Description / Table of Contents:
Intro -- Preface -- Organization -- Contents -- Peer-Review Statements -- 1 Review Procedure -- 2 Quality Criteria -- 3 Key Metrics -- 3.1 Competing Interests -- Pranakan as the Identity of Courtiers of the Yogyakarta Palace (Ethnolinguistic Study) -- Morphological Changes in Words with Superlative Meanings in the Javanese Language of the Magelang Sub-Dialect in Speech Communities in the Andong and Telomoyo's Mountains -- Literacy of Sundanese-language Prayer Texts Through Whatsapp Social Media -- Representation of Power in the Myth of Prince Samudra -- The Sirih Temple: The Temple Made of Tuff Stone of The Outside of The Ancient Mataram -- Gunung Padang Stone Terraces as A Modification of The Highland Resource for Ancestor Worship Activity -- Development of A Noble Speech Culture Based on Sabdajati Manuscript by Ranggawarsita III as a Representation of Power -- Internal Conflict of Main Character Karna in Wayang Kulit Performance "Karna Tandhing" by Ki Seno Nugroho -- Rhyme in the Sundanese Mantra Manuscript Text: The Connection of Structure, Meaning, and Functions in Society -- Javanese Language Politeness in Novel Prasetyane Wanita by Tulus Setiyadi -- Rajah on Ngikis Ceremony in Karangkamulyan Site Ciamis -- Symbolic meaning of Nyadran, Javanese tradition at the Banyon village, Central Klaten District, Regency of Klaten -- Quality of Language Readability in Kartika Textbook Based on BSNP Parameters -- Representation of Power Serat Sestradi as A Basic for Cultivation Ethics and Morals Values in Kindergarten Student -- Gastrolinguistic Cultural Semantics of Sega Creative Processed in Java's Custom and Traditional Ceremonies as National Value Reinforcement -- Serat Wicara Keras and The Hegemony of Javanese Priyayi -- The Land and Water Ritual in Toyomarto Singasari Malang: Genealogy and Social Praxis -- Keboan: Emik, Syncretism, and Negotiation.
Type of Medium:
Online Resource
1 online resource (413 pages)
1st ed.
Series Statement:
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research Series v.833
Description based on publisher supplied metadata and other sources