Sustainable development-Egypt-Dakhla Oasis.
Electronic books.
Type of Medium:
Online Resource
1 online resource (295 pages)
1st ed.
Series Statement:
Earth and Environmental Sciences Library
Intro -- Preface -- Contents -- Introduction -- Introduction to "Sustainable Water Solutions in the Western Desert, Egypt: Dakhla Oasis" -- 1 Background -- 2 Themes of the Book -- 3 Chapters' Summary -- 3.1 Geology, Geomorphology, Archaeology and Climate -- 3.2 Land Use, Soil and Cultivation -- 3.3 Hydrology and Water -- References -- The Egyptian Western Desert: Water, Agriculture and Culture of Oasis Communities -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Historical Background of the Oasis Community in the Western Desert -- 3 Population -- 4 Migration -- 5 Economic Activities in Oases -- 5.1 Agriculture -- 5.2 Mining -- 5.3 Pottery -- 6 Women's Life and Activities -- 7 Impact of Tourism on Agriculture -- 8 Problems of Environment -- 9 Conclusion -- 10 Recommendations -- References -- Geology, Geomorphology, Archaeology and Climate -- Geology of Dakhla Oasis, Western Desert, Egypt -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Geomorphology -- 2.1 The Dakhla-Abu Minqar Plateau -- 2.2 The Scarp Face -- 2.3 The Dakhla Depression -- 3 Stratigraphy -- 3.1 Upper Cretaceous-Paleocene Rock Units -- 3.2 Taref Formation -- 3.3 Paleocene-Lower Eocene Rock Units -- 3.4 The Quaternary Deposits -- 4 Geologic Structures -- 5 Conclusions -- 6 Recommendation -- References -- Geomorphology of Dakhla Depression -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Regional Geomorphology -- 3 Principal Geomorphological Units -- 3.1 Plateau and Escarpment -- 3.2 Depression Floor -- 3.3 Sand Dunes -- 3.4 North: (El Dakar Dune Filed) -- 3.5 West: (Great Sand Sea) -- 3.6 East: (Dune Free-Zone) -- 3.7 South -- 4 Conclusion and Recommendations -- References -- Archaeological Sites in Dakhla Oasis, Western Desert, Egypt -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Archaeological Sites in Dakhla Oasis -- 2.1 Deir al-Hagar Temple -- 2.2 Deir al-Hagar Ancient Water Supply System -- 2.3 Qaret al-Muzawaka Tombs -- 2.4 Al-Qasr Islamic Village.
2.5 Darb al-Ghabari Inscriptions -- 2.6 Bashandi Village -- 2.7 Balat Village -- 2.8 The Pharaonic Tombs in Balat -- 3 Gilf Kebir Area -- 3.1 Abu Ballas Area -- 3.2 The Rock Art Inscriptions -- 3.3 Gilf Kebir National Park (GKNP) -- 3.4 The Silica Glass Area -- 4 Conclusion -- 5 Recommendations -- References -- Climate Features of Dakhla Oasis -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Climatic History of the Western Desert of Egypt -- 3 Overview of the Climate in Egypt Today -- 4 Climatic Characteristics of Dakhla Oasis -- 4.1 Sunshine Duration, Precipitation, and Aridity -- 4.2 Temperature -- 4.3 Wind Conditions -- 4.4 Humidity -- 4.5 Climatic Differences Between the Dakhla and Kharga Oases -- 5 Conclusions -- 6 Recommendations -- References -- Land Use, Soil and Cultivation -- Aeolian Sand Transport Potential and Its Environmental Impact in Dakhla Oasis, Egypt -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Sand Dunes in Africa -- 2.1 Sahara Dunes -- 2.2 Kalahari Dunes -- 2.3 Namib Sand Dunes -- 2.4 Topography of Dakhla Oasis -- 2.5 Geology of Dakhla Oasis -- 2.6 Land Use and Land Cover in Dakhla Oasis -- 2.7 Types of Sand Dunes in Dakhla Oasis -- 2.8 Grain Size of Sand Dunes of Dakhla Oasis -- 2.9 Sand Grain Morphology in Dakhla Oasis -- 2.10 Mineral Composition of Dune Sands of Dakhla Oasis -- 3 Movement of Sand Dunes in Dakhla Oasis -- 4 Sand Drift Potential (SDP) in Dakhla Oasis -- 5 Dune Movement Threat in Dakhla Oasis -- 6 Conclusions -- 7 Recommendations -- References -- Soil Conditions of Dakhla Oasis, Western Desert, Egypt -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Location of Dakhla Oasis -- 3 Geomorphology of Dakhla Oasis -- 3.1 Escarpment -- 3.2 Sandy Plain -- 3.3 River Terraces -- 3.4 Sand Dune -- 3.5 Sand Sheet -- 3.6 Inselbergs -- 3.7 Pavement Plain -- 3.8 Playa -- 3.9 Footslope -- 4 Climate Data of Dakhla Oasis -- 5 Soil Characteristics of Dakhla Oasis -- 6 Soil Classification of Dakhla Oasis.
7 Land Evaluation of Dakhla Oasis -- 7.1 Land Capability -- 7.2 Land Suitability -- 8 Conclusion -- 9 Recommendation -- References -- Remote Sensing and GIS for Land Use/Land Cover Change Detection in Dakhla Oasis -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Study Area -- 2.1 Location -- 2.2 Demographic Trend -- 2.3 Climate -- 3 Materials and Methods -- 4 Results -- 4.1 Main Land Use/Land Cover Classes -- 4.2 Land Use/Land Cover Change Detection -- 5 Conclusions -- 6 Recommendations -- References -- Crop Diversification and Its Efficiency in Rashda Village, Dakhla Oasis -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Diversification of Farming Practices in Rashda Village -- 2.1 Crops in Dakhla Oasis -- 2.2 Different Cultivations by Type of Well -- 2.3 Crop Rotation in the Government Well Irrigation Districts -- 2.4 Diversification Strategy According to Land Size -- 3 Model and Data -- 3.1 Model -- 3.2 Data -- 4 Empirical Results and Discussion -- 4.1 Empirical Results -- 4.2 Discussion -- 5 Summary and Conclusions -- 6 Recommendations -- References -- Hydrological Aspects and Water Resources -- Hydrologeological and Hydrological Conditions of Dakhla Oasis -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Climate -- 3 Geologic Setting -- 4 Hydrologeological Conditions -- 4.1 The Aquifer Geometry -- 4.2 Aquifer Recharge -- 4.3 Aquifer Potentiometry and Pattern for Groundwater Flow -- 4.4 Groundwater Quality -- 4.5 Nubian Sandstone Age Dating -- 5 Irrigation and Drainage System in Dakhla Oasis -- 5.1 Drainage Network in the Depression -- 5.2 Drainage Ponds in Dakhla Oasis -- 5.3 Usage of Drainage Water -- 6 Conclusions -- 7 Recommendations -- References -- History of Wells in Rashda Village, Dakhla Oasis -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Development of Modern Wells in Dakhla Oasis -- 2.1 Wells and Boring Until the Beginning of the Twentieth Century -- 2.2 Deep-Well Boring Since the Mid-Twentieth Century.
3 Wells in Rashda Until the Beginning of the Twentieth Century -- 4 Wells in Rashda Since the Mid-Twentieth Century -- 4.1 End of the 1950s to the 1970s: Government Wells -- 4.2 Since the 1980s: Investment Wells and Surface Springs -- 5 Change in the Human-and-Water Relationship -- 5.1 Years of Well Construction -- 5.2 Continuous Well Drilling -- 6 Conclusions -- 7 Recommendations -- References -- Development of Land Use and Groundwater in Rashda Village (Dakhla Oasis), 1960s-2018 -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Research Site -- 2.1 Demographic Features -- 2.2 Topographic Features -- 3 Methods and Data Used -- 3.1 Data -- 3.2 Methods -- 4 Results and Discussion -- 4.1 Land Use/Cover Classifications -- 4.2 Land Use/Land Cover in 1968 -- 4.3 Land Use/Land Cover in 1988 -- 4.4 Land Use/Land Cover in 2003 -- 4.5 Land Use/Land Cover in 2018 -- 4.6 Land Use/Land Cover Change Detection -- 4.7 Land Use Change Detection from 1968 to 1988 -- 4.8 Land Use Change Detection from 1988 to 2003 -- 4.9 Land Use Change Detection from 2003 to 2018 -- 4.10 Land Use Change and Development of Wells in the Northern Section of Rashda Village -- 5 Conclusions -- 6 Recommendations -- References -- Detecting and Controlling the Waterlogging in Dakhla Basin -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Study Area -- 2.1 Kharga-Dakhla-Farafra Depressions -- 2.2 New Valley Project -- 3 Case 1: Kharga Oasis -- 4 Case 2: Dakhla Oasis -- 5 Case 3: Farafra Oasis -- 6 Waterlogging in Dakhla Basin -- 7 Conclusions -- 8 Recommendations and Potential for Future -- References -- Hydrogeophysical Investigations Using DC Resistivity Survey to Assess the Water Potentialities of the Shallow Aquifer Zone in East of Dakhla Oasis, Egypt -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Geological and Hydrogeological Setting -- 3 Methodology -- 4 Results and Discussion -- 4.1 Aquifer Characterizations -- 4.2 Faults and Recharge of NSAS.
4.3 Resistivity and Water Quality of the Upper Aquifer Zone -- 5 Conclusions -- 6 Recommendations -- References -- Conclusions -- Update, Conclusions, and Recommendations of "Sustainable Water Solutions in the Western Desert, Egypt: Dakhla Oasis" -- 1 Introduction -- 2 An Update -- 3 Conclusions -- 4 Recommendations -- References.