AGU honors program logo

Since its founding, the American Geophysical Union (AGU) has paid special tribute to outstanding contributors to the advancement of Earth and space sciences. We also recognize individuals who have given exceptional service to our scientific community or have enhanced public understanding and awareness of our disciplines and their impacts on human knowledge and society. On behalf of AGU’s Honors and Recognition Committee, our Union selection committees, and our organization’s leadership and staff, we are very pleased to present the recipients of AGU’s 2016 Union medals, awards, and prizes.

Realizing Our Vision

AGU offers a vision of collaboratively advancing and communicating science and its power to ensure a sustainable future.  Our honorees’ achievements help build the foundations on which we will realize that vision. We thank all who have given their support and commitment to AGU’s honors program, including the volunteers who serve on the medals, awards, and prizes selection committees that have chosen this year’s Union honors recipients.  We also thank the nominators and supporters who made this all possible with dedicated efforts to recognize their colleagues.

Celebrate at Fall Meeting

We look forward to celebrating our honorees’ profound contributions and breakthrough achievements at this year’s Honors Tribute to be held on Wednesday, 14 December 2016, at the Fall Meeting in San Francisco.

Please join us in congratulating our esteemed class of 2016 Union honorees listed below.


William Bowie Medal
Stanley R. Hart, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

James B. Macelwane Medal
Andy Hooper, University of Leeds
Maureen D. Long, Yale University
Toshi Nishimura, University of California, Los Angeles
Appy Sluijs, Utrecht University
Gabriele Villarini, University of Iowa

John Adam Fleming Medal
Rob Coe, University of California, Santa Cruz

Walter H. Bucher Medal
Samuel A. Bowring, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Maurice Ewing Medal
Peter G. Brewer, Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute

Robert E. Horton Medal
Thomas Dunne, University of California, Santa Barbara

Harry H. Hess Medal
Alex Halliday, University of Oxford

Roger Revelle Medal
Ellen R. M. Druffel, University of California, Irvine

Inge Lehmann Medal
Shun-ichiro Karato, Yale University

Charles A. Whitten Medal
Veronique M. A. Dehant, Observatoire Royal de Belgique


Africa Awards for Research Excellence in Earth/Ocean Science
Musa Siphiwe Doctor Manzi, University of the Witwatersrand

Africa Awards for Research Excellence in Space Science
John Bosco Habarulema, South African National Space Agency and Rhodes University

Ambassador Awards
Ashanti Johnson, Mercer University-Cirrus Academy
M. Susan Lozier, Duke University
Anne Meltzer, Lehigh University
Naomi Oreskes, Harvard University

Edward A. Flinn III Award
Pavel Ya Groisman, University Corporation for Atmospheric Research

Excellence in Geophysical Education Award
Ashanti Johnson, Mercer University-Cirrus Academy

Charles S. Falkenberg Award
Kevin J. Murphy, NASA Headquarters

William Kaula Award
Louis J. Lanzerotti, New Jersey Institute of Technology

Waldo E. Smith Award
Mark Moldwin, University of Michigan

Athelstan Spilhaus Award
Roberta Johnson, University of Illinois

International Award
Tom Beer, Safe System Solutions

Science for Solutions Award
David Seekell, Umeå University

Walter Sullivan Award for Excellence in Science Journalism–Features
Lizzie Wade, Science

David Perlman Award for Excellence in Science Journalism–News
Alexandra Witze, Correspondent, Nature


The Asahiko Taira International Scientific Ocean Drilling Research Prize
Heiko Pälike, MARUM Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, University of Bremen

Climate Communications Prize
Richard B. Alley, Pennsylvania State University

—Margaret Leinen, AGU President; and Sam Mukasa, Chair, Honors and Recognition Committee; email:


Leinen, M.,Mukasa, S. (2016), 2016 AGU Union medal, award, and prize recipients announced, Eos, 97, Published on 21 July 2016.

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