Description / Table of Contents:
Intro -- Preface -- Contents -- 1 Risk Communication 101: A Few Benchmarks -- Abstract -- Introduction -- The Crisis, the Experts and the Public -- Baseline -- First Cracks in the Conventional Wisdom -- Disputing Experts' Central Position: The Dialogic Turn -- Entering the Twenty-First Century: Facing Social Networks and Governance Issues -- After 2010: The Narrative Turn -- Conclusion -- References -- Persuading in Peace Time: A Long Lasting Story -- 2 Public Participation in the Debate on Industrial Risk in France: A Success Story? -- Abstract -- Introduction: The Growth of Public Participation -- Public Participation on Industrial Risk: The French Context -- Clear Progress and Significant Benefits -- Why Is the Public Unenthusiastic? -- Just the Latest Hot Topic? -- Industrial Risk: A Motivating Theme? -- A Potentially Brutal Introduction -- An Expensive Process -- Organizing the Debate: What Is at Stake -- Trust and Transparency -- Asymmetry Between Participants -- Legitimacy of Participants -- Formal and Informal Discussion Spaces -- Who Makes the Decisions? -- Conclusion: A Passing Trend? Be Aware of Limitations and Avoid Pitfalls -- References -- 3 Organizing Risk Communication for Effective Preparedness: Using Plans as a Catalyst for Risk Communication -- Abstract -- Introduction: The Xynthia Disaster, a Failure of Risk Communication? -- Communication as a Critical Element in Crisis Response Preparedness -- The Stakes of Anticipation and Resilience for Preparedness -- Crisis Response Plans in the French Preparedness Framework -- Using Crisis Response Plans as Living Documents: The Limits of Anticipation -- The Organizational Logic of Resilience as Opposed to the Anticipatory Logic Conveyed by Plans -- Communication Processes as a Way to Combine Anticipation and Resilience -- Empirical Settings.
Type of Medium:
Online Resource
1 online resource (176 pages)
1st ed.
Series Statement:
SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology Series
Description based on publisher supplied metadata and other sources