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  • 1
    ISSN: 1420-908X
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Abstract In 9 dogs, whose maximum gastric acid response to pentagastrin was evoked by 6 μg/kg, the total gastric secretion as well as the peak gastric secretion was enhanced by amodiaquine. The optimum dose of this antimalarial drug was 2 mg/kg, whereas 0.25 mg/kg were without effect and 3 mg/kg reduced already the augmentation of gastric secretion by this substance. The increase in acid output by amodiaquine was greater than that in volume. The total secretion was more enhanced than the peak secretion, which means a longer duration of the amodiaquine potentiated gastric secretion elicited by pentagastrin, than that without application of amodiaquine contrary to that stimulated by exogenous histamine. Amodiaquine itself did not stimulate gastric acid secretion, in contrast to prostigmine and carbachol. Thus amodiaquine seemed not to enhance gastric secretion by a direct or indirect parasympathomimetic action. The question whether amodiaquine acted on gastric secretion in a specific way and not by parasympathomimetic effects, led to investigations in several exocrine glands. In salivary glands, amodiaquine did neither stimulate the secretion in all doses investigated nor did it enhance the pilocarpine and acetylcholine induced salivation with any significance and regularity. Also the pancreatic and biliary secretion was neither stimulated by amodiaquine nor was the secretin induced secretion of the pancreas and liver augmented by amodiaquine. Thus the enhancing effect of this drug on the histamine and pentagastrin stimulated gastric secretion was very likely specific for the gastric mucosa and not due to a parasympathomimetic action of the drug. In contrast to the findings in various exocrine glands of the gastrointestinal tract, the arterial hypotension following the i.v. injection of acetylcholine was increased specifically by a preceeding i.v. injection of amodiaquine, whereas the equi-effective actions of histamine, serotonin and bradykinin as well as the hypertension by epinephrine and norepinephrine were not influenced by amodiaquine. This specific effect of the antimalarial drug very probably was not caused by an inhibition of the unspecific choline esterase in the blood. Since in exocrine glands no evidence could be found for a parasympathomimetic action or other modes of action of amodiaquine, it seemed probable that amodiaquine potentiated the histamine and pentagastrin stimulated gastric secretion by an inhibition of histamine methyltransferase in vivo.
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  • 2
    ISSN: 1432-0509
    Keywords: Key words: Pancreas angiography—Pancreas neoplasms—Venous blood sampling—Hormones.
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Abstract. Background: To determine the accuracy and safety of a modified intra-arterial calcium stimulation with the venous sampling test (ASVS) for preoperative localization of insulinomas. Modification included stimulation with a fixed low dose of calcium gluconate, additional stimulation in the distal splenic artery, and no insulin sampling in the left hepatic vein. Methods: In 10 patients showing biochemical evidence of organic hyperinsulinemia, 0.45 mmol of Ca2+ was injected into the gastroduodenal, superior mesenteric, proper hepatic, proximal, and distal splenic arteries during angiography. Insulin levels were measured in samples taken from the right hepatic vein before and 30, 60, 90, 120, 180, and 300 s after Ca2+ injection. Results: Insulin gradients with an increase of more than fourfold indicated direct tumor supply, two- to fourfold correlated with collateral supply, and less than twofold correlated with normal tissue vascularization. ASVS localized all the adenomas of the pancreatic head (n = 3) and body (n = 2) and two of four adenomas of the tail correctly, as confirmed by surgery. Two adenomas of the proximal pancreatic tail were erroneously localized to the body segment, but the fault was rectified by angiography. In one patient with a negative ASVS and without exploration, the diagnosis of an insulinoma was revised. Conclusion: ASVS with a fixed low dose of calcium gluconate is a highly accurate and safe method for preoperative localization of insulinomas. Sampling in the left hepatic vein can be routinely omitted. Additional stimulation in the distal splenic artery seems helpful in surgical decision making, but additional experience is needed.
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  • 3
    ISSN: 1432-1440
    Keywords: Basal secretion ; peak hour histalog response (PHR) ; histalog ; prognosis ; Basalsekretion ; Gipfelsekretion (PHR) ; Histalog ; Prognose
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Description / Table of Contents: Zusammenfassung In einem durch mehrere Eigenschaften definierten und entsprechend dieser Merkmale aufgegliederten Kollektiv von 309 Testpersonen (Probanden und Patienten) wurden Durchschnittswerte der basalen und der durch Histalog maximal stimulierten Magensaftsekretion ermittelt. Dabei wurden Hospitalisation, Jahreszeit, Alter, Geschlecht und Körpergewicht berücksichtigt und nur Gruppen miteinander verglichen, die auf Grund dieser Merkmale hinreichend übereinstimmten. Für den Histalogtest wurde die peak hour histalog response als die am meisten geeignete Definition der maximalen Sekretionsantwort festgestellt. Sie wird in Abhängigkeit von der Krankheit zu verschiedenen Zeiten während des Testes erreicht. Die Reproduzierbarkcit des Testes ist für klinisch-physiologische Untersuchungen zufriedenstellend, dagegen für diagnostische und prognostische Zwecke mit Vorsicht zu beurteilen.
    Notes: Summary Average values of the basal and maximum gastric secretion stimulated by Histalog were determined in 309 test subjects (controls and patients). The whole population was divided into several groups according to age, sex and body weight. It was shown that average values were sometimes considerably different from those in the literature were obtained when only the groups well defined by several criteria were compared. Peak hour Histalog response was found to be the best parameter of the maximum gastric secretion elicited by Histalog. This period occurred at different times during the test depending on the gastric disease investigated. The reproducibility of the gastric test was estimated as sufficient for clinical-physiologic investigations, but less than satisfactory for diagnostic and prognostic purposes.
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  • 4
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    Journal of molecular medicine 60 (1982), S. 1060-1062 
    ISSN: 1432-1440
    Keywords: Histamine H2 antagonist ; Acid aspiration ; Pneumonitis ; Gastric pH ; Gastric volume ; Histamin H2-Antagonisten ; Aspirationspneumonie ; Magensaft pH ; Magensaftvolumen
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Description / Table of Contents: Zusammenfassung Der Histamin H2-Antagonist Cimetidin wurde 63 Patienten vor elektiven allgemeinchirurgischen Eingriffen in 2 verschiedenen Regimes verabreicht: Eine Gruppe erhielt 400 mg per os 10–12 h vor der Operation, eine zweite 400 mg per os 10–12 h plus 200 mg intravenös 1–2 h vor Operationsbeginn. Es wurde eine signifikant größere Anzahl von Patienten mit einem pH 〉2,5 in den Cimetidin-behandelten Gruppen nur gefunden, wenn man den ganzen Zeitraum der Narkose mit berücksichtigte. Nach diesen Ergebnissen wird Cimetidin bei elektiven Eingriffen als nicht notwendige Routineprämedikation erachtet.
    Notes: Summary Cimetidine, a histamine H2-receptor-antagonist, was administered either as a single 400 mg dose perorally 10–12 h before operation, or in a 400 mg dose perorally 10–12 h before operation plus 200 mg intravenously 1–2 h before operation, in 63 patients awaiting general elective surgery. Distribution of patients showed a significantly greater number of patients with a pH 〉2.5 in cimetidine groups, as compared to controls only, if the whole time of anaesthesia is taken into consideration. Between the two cimetidine regimens there was no statistically significant difference. These findings suggest that cimetidine is not necessary as a routine pre-operative medication in general elective surgery.
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  • 5
    ISSN: 1432-1440
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Description / Table of Contents: Summary Histalog in a dose of 2 mg/kg which is used for maximal stimulation of the human gastric acid secretion, showed not only directly histamine-like actions, but also an enhancement of the action of kinins and seotonin in different species. This seems to be the reason why antihistaminic drugs without antikinin and antiserotonin action do not prevent the side effects of histalog during the test. 13-fold higher histamine levels in human gastric juice than in plasma support the hypothesis, that histalog stimulates gastric secretion by a release of histamine.
    Notes: Zusammenfassung In der beim maximalen Histalogtest üblichen Dosis von 2 mg/kg, zeigt Histalog bei verschiedenen Tierspezies neben dirketen histaminartigen Wirkungen auch noch eine Steigerung der Serotonin- und Kininwirkung. Wahrscheinlich sind deshalb Antihistaminica ohne Antikinin- und Antiserotoninwirkung gegenüber Nebenerscheinungen des maximalen Histalogtestes wirkungslos. 13fach höhere Histaminspiegel im Magensaft als im Blutplasma des Menschen sprechen für eine Histaminliberierung durch Histalog.
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  • 6
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    Journal of molecular medicine 56 (1978), S. 323-324 
    ISSN: 1432-1440
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
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  • 7
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    Journal of molecular medicine 58 (1980), S. 591-592 
    ISSN: 1432-1440
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
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  • 8
    ISSN: 0167-0115
    Source: Elsevier Journal Backfiles on ScienceDirect 1907 - 2002
    Topics: Medicine
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  • 9
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    World journal of surgery 16 (1992), S. 1117-1119 
    ISSN: 1432-2323
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Description / Table of Contents: Résumé Nous avons mésuré l'impacte de la température ambiante sur la concentration tissulaire en platinum au moment de son injection afin d'identifier une absorption sélective des drogues cytostatiques par les tissues pendant la perfusion isolée des extrémités. Dix patients consécutifs ayant un mélanome malin ont été randomisés pour recevoir une perfusion de cisplatine (1 mg par kg de poids corporel) soit à 39.5°C, soit à 37.0°C. Les concentrations de platinium étaient deux fois plus importantes dans le mélanome du groupe hyperthermique que dans celui du groupe normothermique. Dans les tissus non-tumoraux, les concentrations étaient proportionnellement plus basses, alors que dans les muscles, les concentrations étaient constantes. Cette sélectivité de concentration de cisplatine s'accompagne de moins d'effets secondaires. Il faut attendre l'évolution à plus long terme pour juger des résultats au plan oncologique.
    Abstract: Resumen Hemos estudiado el impacto de la temperatura del miembro en el momento de la inyección de drogas citostásicas midiendo la concentración tisular de platino, con el propósito de identificar una posible absorción selectiva de los agentes cistotásicos por los diferentes tejidos durante la perfusión aislada de una extremidad. Se asignaron, en forma randomizada, 10 pacientes consecutivos con melanoma maligno a dos grupos diferentes que fureon perfundidos con cisplatino 1 mg por 1 kg de peso corporal. En uno de los grupos los agentes citotóxicos fureon inyectados bajo condiciones de hipertermia (39.5°C). La concentración de platino en el menaloma apareció dos veces más alta en el grupo de perfusión hipertérmica que en el grupo normotérmico (37°C). En los tejidos libres de tumor la concentración de platino disminuyó con la temperatura, en tanto que permaneció constante en la masa muscular. Tal concentración selectiva del cisplatino en el tumor bajo condiciones hipertérmicas está acompanada de menos efectos secundarios. El seguimiento habrá de demostrar si los resultados oncológicos son mejores de lo que se pueda esperar.
    Notes: Abstract During isolated limb perfusion, we studied the impact of limb temperature on the concentration of cytostatic drugs in the tissue to identify a possible selective absorption of cytostatic agents by the various tissues. Ten consecutive patients with malignant melanoma were randomly divided into two different groups and perfused with 1 mg cisplatin per kg body weight. In one group the cytostatic agents were injected under hyperthermic conditions (39.5°C) and in the other group under normothermic conditions (37°C). The platinum concentration in the melanoma was twice as high in the hyperthermic group as in the group under normothermic conditions. In the tumor-free tissue the platinum concentration decreased with temperature while it remained constant in the musculature. This selective concentration of cisplatin in the tumor under hyperthermic conditions is accompanied by fewer side effects. Follow-up will show whether the oncological results will be improved in the hyperthermic conditions as one might expect.
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  • 10
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    Der Chirurg 70 (1999), S. 154-159 
    ISSN: 1433-0385
    Keywords: Key words: Cryosurgery ; Colorectal metastases ; Liver neoplasia ; Intraoperative ultrasound ; Complications. ; Schlüsselwörter: Kryochirurgie ; colorectale Metastasen ; Lebertumoren ; intraoperative Sonographie ; Komplikationen.
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Description / Table of Contents: Zusammenfassung. Durch die Entwicklung einer verbesserten Kryotechnik in Verbindung mit der intraoperativen Sonographie ist inzwischen bei Einhaltung bewährter Regeln der kryochirurgischen Forschung eine zuverlässige, wenn auch nicht komplikationsfreie Destruktion von Lebertumoren möglich geworden. Insofern kann von einem echten Fortschritt gesprochen werden. Auf der Basis einer dreijährigen Testphase mit dem CRYO6-Gerät von ERBE wird ein Arbeitsprotokoll für die Kryotechnik bei Lebertumoren vorgestellt. Der Indikationsbereich der Kryochirurgie umfaßt nichtresektable Metastasen bzw Tumoren in kurativer Absicht und die Vereisung knapper oder unvollständiger Resektionsränder. Die vorläufigen Ergebnisse der Methode sind ermutigend. Nachwievor besteht jedoch ein großer Bedarf an klinischer Forschung, um die Kryochirurgie definitiv werten zu können.
    Notes: Summary. The developement and improvement of the cryosurgical technique in combination with intraoperative ultrasonographic imaging enables reliable destruction of liver tumors – although not free of complications – given that tried and tested rules of cryosurgical research are obeyed. In this respect, we can speak of real progress. On the basis of a 3-year testing phase with the CRYO6 cryosurgical apparatus from ERBE, a protocol for the cryosurgical technique for liver tumors is introduced. The spectrum of indications for cryosurgery includes the destruction of irresectable hepatic secondaries or primary tumors with curative intention and the freezing of insufficient or incomplete resection margins. The preliminary results of this treatment modality are encouraging. However, there remains a need for further clinical research to allow final judgement of the cryosurgical method.
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