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Automated termination proofs for logic programs by term rewriting

Published:06 November 2009Publication History
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There are two kinds of approaches for termination analysis of logic programs: “transformational” and “direct” ones. Direct approaches prove termination directly on the basis of the logic program. Transformational approaches transform a logic program into a Term Rewrite System (TRS) and then analyze termination of the resulting TRS instead. Thus, transformational approaches make all methods previously developed for TRSs available for logic programs as well. However, the applicability of most existing transformations is quite restricted, as they can only be used for certain subclasses of logic programs. (Most of them are restricted to well-moded programs.) In this article we improve these transformations such that they become applicable for any definite logic program. To simulate the behavior of logic programs by TRSs, we slightly modify the notion of rewriting by permitting infinite terms. We show that our transformation results in TRSs which are indeed suitable for automated termination analysis. In contrast to most other methods for termination of logic programs, our technique is also sound for logic programming without occur check, which is typically used in practice. We implemented our approach in the termination prover AProVE and successfully evaluated it on a large collection of examples.


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  1. Automated termination proofs for logic programs by term rewriting



            German Vidal

            Analyzing the termination of programs is perhaps one of the most active research topics in most declarative programming languages. Within the logic programming paradigm, one can find two different types of approaches to analyze termination: direct approaches that deal with logic programs without any preprocessing, and transformational approaches that first transform them to term rewriting systems, and then analyze the termination of these systems. The transformational approach is particularly interesting, because it allows one to reuse the huge body of techniques and tools for analyzing the termination of term rewriting systems, perhaps the one setting where a lot of effort has been devoted to this kind of research. In this paper, the authors follow the transformational approach. In contrast to previous approaches in the literature, they impose no restrictions on the logic programs to be analyzed. In addition, the analysis of the transformed term rewriting systems can easily be automated using existing techniques and tools, such as the system AProVE [1], one of the most successful termination provers for term rewriting systems. A key idea in this paper is the discovery that variables in a logic programming language can be seen as infinite terms in the term rewriting framework. This idea is then combined with the use of argument filtering to get rid of these infinite terms, so that the analysis essentially boils down to an ordinary termination analysis for term rewriting systems over finite terms. In conclusion, this is a must-read paper for anyone who is interested in the termination analysis of logic programming languages. Online Computing Reviews Service

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              cover image ACM Transactions on Computational Logic
              ACM Transactions on Computational Logic  Volume 11, Issue 1
              October 2009
              270 pages
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              Association for Computing Machinery

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              Publication History

              • Published: 6 November 2009
              • Accepted: 1 July 2008
              • Received: 1 March 2008
              Published in tocl Volume 11, Issue 1


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