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  • 1
    Keywords: Electronic books.
    Type of Medium: Online Resource
    Pages: 1 online resource (242 pages)
    Edition: 1st ed.
    ISBN: 9783406749797
    Language: German
    Note: Cover -- Titel -- Impressum -- Inhalt -- Vorwort: Die Einzigartigkeit der Vögel -- I. DIE ÜBERWÄLTIGENDE MANNIGFALTIGKEIT -- 1. Auf der Suche nach der gefiederten Vielfalt -- Ein früher Pionier -- Grelles Getöse und metallisches Klicken -- 2. Ordnung schaffen im Chaos der Vielfalt -- Was macht einen Vogel zum Vogel? -- Der krumme Weg zur Artbestimmung -- 3. Alles im Angebot: Der Katalog der Vögel -- Woran erkennen sich Stare und Goldhähnchen? -- Mayrs Entwurf und die wundersame Artenvermehrung -- 4. Von der Art zur Persönlichkeit -- Jonathan Franzen sucht den Insel-Rayadito -- Amsel ist nicht gleich Amsel -- Lauter Individualisten? -- Zwischen Konstanz und Verwandlung -- Der Zoodirektor, der das Individuum entdeckte -- II. ZWISCHEN PARTNERSCHAFT UND FEINDSCHAFT -- 5. Krähen, Raben und Stare: Geselligkeit und der Reiz des Andersartigen -- Gesprächigkeit einer Krähe -- Schlafen unter freiem Himmel -- Wenn Vögel sich etwas mitzuteilen haben -- Elstern und Wildschweine, Hirtenstar und Hase -- 6. Lebensgemeinschaften zwischen Konflikt, Verständigung und Notwendigkeit -- Ungleiche Partner: Verlierer, Profiteure oder stoische Genossen? -- Mobbing im Wald -- 7. Das Schnarren der Dohlen -- Todesgefahren -- Die Vorsicht des Vogels: Erfahrungen in der Voliere -- Wenn Blicke töten könnten -- Nesträuber und andere Prädatoren -- 8. Kuckuckswege -- Auch ein Kuckuck lässt sich verwirren -- Zwischen Erfolg und Scheitern liegt ein schmaler Pfad -- Wege zum Brutparasitismus -- III. FORTPFLANZUNG - ZWISCHEN TREUE UND UNTREUE -- 9. Alles Leben läuft auf Fortpflanzung hinaus -- Das wilde Potpourri der Brutgewohnheiten -- Das Ringen um die Nachkommenschaft -- Lehrstunde bei Friedrich Wilhelm Merkel, Hausmeister der Stare -- 10. Von heimischen Staren zu fernen Paradiesvögeln und nahen Kampfläufern -- Was macht Stare attraktiv?. , Allem Anfang wohnt ein Zauber inne: Wallace und die Paradiesvögel -- Die Arena-Strategie -- Trickreiche Schönheit und die Risiken -- Die Ästhetik des Individuums -- 11. Hochamt der Monogamie: Nashornvögel -- Huai Kha Khaeng -- Jahrvögel und Feigenbäume -- Über dem Golf von Thailand -- Evolutionäre Ironie -- Früchte sind nicht alles -- 12. Patchwork- und Großfamilien -- Viele Wege führen zum Familienglück, aber warum? -- Die Familienpolitik der Dreifarben-Glanzstare -- Das Massenbrüten der Blutschnabelweber -- IV. DIE SINNE DER VÖGEL UND DER ZUSAMMENPRALL MIT DEM MENSCHEN -- 13. Das Arsenal der Sinne -- Was Menschen und Vögel verbindet -- Was Vögel wahrnehmen können -- Das Vogelauge: Spielfeld der Evolution -- Das Rechts-Links-Problem im Tierreich -- 14. Nicht alle sind Genies und manche haben einen Vogel -- Eine verkrachte Rotkardinal-Existenz -- Von den Temperamenten der Vögel -- Zum urbanen Leben verdammt -- Aliens und Parias -- 15. Die Vogelwelt im Anthropozän -- Apokalypse der Geschnäbelten? -- Was können wir für die Vögel tun? -- Dank -- Anmerkungen -- Literatur -- Verzeichnis der Tierarten -- Zum Buch.
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  • 2
    Keywords: Plants-Nutrition. ; Electronic books.
    Type of Medium: Online Resource
    Pages: 1 online resource (177 pages)
    Edition: 1st ed.
    ISBN: 9783745300062
    DDC: 581.1335
    Language: German
    Note: Cover -- Impressum -- Titel -- INHALT -- LEKTINE - BRANDHEISS DISKUTIERT … -- PFLANZEN MÖGEN UNS NICHT -- SO SCHÜTZEN SICH PFLANZEN VOR IHREN FEINDEN -- Farben, Härchen, Bitterstoffe und andere Abwehrmechanismen -- Auch Pflanzen kommunizieren -- DIE BEDEUTUNG VON SEKUNDÄREN PFLANZENSTOFFEN -- Schlecht für die Tiere, gut für uns? -- Überblick über Antinährstoffe -- LEKTINE UND IHRE WIRKUNG -- Wie Lektine auf Organismen wirken -- Übelkeit, Fieber und andere Vergiftungserscheinungen -- Welche Krankheiten Lektine verursachen -- Die Darmbarriere und das Leaky-Gut-Syndrom -- Autoimmunerkrankungen und ihre Verbindung zu Lektin -- LEKTINFREI LEBEN - JA ODER NEIN? -- Positive Erfahrungsberichte lassen hoffen -- LEKTINE IN UNSEREN LEBENSMITTELN -- LEKTINFREIE UND LEKTINHALTIGELEBENSMITTEL -- Gemüse und Hülsenfrüchte -- Soja und Sojaprodukte -- Selbst gemachte Pastinakenchips -- Salate -- Algen -- Obst -- Getreide und Getreideprodukte -- Nüsse und Samen -- Fleisch, Fisch und Meeresfrüchte -- Milch und Milchprodukte -- Selbst gemachter Kokosjoghurt -- Kräuter und Gewürze -- Fette und Öle -- Extras, Süßigkeiten, Zucker und Süßstoffe -- SO WERDEN LEKTINE UNSCHÄDLICH -- Möglichkeit 1: Einweichen -- Möglichkeit 2: Kochen im Dampfdruckkochtopf -- Möglichkeit 3: Ausreichend langes Kochen -- Möglichkeit 4: Keimen lassen -- Möglichkeit 5: Schälen -- Möglichkeit 6: Fermentieren -- So fermentieren Sie Gemüse selbst -- DER 4-WOCHENPLAN -- DIE VORBEREITUNG AUF DEN LEKTINFREIEN ERNÄHRUNGSPLAN -- DAS ERNÄHRUNGSPROTOKOLL -- Nahrungsmittel und Getränke -- Tipps zu den Mengenangaben -- Symptome, Beschwerden und Gefühle -- Ihr persönliches Ernährungsprotokoll -- DER 4-WOCHEN-PLAN UND SEINE UMSETZUNG -- Woche 1 -- Woche 2 -- Woche 3 -- Woche 4 -- DIE REZEPTE -- Frühstück -- Mittagessen -- Abendessen -- ANHANG -- ÜBER DIE AUTOREN -- SACHREGISTER -- REZEPTREGISTER.
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  • 3
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Philadelphia :Elsevier,
    Keywords: Electronic books.
    Type of Medium: Online Resource
    Pages: 1 online resource (2389 pages)
    Edition: 7th ed.
    ISBN: 9780323393010
    Language: English
    Note: Front Cover -- Inside Front Cover -- Half title page -- Legends -- Plotkin's Vaccines -- Copyright Page -- Table Of Contents -- Foreword -- Preface to the First Edition -- Preface to the Seventh Edition -- Contributors -- Acknowledgments -- Dedication -- 1 General Aspects of Vaccination -- 1 A Short History of Vaccination -- Early Developments -- Louis Pasteur and the Age of Vaccination -- First Half of the 20th Century -- Second Half of the 20th Century to the Present -- Recombinant Protein Vaccines -- References -- 2 Vaccine Immunology -- How Do Vaccines Mediate Protection? -- What Are the Main Effectors of Vaccine Responses? -- From Innate to Adaptive Immunity Activation: The First Steps After Immunization -- Vaccine Antibody Responses -- How Are Primary Antibody Responses Elicited? -- T-Dependent Responses to Protein Antigens -- The Extrafollicular Reaction. -- The Germinal Center Reaction. -- T-Independent Responses to Polysaccharide Antigens -- What Are the Determinants of Primary Vaccine Antibody Responses? -- What Controls the Persistence of Vaccine Antibody Responses? -- What Are the Hallmarks of B-Cell Memory Responses? -- What Are the Determinants of B-Cell Memory Responses? -- Immune Memory and Vaccine-Induced Protection: A Race Between Reactivation and Microbial Invasion? -- T-Cell Vaccine Responses -- How Do Vaccines Induce CD4+ and CD8+ T-Cell Responses? -- What Are the Determinants of Vaccine-Induced T-Cell Memory? -- How Specific Are Vaccine Immune Responses? -- Vaccine Responses at the Extremes of Age -- The Challenges of Neonatal and Early Life Immunization. -- Age-Associated Changes in Vaccine Responses. -- References -- 3 Correlates of Protection -- Principles of Protection -- Principle 1: Protection Must Be Defined in Relation to Specific Phenomena. , Principle 2: The Mechanism of Protection by Vaccination Is Not Necessarily the Same Mechanism as Recovery From Infection -- Principle 3: A Large Challenge Dose Can Overcome Immunity -- Principle 4: Most Current Vaccines Protect Through Antibodies -- Principle 5: Correlates May Be Relative -- Principle 6: Antibodies Must Be Functional -- Principle 7: T-Cell Responses May Be Correlates -- Principle 8: More Than One Factor May Protect as Cocorrelates -- Principle 9: Memory May Be a Mechanistic Correlate of Protection -- Principle 10: There Are Convenient Nonmechanistic Correlates -- Statistical Issues in Developing Immune Correlates of Protection -- Complexity of Correlates -- Conclusions -- References -- 4 The Vaccine Industry -- Vaccine Development -- Role of Partners -- Funding Sources for Vaccine Research and Development -- India -- China -- Brazil -- Summary -- Pricing of Vaccines -- Vaccine Market -- Acknowledgments -- References -- 5 Vaccine Manufacturing -- Manufacturing Basics -- Examples of Vaccine Production -- Inactivated Virus (Influenza) -- Recombinant Protein (Hepatitis B) -- Conjugate Vaccine (Haemophilus influenzae Type B) -- Live Attenuated Vaccine (Measles) -- Virus-Like Particle-Based Vaccines -- Product Development -- Industry's Response to New Challenges -- Manufacturing Flexibility in Scale-Up: New Trends in Single Use -- Promise and Challenges of Distributed Manufacturing -- Future Challenges in Polio Vaccine Manufacturing -- Prime-Boost Vaccines -- References -- 6 Evolution of Adjuvants Across the Centuries -- Chance and Necessity: the Discovery of Adjuvants -- A Turning Point: Better Understanding of Immunology and Its Impact on the Development of Adjuvants -- Defining Adjuvants: Classification and Evaluation -- A Categorization of Adjuvants Based on Mechanism of Action -- Aluminum Salt Adjuvants -- Structure and Properties. , Effect of Freezing. -- Adsorption Mechanisms. -- Mechanisms of Action of Aluminum Salt Adjuvants. -- Safety of Aluminum-Containing Vaccines. -- Water-in-Oil Emulsions -- Oil-in-Water Emulsions -- Adjuvant Effect of Oil-in-Water Emulsions on Naïve Versus Primed Persons. -- Enhancing the Breadth of the Immune Response. -- Mode of Action. -- Safety of Squalene-Containing Oil-in-Water Emulsions. -- Other Oil Alternatives for Squalene. -- Toll-Like Receptor Agonists -- TLR4 Agonists -- Mechanism of Action of TLR4 Agonists. -- Species Specificity of TLR4 Receptor. -- Other TLR4 Agonists. -- Formulation Challenges. -- Safety of TLR4 Agonists. -- TLR9 Agonists -- Other TLR9 Agonists. -- Other Toll-Like Receptor Ligands -- Other Adjuvants -- Saponins. -- Virosomes. -- Polyelectrolytes and Polycations. -- Mucosal Adjuvants. -- Future Directions -- Acknowledgment -- References -- 7 Vaccine Additives and Manufacturing Residuals in Vaccines Licensed in the United States -- Vaccine Additives -- Preservatives -- Adjuvants -- Stabilizers -- Manufacturing Residuals -- Inactivation Residuals -- Residual Cell Culture Materials -- Antibiotics -- Sensitizing Substances -- Bacterial and Cellular Residuals -- Adventitious Agents -- Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathy Agents -- Summary -- References -- 8 Passive Immunization -- Maternal Antibodies: The Original Passive Immunotherapy -- Critical Parameters for Passive Immunotherapy -- Passive Immunity Against Respiratory and Enteric Pathogens -- Passive Immunization: A Paradigm Shift in Progress? -- Future of Passive Immunization -- References -- 9 General Immunization Practices -- Vaccine Storage and Handling -- Vaccine Administration -- Infection Control and Sterile Injection Technique -- Route of Administration -- Subcutaneous Injections -- Intramuscular Injections. , Vaccinating Persons With Bleeding Disorders and Persons Receiving Anticoagulant Therapy -- Intradermal Injections -- Oral Administration -- Intranasal Route -- Needle-Shielding/Needle-Free Devices -- Jet Injectors -- Alleviation of Pain and Discomfort Associated With Vaccination -- Ages for Administration of Immunobiologics -- Spacing of Vaccine Doses -- Spacing of Multiple Doses of the Same Vaccine -- Spacing of Different Vaccines -- Simultaneous Administration of Different Vaccines -- Interference by Immunoglobulins -- Interference With Live Virus Vaccines -- Interference With Inactivated and Component Vaccines -- Recommendations for Spacing Administration of Vaccines and Immunoglobulins -- Interchangeability of Vaccines From Different Manufacturers -- Hypersensitivity to Vaccine Components -- Types of Reactions -- Vaccine Components Causing Hypersensitivity -- Proteins -- Latex -- Antimicrobial Agents -- Thimerosal -- Management of Acute Vaccine Adverse Reactions -- Special Considerations -- Vaccination of Preterm Infants -- Breastfeeding and Immunization -- Vaccination During Pregnancy -- Vaccination of Household Contacts -- Vaccines Received Outside the United States -- Vaccination of Persons With A Personal or Family History of Seizures -- Vaccination During Acute Illness -- Contraindications to and Precautions Regarding Vaccination -- References -- 2 Licensed Vaccines and Vaccines in Development -- 10 Adenovirus Vaccines -- History of Disease -- Why the Disease Is Important -- Background -- Clinical Description -- Endemic Respiratory Adenovirus in Children -- Epidemic Respiratory Adenovirus in Children -- Acute Respiratory Disease of Military Recruits -- Pharyngoconjunctival Fever -- Epidemic Keratoconjunctivitis -- Hemorrhagic Cystitis -- Gastroenteritis -- Rare Acute Manifestations -- Complications. , Adenovirus Infections in Immunocompromised Patients -- Chronic Diseases Caused by Adenoviruses -- Virology -- Pathogenesis as It Relates to Prevention -- Laboratory Diagnosis -- Specimen Collection. -- Cell Culture. -- Direct Visualization of Virus Particles -- Antigen Assays. -- Molecular Assays. -- Adenovirus Typing Assays. -- Serological Assays. -- Treatment and Prevention With Antimicrobials -- Epidemiology -- Incidence and Prevalence Data -- High-Risk Groups -- Modes of Transmission and Reservoirs of Infection -- Significance as a Health Burden -- Passive Immunization -- Active Immunization -- Constituents Including Antibiotics, Preservative, Adjuvants, Etc. -- Preparations Available, Including Combinations -- Dosage and Route: Intramuscular, Subcutaneous, and Oral -- Vaccine Stability -- Immunogenicity of Vaccine -- Humoral Responses -- Cellular Responses -- Correlates of Protection -- Special Groups (e.g., Immunosuppressed) -- Efficacy and Effectiveness of Vaccine -- Duration of Immunity and Protection, Including Description of Reinfection, If Any -- Safety -- Common Adverse Events -- Rare Adverse Events -- Immunocompromised Recipients -- Pregnancy -- Spread to Contacts -- Indications for Vaccine-Who and Why -- Contraindications and Precautions -- Public Health Considerations -- Epidemiologic Effects of Vaccination, Including Herd and Contact Immunity -- Disease Control Strategies -- Cost-to-Benefit Information -- Future Vaccines -- Subunit Vaccine -- Recombinant Vaccines -- Acknowledgments -- References -- 11 Anthrax Vaccines* -- Background -- Clinical Description -- Cutaneous Anthrax -- Inhalational Anthrax -- Gastrointestinal Anthrax -- Bacteriology -- Pathogenesis -- Diagnosis -- Treatment and Prevention With Antibiotics -- Epidemiology -- Passive Immunization -- Active Immunization -- History of Vaccine Development. , Description of Vaccines.
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  • 4
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    New York, NY :Springer,
    Keywords: Health risk assessment-Congresses. ; Electronic books.
    Type of Medium: Online Resource
    Pages: 1 online resource (363 pages)
    Edition: 1st ed.
    ISBN: 9781489904454
    Series Statement: General Motors Research Laboratories Symposia Series
    DDC: 363.1
    Language: English
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  • 5
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Newburyport :Dover Publications, Incorporated,
    Keywords: Chemical bonds. ; Electronic structure. ; Solid state chemistry. ; Solid state physics. ; Electronic books.
    Description / Table of Contents: This text offers basic understanding of the electronic structure of covalent and ionic solids, simple metals, transition metals and their compounds; also explains how to calculate dielectric, conducting, bonding properties.
    Type of Medium: Online Resource
    Pages: 1 online resource (1011 pages)
    Edition: 1st ed.
    ISBN: 9780486141787
    Series Statement: Dover Books on Physics Series
    DDC: 530.411
    Language: English
    Note: Intro -- Title Page -- Copyright Page -- Dedication -- Preface to the Dover Edition - Recent Developments -- Preface to the First Edition -- Table of Contents -- PART I - ELECTRON STATES -- CHAPTER 1 - The Quantum-Mechanical Basis -- 1-A Quantum Mechanics -- 1-B Electronic Structure of Atoms -- 1-C Electronic Structure of Small Molecules -- 1-D The Simple Polar Bond -- 1-E Diatomic Molecules -- CHAPTER 2 - Electronic Structure of Solids -- 2-A Energy Bands -- 2-B Electron Dynamics -- 2-C Characteristic Solid Types -- 2-D Solid State Matrix Elements -- 2-E Calculation of Spectra -- PART II - COVALENT SOLIDS -- CHAPTER 3 - Electronic Structure of Simple Tetrahedral Solids -- 3-A Crystal Structures -- 3-B Bond Orbitals -- 3-C The LCAO Bands -- 3-D The Bond Orbital Approximation and Extended Bond Orbitals -- 3-E Metallicity -- 3-F Planar and Filamentary Structures -- CHAPTER 4 - Optical Spectra -- 4-A Dielectric Susceptibility -- 4-B Optical Properties and Oscillator Strengths -- 4-C Features of the Absorption Spectrum -- 4-D χ1 and the Dielectric Constant -- CHAPTER 5 - Other Dielectric Properties -- 5-A Bond Dipoles and Higher-Order Susceptibilities -- 5-B Effective Atomic Charge -- 5-C Dielectric Screening -- 5-D Ternary Compounds -- 5-E Magnetic Susceptibility -- CHAPTER 6 - The Energy Bands -- 6-A Accurate Band Structures -- 6-B LCAO Interpretation of the Bands -- 6-C The Conduction Bands -- 6-D Effective Masses -- 6-E Impurity States and Excitons -- CHAPTER 7 - The Total Energy -- 7-A The Overlap Interaction -- 7-B Bond Length, Cohesive Energy, and the Bulk Modulus -- 7-C Cohesion in Polar Covalent Solids -- CHAPTER 8 - Elasticity -- 8-A Total Energy Calculations -- 8-B Rigid Hybrids -- 8-C Rehybridization -- 8-D The Valence Force Field -- 8-E Internal Displacements, and Prediction of c44 -- CHAPTER 9 - Lattice Vibrations. , 9-A The Vibration Spectrum -- 9-B Long-Range Forces -- 9-C Phonons and the Specific Heat -- 9-D The Transverse Charge -- 9-E Piezoelectricity -- 9-F The Electron-Phonon Interaction -- CHAPTER 10 - Surfaces and Defects -- 10-A Surface Energy and Crystal Shapes -- 10-B Surface Reconstruction -- 10-C Elimination of Surface States, and Fermi Level Pinning -- 10-D Adsorption of Atoms and the 7 × 7 Reconstruction Pattern -- 10-E Defects and Amorphous Semiconductors -- 10-F Photothresholds and Heterojunctions -- CHAPTER 11 - Mixed Tetrahedral Solids -- 11-A Tetrahedral Complexes -- 11-B The Crystal Structure and the Simple Molecular Lattice -- 11-C The Bonding Unit -- 11-D Bands and Electronic Spectra -- 11-E Mechanical Properties -- 11-F Vibrational Spectra -- 11-G Coupling of Vibrations to the Infrared -- PART III - CLOSED-SHELL SYSTEMS -- CHAPTER 12 - Inert-Gas Solids -- 12-A Interatomic Interactions -- 12-B Electronic Properties -- CHAPTER 13 - Ionic Compounds -- 13-A The Crystal Structure -- 13-B Electrostatic Energy and the Madelung Potential -- 13-C Ion - ion Interactions -- 13-D Cohesion and Mechanical Properties -- 13-E Structure Determination and Ionic Radii -- CHAPTER 14 - Dielectric Properties of Ionic Crystals -- 14-A Electronic Structure and Spectra -- 14-B Dielectric Susceptibility -- 14-C Effective Charges and Ion Softening -- 14-D Surfaces and Molten Ionic Compounds -- PART IV - OPEN-SHELL SYSTEMS -- CHAPTER 15 - Simple Metals -- 15-A History of the Theory -- 15-B The Free-Electron Theory of Metals -- 15-C Electrostatic Energy -- 15-D The Empty-Core Pseudopotential -- 15-E Free-Electron Energy -- 15-F Density, Bulk Modulus, and Cohesion -- CHAPTER 16 - Electronic Structure of Metals -- 16-A Pseudopotential Perturbation Theory -- 16-B Pseudopotentials in the Perfect Lattice -- 16-C Electron Diffraction by Pseudopotentials. , 16-D Nearly-Free-Electron Bands and Fermi Surfaces -- 16-E Scattering by Defects -- 16-F Screening -- CHAPTER 17 - Mechanical Properties of Metals -- 17-A The Band-Structure Energy -- 17-B The Effective Interaction Between Ions,and Higher-Order Terms -- 17-C The Phonon Spectrum -- 17-D The Electron-Phonon Interaction and the Electron-Phonon Coupling Constant -- 17-E Surfaces and Liquids -- CHAPTER 18 - Pseudopotential Theory of Covalent Bonding -- 18-A The Prediction of Interatomic Matrix Elements -- 18-B The Jones Zone Gap -- 18-C Covalent and Polar Contributions -- 18-D Susceptibility -- 18-E Bonding Properties -- 18-F Ionic Bonding -- 18-G Interfaces and Heterojunctions -- CHAPTER 19 - Transition-Metal Compounds -- 19-A d States in Solids -- 19-B Monoxides: Multiplet d States -- 19-C Perovskite Structures -- d Bands -- 19-D Other Compounds -- 19-E The Perovskite Ghost -- 19-F The Chemical Grip -- 19-G The Electrostatic Stability of Perovskites -- 19-H The Electron-Phonon Interaction -- CHAPTER 20 - Transition Metals -- 20-A The Bands -- 20-B The Electronic Properties and Density of States -- 20-C Cohesion, Bond Length, and Compressibility -- 20-D Muffin-Tin Orbitals and the Atomic Sphere Approximation -- 20-E d Resonances and Transition-Metal Pseudopotentials -- 20-F Local Moments and Magnetism -- APPENDIX A - The One-Electron Approximation -- APPENDIX B - Nonorthogonality of Basis States -- APPENDIX C - The Overlap Interaction -- APPENDIX D - Quantum-Mechanical Formulation of Pseudopotentials -- APPENDIX E - Orbital Corrections -- Solid State Table of the Elements -- Bibliography and Author Index -- Subject Index.
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  • 6
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Berlin, Heidelberg :Springer Berlin / Heidelberg,
    Keywords: Immunology. ; Electronic books.
    Type of Medium: Online Resource
    Pages: 1 online resource (513 pages)
    Edition: 1st ed.
    ISBN: 9783540921653
    Series Statement: Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology Series ; v.333
    DDC: 614.518
    Language: English
    Note: CTMI_Compans_FM_O.pdf -- CTMI_Compans_Ch01_O.pdf -- Pandemic Influenza as a Current Threat -- 1 Influenza Virus as a Noneradicable Zoonosis -- 1.1 Natural Reservoirs for Influenza A Virus -- 1.2 Ecology of Influenza A Virus in Asia -- 2 Human Influenza Epidemics and Pandemics -- 2.1 Epidemiology of Human Influenza -- 2.2 Molecular Requirements for a Pandemic Strain: Emergence of 1918, 1957, and 1968 Pandemic Strains -- 3 H5N1 Virus as a Pandemic Threat -- 3.1 Emergence and Spread of H5N1 Virus -- 3.2 Unique Features of H5N1 Viruses: Changing Patterns -- 3.3 Human Infection with H5N1 -- 4 Other Subtypes with Pandemic Potential -- 4.1 H9N2 Viruses -- 4.2 H7 Viruses -- 4.3 H6 Viruses -- 4.4 H2 Viruses -- 5 The Use of Antivirals for Pandemic Influenza -- 6 Concluding Remarks -- References -- CTMI_Compans_Ch02_O.pdf -- Antigenic Cross-Reactivity Among H5N1 Viruses -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Polyclonal Antibodies to H5N1 Viruses -- 3 Monoclonal Antibodies to H5N1 Viruses -- 4 Evidence for Cross-Reactivity from Human Clinical Trials -- 5 Evidence for H5N1 Cross-Reactivity from Preclinical Studies -- 5.1 Ferrets -- 5.2 Mice -- 6 Antigenic Cross-Reactivity Mediated by Mechanisms Other than Virus-Neutralizing Antibodies -- 6.1 Neuraminidase-Specific Antibodies -- 6.2 M2e-Specific Antibodies -- 6.3 T Cell-Mediated Immunity -- 7 Concluding Remarks -- References -- CTMI_Compans_Ch03_O.pdf -- Seasonal Influenza Vaccines -- 1 Introduction and Background -- 2 Inactivated Influenza Vaccine -- 2.1 History of Vaccine Development and Current Vaccine -- 2.2 Vaccine Constituents, Including Antibiotics and Preservatives -- 2.3 Dosage, Administration, and Storage -- 2.4 Immune Response to Inactivated Influenza Vaccination -- 2.5 Efficacy and Effectiveness of Inactivated Influenza Vaccine -- 2.6 Influenza Vaccine Effectiveness Among Adults >. , _65 Yearsof Age and Those with Chronic Conditions -- 2.7 Efficacy and Effectiveness in Adults < -- 65 Years of Age -- 2.8 Efficacy and Effectiveness in Children -- 3 Safety -- 3.1 Common Adverse Events -- 4 Live Attenuated Influenza Vaccines -- 4.1 History of Vaccine Development and Current Vaccines -- 4.2 Vaccine Constituents, Including Antibiotics and Preservatives -- 4.3 Dosage, Administration, and Storage -- 4.4 Shedding, Transmission, and Stability of Vaccine Viruses -- 4.5 Immune Response to LAIV -- 4.6 Efficacy and Effectiveness of LAIV -- 4.6.1 Healthy Children -- 4.6.2 Healthy Adults -- 4.7 Adverse Events After Receipt of LAIV -- 4.7.1 Children -- 4.7.2 Adults -- 4.8 LAIV Use in Persons at Higher Risk from Influenza-Related Complications -- 4.9 Serious Adverse Events -- 4.10 Vaccination of Close Contacts of Immunocompromised Persons -- 4.11 Persons Who Should Not Be Vaccinated with LAIV -- 5 Comparisons of LAIV and Inactivated Influenza Vaccine Efficacy or Effectiveness -- 6 Effectiveness of Vaccination for Decreasing Transmission to Contacts -- 7 Expanding Use of Influenza Vaccines -- References -- CTMI_Compans_Ch04_O.pdf -- Generation and Characterization of Candidate Vaccine Viruses for Prepandemic Influenza Vaccines -- 1 The Pandemic Threat Posed by Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza -- 2 Role of Vaccines in Pandemic Preparedness -- 3 Risk Assessment to Inform Pandemic Vaccine Preparedness -- 4 Impact of Virus Evolution on Pandemic Preparedness -- 5 Selection and Preparation of Reference Viruses for Prepandemic Vaccine Manufacturing -- 5.1 Surveillance to Detect and Isolate Novel Influenza Viruses that May Infect Humans -- 5.2 Genetic and Antigenic Analyses -- 5.3 WHO Consultation on Vaccine Strain Selection -- 5.4 Derivation of Reassortant Seed Viruses and Deletion of Virulence Determinants. , 5.5 Characterization of the Reassortant Candidate Virus -- 5.5.1 Molecular Analysis -- 5.5.2 In Vitro Studies to Determine the Trypsin Dependency of Multicycle Replication -- 5.5.3 Embryo Lethality Test -- 5.5.4 In Vivo Pathogenicity Studies in Chickens and Ferrets -- 5.5.5 Antigenic Characterization -- 5.5.6 Progeny Virus Yield in Chicken Embryos -- 5.5.7 Residual Plasmid DNA -- 5.6 Regulatory Compliance -- 5.7 Communication on Availability of Reference Viruses for Vaccines -- 6 Laboratory Procedures for the Derivation of rg Candidate Vaccine Viruses -- 7 Biosafety Considerations -- 8 Virulence Properties of rg Candidate Vaccine Viruses -- 9 Time Considerations for Pandemic Intervention Responses -- 10 Summary -- References -- CTMI_Compans_Ch05_O.pdf -- Live Attenuated Vaccines for Pandemic Influenza -- 1 Live Attenuated Vaccines for Seasonal Influenza -- 1.1 Generation of Seasonal LAIV -- 1.1.1 US Vaccines -- 1.1.2 Russian Vaccines -- 1.2 Genetic Characterization and Stability of Phenotypic Traits -- 1.3 Clinical Trials of Safety, Immunogenicity, and Efficacy -- 1.3.1 Safety and Transmissibility -- 1.3.2 Immunogenicity and Efficacy -- 2 Live Attenuated Pandemic Influenza Vaccine Candidates -- 2.1 Immunity Against Influenza -- 2.2 Generation of Pandemic LAIV Candidates -- 2.3 Preclinical Studies of Pandemic LAIV Candidates -- 2.3.1 H5 Vaccine Candidates -- H5N1Reassortant Vaccines -- H5N2 Reassortant Vaccines -- Vaccines Using M2 Cytoplasmic Tail Mutants -- 2.3.2 H7 Vaccines -- Vaccines Using Elastase-Dependent HA Cleavage Site Mutants -- 2.3.3 H9 Vaccines -- H9N2 Reassortant Vaccine Candidates -- 2.3.4 Truncated NS1 Modified Live Virus Vaccines -- 2.4 Clinical Studies of LAIV Vaccines -- 3 Considerations Surrounding the Use of LAIV Pandemic Vaccines -- References -- CTMI_Compans_Ch06_O.pdf -- Influenza Vaccines for Avian Species -- 1 Introduction. , 1.1 History of Avian Influenza Vaccines -- 2 Avian Influenza Vaccines -- 2.1 Protective Antigenic Component of Avian Influenza Vaccines -- 2.2 Inactivated Virus Vaccines -- 2.3 Live Virus Vaccines -- 2.4 AI Subunit Vaccines -- 2.5 Recombinant Virus-Vectored Vaccines -- 2.6 DNA Vaccines -- 2.7 Efficacy of Avian Influenza Vaccines in Birds -- 2.8 Scenarios for Avian Influenza Vaccine Application -- 3 Conclusions -- References -- CTMI_Compans_Ch07_O.pdf -- Development and Application of Avian Influenza Vaccines in China -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Inactivated Vaccines -- 2.1 Inactivated H5N2 Vaccine -- 2.2 Inactivated H5N1 Vaccine -- 2.3 Inactivated H5N1 Marker Vaccine -- 3 Live Virus-Vectored Vaccine -- 3.1 Recombinant Fowlpox Vaccine -- 3.2 Recombinant Newcastle Disease Virus Vaccine -- 4 DNA Vaccine -- 5 Conclusion -- Reference -- CTMI_Compans_Ch08_O.pdf -- Designing Vaccines for Pandemic Influenza -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Developing H5N1 Vaccines for Humans -- 2.1 The Conventional Approach -- 2.2 The Practical Approach -- 2.3 A Promising Approach -- 2.3.1 A High-Growth Seed for an Egg-Based Vaccine -- 2.3.2 Cell Culture-Based Vaccines -- 2.3.3 Live Attenuated Vaccines -- 2.3.4 Mucosal Inactivated Vaccines -- 2.4 An Improved Method for Reverse Genetics -- 3 Concluding Remarks -- References -- CTMI_Compans_Ch09_O.pdf -- Attenuated Influenza Virus Vaccines with Modified NS1 Proteins -- 1 Introduction -- 2 NS1 Functions -- 2.1 Biology of DelNS1 Influenza Viruses -- 3 Interactions of NS1 Mutant Viruses with Dendritic Cells -- 4 Studies of NS1-Modified Viruses in Mice -- 5 Studies of NS1-Modified Viruses in Pigs -- 6 Studies of NS1-Modified Viruses in Horses -- 7 Studies of NS1-Modified Viruses in Birds -- 8 Studies of NS1-Modified Viruses in Macaques. , 9 Conclusions and Future Perspectives of NS1-Modified Viruses as Epidemic and Pandemic Influenza Virus Vaccines -- References -- CTMI_Compans_Ch10_O.pdf -- DNA Vaccines Against Influenza Viruses -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Advantages of DNA Vaccines -- 3 Disadvantages of DNA Vaccines -- 4 Improving DNA Vaccines -- 5 DNA Vaccines Against H1N1 Influenza -- 6 DNA Vaccines Against H5N1 Influenza -- References -- CTMI_Compans_Ch11_O.pdf -- Recombinant Proteins Produced in Insect Cells -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Preclinical Studies -- 3 Clinical Studies: Seasonal Influenza -- 4 Clinical Studies: Pandemic Formulations -- 5 Summary and Conclusions -- References -- CTMI_Compans_Ch12_O.pdf -- Influenza Neuraminidase as a Vaccine Antigen -- 1 Influenza Neuraminidase: Structure, Function, and Subytpes -- 2 Immune Response to NA and Vaccine Efficacy -- 3 Neuraminidase Inhibitor Resistance and Relevance to NA Vaccine Antigen -- References -- CTMI_Compans_Ch13_O.pdf -- Recombinant Vectors as Influenza Vaccines -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Qualities of Ideal Vectors -- 3 Newcastle Disease Virus Vectors -- 4 Vesicular Stomatitis Virus Vectors -- 5 Influenza Virus Vectors -- 6 Adenovirus Vectors -- 7 Venezuelan Equine Encephalitis Virus Vectors -- 8 Poxvirus Vectors -- 9 Live Attenuated Measles Viruses as Recombinant Vectors -- 10 Other Recombinant Vectors -- 11 Conclusions -- References -- CTMI_Compans_Ch14_O.pdf -- Influenza Virus-Like Particles as Pandemic Vaccines -- 1 Introduction -- 2 VLPs as Influenza Vaccine Candidates -- 2.1 Rationale for VLPs as a Pandemic Influenza Vaccine -- 2.2 Characteristics of VLPs as a Promising Vaccine Candidate for Influenza Virus -- 3 Production of Influenza VLPs -- 3.1 Formation of VLPs -- 3.2 Expression Systems -- 3.3 Expression Vectors for Insect Cells -- 3.4 Large-Scale Production and Purification of VLPs. , 4 Immune Responses Induced by Influenza VLPs.
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  • 7
    Keywords: Artificial intelligence-Congresses. ; Electronic books.
    Type of Medium: Online Resource
    Pages: 1 online resource (214 pages)
    Edition: 1st ed.
    ISBN: 9783030766405
    Series Statement: Communications in Computer and Information Science Series ; v.1398
    DDC: 006.3
    Language: English
    Note: Intro -- Preface -- Organization -- Contents -- Evaluating the Robustness of Question-Answering Models to Paraphrased Questions -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Methodology -- 2.1 BERT, GPT-2 and XLNet -- 2.2 Embeddings -- 2.3 SQuAD -- 2.4 Para-SQuAD -- 2.5 Para-SQuAD Sentence Embeddings -- 3 Results -- 3.1 Experiments on QA Models -- 3.2 Dev-Para Performance -- 3.3 Visualization of Para-SQuAD -- 4 Related Work -- 5 Conclusion -- 5.1 Discussion -- 5.2 Limitations -- References -- FlipOut: Uncovering Redundant Weights via Sign Flipping -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Method -- 2.1 Motivation -- 2.2 FlipOut: Applying the Aim Test for Pruning -- 3 Related Work -- 3.1 Deep-R -- 3.2 Magnitude and Uncertainty Pruning -- 4 Experiments -- 4.1 General Setup -- 4.2 Choosing the Hyperparameters for FlipOut -- 4.3 Comparison to Baselines -- 4.4 Is It Just the Noise? -- 5 Discussion -- References -- Evolving Virtual Embodied Agents Using External Artifact Evaluations -- 1 Introduction -- 1.1 Computational Aesthetic Evaluation -- 1.2 Embodiment -- 2 Related Work -- 3 Implementation -- 3.1 Agent Morphology -- 3.2 Agent Control Policy -- 4 Experiment -- 4.1 Setup -- 4.2 Measuring Aesthetic Quality -- 4.3 Training Procedure -- 5 Results -- 6 Discussion -- 6.1 Future Work -- 7 Conclusion -- References -- Continuous Surrogate-Based Optimization Algorithms Are Well-Suited for Expensive Discrete Problems -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Problem Description -- 3 Related Work -- 4 Benchmark Problems -- 5 Experiments -- 5.1 Results -- 6 Conclusion and Future Work -- References -- Comparing Correction Methods to Reduce Misclassification Bias -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Methods -- 2.1 Baseline Estimator - Random Sample -- 2.2 Classify and Count -- 2.3 Subtracting Estimated Bias -- 2.4 Misclassification Probabilities -- 2.5 Calibration Probabilities -- 3 Results. , 3.1 Sampling Distributions of the Estimators -- 3.2 Finding the Optimal Estimator -- 4 Conclusion and Discussion -- A Appendix -- References -- A Spiking Neuron Implementation of Genetic Algorithms for Optimization -- 1 Introduction -- 2 High-Level Architecture -- 3 Neural Ensembles for Genetic Algorithms -- 3.1 Sequential Design -- 3.2 Parallel Design -- 4 Analysis -- 5 Discussion -- References -- Solving Hofstadter's Analogies Using Structural Information Theory -- 1 Introduction -- 1.1 Hofstadter's Analogies -- 1.2 Structural Information Theory -- 2 Analogy Solving -- 2.1 Structural Compression -- 2.2 Generating Symbols from Symbols -- 2.3 Symbol Substitution -- 2.4 Structure in Parameters -- 2.5 Inversion Trick -- 3 Python Implementation of PISA -- 3.1 Configurable Complexity Metric -- 3.2 Other Differences with PISA -- 4 Results -- 4.1 Murena's Dataset -- 4.2 Our Dataset -- 4.3 Complexity Values -- 5 Discussion -- 6 Future Developments -- References -- A Semantic Tableau Method for Argument Construction -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Preliminaries -- 3 Basic Argumentation Tableau -- 4 Defeasible Rules -- 4.1 Predicate Logic -- 4.2 Correctness and Completeness -- 5 Reasoning by Cases -- 5.1 Cases in an Argumentation Tableau -- 5.2 How to Reason by Cases with Defeasible Information -- 5.3 Local Tableau Closures -- 5.4 Mutually Exclusive Cases -- 6 Conclusion -- References -- `Thy Algorithm Shalt Not Bear False Witness': An Evaluation of Multiclass Debiasing Methods on Word Embeddings -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Background -- 3 Methodology -- 3.1 Terminology -- 3.2 Bias Measurements Techniques -- 3.3 Debiasing Techniques -- 4 Analysis of Religious Bias in Word Embeddings -- 4.1 Data -- 4.2 Analysis -- 5 Experiments and Results -- 5.1 Experimental Setup -- 5.2 RNSB Metric on Word Embeddings -- 5.3 WEAT and MAC on Word Embeddings. , 5.4 SoftWEAT Hyperparameter Experimentation -- 6 Conclusion -- References -- An Intelligent Tree Planning Approach Using Location-Based Social Networks Data -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Related Work -- 3 Problem Definition -- 4 Methods -- 4.1 Policy 1 - Degree -- 4.2 Policy 2 - Tree Density -- 4.3 Policy 3 - Community Tree Density -- 4.4 Policy 4 - Pareto Ranking -- 5 Experimental Set-Up -- 5.1 Data Sources -- 5.2 The Number of Iterations of the Community Detection Algorithm -- 5.3 Simulation -- 5.4 Evaluation -- 6 Results -- 6.1 Initial Situation -- 6.2 Ranking the Venues -- 6.3 Planting the Trees and Analyzing the Result -- 7 Conclusion -- References -- Gaining Insight into Determinants of Physical Activity Using Bayesian Network Learning-9pt -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Preliminaries -- 2.1 Bayesian Network Model -- 2.2 Learning Bayesian Networks -- 2.3 Handling Missing Data -- 3 Description of the Data and Methodology -- 3.1 Data Acquisition and Description -- 3.2 Data Preprocessing and Concept Design -- 3.3 Missing Data Analysis -- 3.4 Approach -- 4 Results -- 4.1 Comparison Bayesian Network Missing Data Strategy -- 4.2 Comparison of Bayesian Network Model to Previous Analyses -- 5 Discussion and Conclusions -- 6 Future Work -- References -- Swarm Construction Coordinated Through the Building Material -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Construction Algorithms -- 2.1 Standard Algorithms -- 2.2 Block Algorithms -- 3 Experiments -- 3.1 Dynamic Construction Paths -- 3.2 Guided Construction -- 3.3 Flexible Construction -- 4 Discussion -- 4.1 Fault Tolerance -- 4.2 Trade-Offs -- 5 Conclusion -- References -- Correction to: Gaining Insight into Determinants of Physical Activity Using Bayesian Network Learning. , Correction to: Chapter "Gaining Insight into Determinants of Physical Activity Using Bayesian Network Learning" in: M. Baratchi et al. (Eds.): Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, CCIS 1398, -- Author Index.
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  • 8
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Providence, RI :American Mathematical Society,
    Keywords: Nonlinear wave equations--Congresses. ; Electronic books.
    Description / Table of Contents: The theory of nonlinear wave equations in the absence of shocks began in the 1960s. Despite a great deal of recent activity in this area, some major issues remain unsolved, such as sharp conditions for the global existence of solutions with arbitrary initial data, and the global phase portrait in the presence of periodic solutions and traveling waves. This book, based on lectures presented by the author at George Mason University in January 1989, seeks to present the sharpest results to date in this area. The author surveys the fundamental qualitative properties of the solutions of nonlinear wave equations in the absence of boundaries and shocks. These properties include the existence and regularity of global solutions, strong and weak singularities, asymptotic properties, scattering theory and stability of solitary waves. Wave equations of hyperbolic, Schrödinger, and KdV type are discussed, as well as the Yang-Mills and the Vlasov-Maxwell equations. The book offers readers a broad overview of the field and an understanding of the most recent developments, as well as the status of some important unsolved problems. Intended for mathematicians and physicists interested in nonlinear waves, this book would be suitable as the basis for an advanced graduate-level course.
    Type of Medium: Online Resource
    Pages: 1 online resource (105 pages)
    Edition: 1st ed.
    ISBN: 9781470424336
    Series Statement: CBMS Regional Conference Series in Mathematics ; v.73
    DDC: 532/.05
    Language: English
    Note: Cover -- Title -- Copyright -- Contents -- Preface -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Invariance -- 3. Existence -- 4. Singularities -- 5. Solutions of Small Amplitude -- 6. Scattering -- 7. Stability of Solitary Waves -- 8. Yang-Mills Equations -- 9. Vlasov-Maxwell Equations -- References -- Back Cover.
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  • 9
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Washington, DC :American Chemical Society,
    Keywords: Isomerism-Congresses. ; Carbohydrates-Congresses. ; Electronic books.
    Type of Medium: Online Resource
    Pages: 1 online resource (133 pages)
    Edition: 1st ed.
    ISBN: 9780841205970
    Series Statement: ACS Symposium Series
    DDC: 541.2252
    Language: English
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  • 10
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Chicago :University of Chicago Press,
    Keywords: Bioclimatology. ; Electronic books.
    Description / Table of Contents: No detailed description available for "The Stockholm Paradigm".
    Type of Medium: Online Resource
    Pages: 1 online resource (434 pages)
    Edition: 1st ed.
    ISBN: 9780226632582
    Language: English
    Note: Intro -- Contents -- Preface -- 1. How Bad Is It, Anyway? -- 2. How Did We Get into This Mess? -- 3. Dawning Awareness -- 4. Back to the Future -- 5. Resolving the Parasite Paradox I: Taking Advantage of Opportunities -- 6. Resolving the Parasite Paradox II: Coping with Changing Opportunities -- 7. A Paradigm for Pathogens and Hosts -- 8. Emerging Diseases: The Cost of Human Evolution -- 9. Taking Action: Evolutionary Triage -- 10. Time to Own It: It's Nobody's Fault but Everyone's to Blame -- Notes -- Bibliography -- Index.
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