Correction to: Nature online 27 July 2022

In the version of this article initially published, the first paragraph of the “Health impacts of milk consumption” section contained incorrect figures regarding milk consumers reporting following lactose-free diets. “2.5%” has been corrected to “0.63%,” and the 95% confidence interval of “2.4–2.7%” has been corrected to “0.59–0.67%.”

Similarly, the top section of Fig. 4 contains two lactose-free diet results and error bars which have been corrected; the corresponding section of the figure caption has been corrected from “derived from field 20086; 0.94 OR (95% CI 0.87, 0.99)” to “derived from field 20086; 0.95 OR (95% CI 0.89, 1.01).” Further, the Acknowledgements have been updated to include “D. Altoft, B. Banecki, L. Benson, P. Bickle (University of York, UK), S. Ferrandin, A. Lafarge, C. Maule (University of Bristol, UK), D. Miernecka, C. Walton-Doyle (University of Manchester, UK) and I. Wiltshire (University of Bristol, UK) are acknowledged for the sampling and/or analysis of some potsherds from this study at the University of Bristol.” The changes have been made to the HTML and PDF versions of the article.