Online ISSN : 2424-2756
セッションID: 223
223 表画集熱式ソーラーポンドを用いた温度差発電と温室暖房の複合システム解析(OS-5 環境負荷ミニマイズのための熱流体・環境工学の展開(3))
鈴木 貴之越智 敏明加藤 暢宏渡辺 俊明松本 俊郎
会議録・要旨集 フリー


Performance of complex system included power generation by temperature difference and greenhouse heating using floating collector type solar pond with two-layer was investigated for simulation models. It was also compared with salt-gradient solar pond. In thermal collector part, thermal storage layer and soil, some equations of heat transfer were drawn to establish optimum conditions for design, respectively. They were given by analysis of complex heat transfer using simulation models. They were concluded as being the following: (1) Flow rate of the water circulation on the collectors was 50(kg/(m^2・h)). (2) Minimum incident solar radiation for starting of pumping was 500(W/m^2). (3) Depth of thermal storage layer is 3〜5(m). (4) Thickness of the insulation was more than 10(cm), (5) Surface area of pond is more than 100(m^2). Although the maximum water temperature in thermal storage layer was lower than salt-gradient solar pond, annual temperature hardly changed. Consequently, this system has advantage of use during winter was shown for this system. In addition, it was clearly presented that it is possible to use also for power generation and greenhouse heating.

© 2004 一般社団法人 日本機械学会
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