Prediction of Long-Term Kidney Allograft Function

Fig 1

Recipient/Donor incompatibility quantified by exome sequencing and calculation of allogenomics mismatch score (AMS).

(A) Hypothesis: Post-transplantation kidney graft function is associated with the number of amino acids coded by the donor genome that the recipient’s immune system could recognize as non-self. (B) Examples of donor/recipient amino-acid mismatches at one protein position, and resulting contributions to the allogenomics mismatch score. The allogenomics mismatch score is calculated by summing contributions over a set of genomic polymorphisms (see Methods for details). (C) Equations for the allogenomics model. Score contributions are summed across all genomic positions of interest (set P) to yield the allogenomics score Δ(r,d). Gr,p: genotype of recipient r at genomic site/position p. Gd,p: genotype of donor d at site p. Alleles of a genotype are denoted with the letter a.

Fig 1
