Peripheral blood flow dysfunctions in patients with hip joint pathology


  • Igor Kotulskiy
  • Natalya Moskalenko
  • Ganna Demyanenko
  • Victor Pishchyk



coxarthrosis, aseptic necrosis, Peripheral blood flow


The work analyses results of a study of haemodynamic indices in distal segments of the lower extremities in 27 patients with aseptic necrosis of femoral head (ANFH), 17 with coxarthrosis (CA) and 23 males without any orthopaedic pathology of their lower extremities. Disturbances of nervous regulation of vasomotor reactions at the level of feet were found out in cases of ANFH and CA, patients with ANFH revealing disturbances of arteriovenous shunt mechanisms at the shin level of their affected leg. As a result of estimation of Kerdo index, it was found that prevailing among patients with ANFH were sympathicotonic people, parasympathicotonic ones being among patients with CA. On the basis of the obtained data a conclusion was made that an important part in the development of such a disease as ANFH or CA is played by individual peculiarities of neuroendocrine and humoral reactions in response to stress effects.


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How to Cite

Kotulskiy, I., Moskalenko, N., Demyanenko, G., & Pishchyk, V. (2012). Peripheral blood flow dysfunctions in patients with hip joint pathology. ORTHOPAEDICS TRAUMATOLOGY and PROSTHETICS, (3), 56–58.

