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  • Springer  (6)
  • 1995-1999  (5)
  • 1990-1994  (1)
  • 1
    Electronic Resource
    Electronic Resource
    Journal of atmospheric chemistry 22 (1995), S. 243-249 
    ISSN: 1573-0662
    Keywords: acetaldehyde ; background troposphere ; concentration distribution ; aircraft ; sampling technique
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Chemistry and Pharmacology , Geosciences
    Notes: Abstract A series of 72 measurements of the acetaldehyde (CH3CHO) mixing ratio were made in the lower troposphere during TROPOZ II. These measurements are the first ever made of the background level of this trace gas in the free troposphere. The data show a vertical decrease of the CH3CHO mixing ratio with increasing altitude and indicate higher CH3CHO concentrations in the Northern Hemisphere — in general agreement with a model-derived average CH3CHO distribution. Deviations of the observed CH3CHO mixing ratios from the modelled mean distribution are correlated with similar deviations in the corresponding HCHO mixing ratios.
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  • 2
    Electronic Resource
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    Journal of atmospheric chemistry 22 (1995), S. 251-269 
    ISSN: 1573-0662
    Keywords: formaldehyde ; background troposphere ; concentration distribution ; aircraft ; sampling technique ; methane oxidation
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Chemistry and Pharmacology , Geosciences
    Notes: Abstract A series of 149 measurements of the HCHO mixing ratio were made between 0 and 10 km altitude and 70° N to 60° S latitude during TROPOZ II. The data show a vertical decrease of the HCHO mixing ratio with altitude at all latitudes and a broad latitudinal maximum in the HCHO mixing ratio between 30° N and 30° S at all altitudes. The measured mixing ratios of HCHO are considerably higher than those expected from CH4 oxidation alone, but agree broadly with the average latitude by altitude distribution of HCHO derived by a 2D model including emissions of C1–C7 hydrocarbons. A number of the regional scale deviations of the measured HCHO distribution from the average modelled one can be explained in terms of the local wind field.
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  • 3
    ISSN: 1573-0662
    Keywords: OH instrument ; laser-induced fluorescence ; OH measurements ; photochemistry
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Chemistry and Pharmacology , Geosciences
    Notes: Abstract Tropospheric hydroxyl radical (OH) concentrations were measured by laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) during the POPCORN field campaign in August 1994 at a rural site in the North East of Germany. Ambient air spectra were recorded by tuning the laser wavelength over a spectral region covering the Q11(3), Q21(3), and P11(1) rotational transitions of the (0-0) band in the A-X system of OH around 308 nm. The observed spectra clearly identify the OH radical in the atmosphere. Besides the OH absorption lines there was no sign of any other narrow-band spectral structure nearby demonstrating the high specificity of the method. For OH measurements with a typical time resolution of 60–100 seconds per data point the laser wavelength was tuned repetitively over small spectral intervals covering the peak position of the P11(1) OH-line and background positions. A total of 2300 measurements were recorded including diurnal cycles of OH with more than 300 data points. The OH as well as the LIF background signal data will be presented. In a first analysis the background signal will be characterized and the correlation between OH and the ozone photolysis frequency will be derived.
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  • 4
    ISSN: 1573-0662
    Keywords: OH intercomparison ; laser absorption spectroscopy ; DOAS ; laser induced fluorescence ; LIF ; troposphere
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Chemistry and Pharmacology , Geosciences
    Notes: Abstract In-situ OH measurements by laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) spectroscopy and folded long-path differential optical absorption spectroscopy (DOAS) were carried out in a rural environment in North-East Germany as part of the field experiment POPCORN in August 1994. The large set of OH data obtained allowed an intercomparison of both techniques based on relative diurnal profiles and simultaneously measured absolute concentrations. Most of the time the two OH instruments encountered the same air and agreed well in the measured relative diurnal variations. Only on a few occasions the measurements significantly disagreed due to a perturbation of the DOAS measurements by a local OH source in the north-western wind sector. Excluding data from this wind direction, the statistical analysis of 137 data pairs yields a correlation coefficient of r = 0.90 and a weighted linear fit with a slope of 1.09 ± 0.12. The correlations are carefully analyzed. The comparison of both instruments is discussed in the light of newly published effective absorption cross-sections for H2O and O2 that affect the calibration of LIF.
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  • 5
    ISSN: 1573-0662
    Keywords: NOx ; J(NO2) ; soil emissions ; photostationary state
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Chemistry and Pharmacology , Geosciences
    Notes: Abstract Ambient mixing ratios of NO, NO2, and O3 were determined together with the photolysis frequency of NO2, JNO2, at a rural, agricultural site in Germany. The data were collected during the POPCORN-campaign from August 1 to August 24, 1994, in a maize field 6 m above ground. The medians of the NO, NO2, and O3 mixing ratios between 10:00 and 14:00 UT were 0.25, 1.09, and 45 ppbv, respectively. The corresponding median of JNO2 was 6.0 · 10−3 s−1. NOx = NO + NO2 showed a strong diurnal variation with maximum mixing ratios at night, suggestive of a strong local surface source of NO, probably by microbial activity in the soil. The estimated average emission rate was 40 ng(N) m−2 s−1 of NOx, the major part of it probably in the form of NO. The available measurements allowed the estimation of the local NOx budget. At night the budget is almost closed and the measured NOx mixing ratios can be explained by the local source, local dry deposition of NO2, formation of NO3 and N2O5, and vertical exchange of air across the nocturnal inversion. During day-time, the local surface source of NO is not sufficient to explain the measured mixing ratios, and horizontal advection of NOx to the site must be included. The NO2/NO ratio during the morning und late afternoon is lower than predicted from the photostationary state owing to the local NO surface source, but is regulary higher during the hours around noon. For noon, August 10, 1994, the NO2/NO ratio was used to derive the momentary lower limit for the concentration of the peroxy-radicals of 2.2 · 109 cm−3 (86 pptv).
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  • 6
    ISSN: 1573-0662
    Keywords: Acetylene ; atmospheric composition ; solar observations
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Chemistry and Pharmacology , Geosciences
    Notes: Abstract Monthly mean total vertical column abundances of acetylene have been determined from series of infrared solar spectra recorded at the Jungfraujoch station, Switzerland, between June 1986 and April 1991. The data have been obtained by nonlinear least-squares fittings of the ν5 band R19 transition of C2H2 at 776.0818 cm-1. The average of 22 monthly mean total vertical columns of C2H2 retrieved during that time interval of almost 5 years was found to be equal to (1.81±0.12)×1015 molec/cm2, which corresponds to an average mixing ratio of (0,22±0.013) ppbv (parts per billion by volume) in a troposphere extending from the altitude of the station (3.58 km), up to 10.5 km. Despite the large variability found from year to year, a least-squares sine fit to the data reveals a seasonal variation with an amplitude of about ±40% of the mean; the maximum occurs during mid-winter and the minimum in the summer. The present results are compared critically with similar in-situ data found in the literature. A sinusoidal fit to all such free troposphere measurements made in-situ between 30°N and 60°N indicates good agreement in shape and phase with the seasonal variation derived above the Jungfraujoch, but their average column abundance, 2.3×1015 molec/cm2, is about 30% higher; this difference is explained on the basis of non-upwelling meteorological conditions generally prevailing during ground-based remote solar observations.
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