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  • Munksgaard International Publishers  (2)
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    Electronic Resource
    Electronic Resource
    Oxford, UK; Malden, USA : Munksgaard International Publishers
    Experimental dermatology 13 (2004), S. 0 
    ISSN: 1600-0625
    Source: Blackwell Publishing Journal Backfiles 1879-2005
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Abstract:  The N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor is expressed on neural tissue where it gates calcium ion entry upon stimulation. Using immunohistochemistry, it has been demonstrated in this study that the NMDAR1 receptor is also expressed on keratinocytes (KCs) in normal human skin and inflamed psoriatic skin in vivo. Furthermore, the NMDA receptor was functional as demonstrated by the ability of this receptor to trigger Ca++ influx in KCs. Incubation of cultured, human KCs with MK-801 decreases the cell growth and induces an increase in apoptosis. These findings demonstrate that the KC expression of NMDA receptor is a mechanism through which the influx of Ca++ into the cell can be regulated and suggest that the expression of this receptor may play a role in the regulation of KC growth and differentiation.
    Type of Medium: Electronic Resource
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  • 2
    Electronic Resource
    Electronic Resource
    Copenhagen : Munksgaard International Publishers
    Experimental dermatology 9 (2000), S. 0 
    ISSN: 1600-0625
    Source: Blackwell Publishing Journal Backfiles 1879-2005
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Abstract: The etiology and pathogenesis of psoriasis – one of the most common chronic, inflammatory, hyperproliferative skin disorders of man – have long fascinated dermatologists, pathologists and biologists alike. Here, we have a model disease that offers to study neuroectodermal-mesenchymal interactions in the widest sense possible. Epithelial, endothelial, and hematopoietic cells as well as neurons projecting into the skin apparently all interact with each other to generate the characteristic psoriatic lesion. For decades, the ongoing controversy on the molecular nature, choreography and hierarchy of these complex interactions e.g. between epidermal keratinocytes, T cells, neurotrophils, endothelial cells and sensory nerves has served as a driving force propelling investigative dermatology to ever new horizons. This debate has not only been at the heart of our quest to develop more effective forms of therapy for this socially crippling disease, but it also has profoundly influenced how we view the skin as a whole: the numerous competing theories on the pathogenesis of psoriasis published so far also are reflections on the evolution of mainstream thought in skin biology over the last decades. These days, conventional wisdom – infatuated with a T-cell-centered approach to inflammatory skin diseases – portrays psoriasis as an autoimmune disease, where misguided T lymphocyte activities cause secondary epithelial abnormalities. And yet, as this CONTROVERSIES feature reminds us, some authoritative “pockets of academic resistance” are still quite alive, and interpret psoriasis e.g. as a genetically determined, abnormal epithelial response pattern to infectious and/or physicochemical skin insults. Weighing the corresponding lines of argumentation is not only an intriguing, clinically relevant intellectual exercise, but also serves as a wonderful instrument for questioning our own views of the skin universe and its patterns of deviation from a state of homeostasis.
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