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  • 1
    Publication Date: 2021-12-10
    Description: The steep walls of Chilean fjords are biodiversity hotspots and characterized by high precipitation rates, high river run-off and natural landslides with an inherent high sediment input. These sedimentation rates are likely to increase in the future due to expanding salmonid farming and coastal road construction. Caryophyllia huinayensis, is a Scleractinia, solitary cold-water coral (CWC) growing on steep slopes and overhanging portions of the fjord walls, which may indicate a sensitivity to sedimentation. However, actual data on the susceptibility to sediment of this CWC species is lacking. Furthermore, there is a deficit of information on juvenile CWC dealing with sedimentation stress, which is why this is the first study on this topic. The aim of this work was to investigate whether increased sediment concentrations affect the overall performance of juvenile specimens of C. huinayesis, measuring over three-months the coral growth, behaviour and respiration rates. The study consists of an ex-situ experiment which included three different treatments: i) the control treatment: with the current natural sediment concentration of Comau Fjord, ii) a 100-fold sediment concentration and iii) a 1000-fold sediment concentration than the control. The most remarkable result demonstrates that corals under the highest sediment concentrations display a significant decreased polyp activity (60 % lower) hence affecting pray capture thus nutrition, leading to a significant reduced growth rate (natural 0.14 ± 0.09 mg d-1; 100-fold: 0.09 ± 0.07 mg d-1; 1000-fold concentration: 0.003 ± 0.009 mg d-1). Furthermore, polyps partly retracted their tissue with increasing sediment load. The results show that all these effects seem to be lower for corals facing vertical downwards than for individuum’s growing horizontally. Another important result reveals that long-time exposed (13 weeks) juveniles significantly decrease their oxygen consumption which is directly related to increasing sediment load. Whereas newly exposed individuals (24 h) showed no significant change in their respiration rate under the influence of increased sedimentation load. The results of this experiment contribute to a better understanding of the abilities of CWC recruits to cope with anthropogenic impacts. This information is fundamental as the viability of the juveniles is indispensable for future coral populations and the so called ‘Cold-Water Stony Coral Forests‘. Consequently, management plans for the fjord need to consider the harmful effects of increased sedimentation on threatened CWC’s.
    Repository Name: EPIC Alfred Wegener Institut
    Type: Thesis , notRev
    Format: application/pdf
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  • 2
    Publication Date: 2024-07-31
    Description: The mass of horizontal and vertical downwards oriented juvenile Caryophyllia (Caryophyllia) huinayensis was determined during a 12-week sediment experiment. Corals were exposed to a natural (0.0042 ml/l), a 100-fold and a 1000-fold sediment concentration. The mass of the individual corals was measured at the beginning (week 0), in the middle (week 6) and at the end (week 12) of the experiment. The mass of the individuals was determined using the buoyant weight method (Davies, 1989) and by calculating the skeletal mass in air after Jokiel et al. (1978). From this, the increase in mg per day and year for the individuals were determined.
    Keywords: AWI_BPP; Bentho-Pelagic Processes @ AWI; Buoyant weighing technique according to Davies (1989); Calculated; Calculated after Jokiel et al. (1978); Caryophyllia huinayensis, buoyant mass; Caryophyllia huinayensis, buoyant mass, standard deviation; Caryophyllia huinayensis, calcification rate of calcium carbonate per fresh mass; Caryophyllia huinayensis, fresh mass increase; Caryophyllia huinayensis, mass; Cold-water Scleractinia; Comau Fjord; Comau Fjord, Patagonia, Chile; Comment; DATE/TIME; Density; Experimental treatment; High-precision scale (CPA225D-OCE, Sartorius, Göttingen, Germany); iAtlantic; Individual code; Integrated Assessment of Atlantic Marine Ecosystems in Space and Time; Juvenile Caryophyllia (Caryophyllia) huinayensis; Laboratory experiment; Monitoring station; MONS; Orientation; Physiological performance; Replicate; Sedimentation stress; Species; Treatment: sediment; Type of study; Uniform resource locator/link to reference; X-Huinay
    Type: dataset
    Format: text/tab-separated-values, 3202 data points
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  • 3
    Publication Date: 2024-07-31
    Description: This table shows the grain size distribution of sediment used for a 12-week sediment exposure experiment, to test how juvenile Caryophyllia (Caryophyllia) huinayensis perform under increased sedimentation. Surface (1 cm) sediment samples were collected from the Wadden Sea in front of Spieker-Neufeld in October 2020 and February 2021. Prior to the use in the experiment, the sediment was sieved into fractions that were mixed proportionally to match the size range of the sediments in Comau Fjord (approx. 42°11' – 42°29'S and 72°35' – 72°22'E, a natural habitat of C. huinayensis). Organic carbon was then removed with H2O2 until the reaction stopped and the sediment was washed for neutralisation. Grain size measurements of the sediment used in the experiments were performed before, during and after the experiment in the Particle-Size Laboratory at MARUM, University of Bremen with a Beckman Coulter Laser Diffraction Particle Size Analyzer LS 13320 that provides grain size distributions in the size range from 0.04 to 2000 μm, divided into 116 size classes.
    Keywords: AWI_BPP; Bentho-Pelagic Processes @ AWI; Cold-water Scleractinia; Comau Fjord; grain size distribution; iAtlantic; Integrated Assessment of Atlantic Marine Ecosystems in Space and Time; Juvenile Caryophyllia (Caryophyllia) huinayensis; Laboratory experiment; Physiological performance; Sedimentation stress; Shovel; SHOVEL; Wadden_Sea_2020_2021; Wadden Sea; Wadden Sea, Germany
    Type: dataset
    Format: application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet, 30.8 kBytes
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  • 4
    Publication Date: 2024-07-31
    Description: The table shows the polyp behaviour of juvenile Caryophyllia (Caryophyllia) huinayensis during a 12-week sediment exposure experiment. Corals were exposed to a natural (0.0042 ml/l), a 100-fold and a 1000-fold increased sediment concentration and observed three times a week, two hours after feeding start and once a week without feeding, by illuminating only the targeted coral briefly with a spotlight torch. Polyp extension was categorized into three groups: A = polyp fully extended (polyp fully visible, 100 %), B = polyp partly extended (polyp partly visible, 50 %) and C = polyp fully retracted (polyp tentacles not visible, 0 %).
    Keywords: AWI_BPP; Bentho-Pelagic Processes @ AWI; Caryophyllia huinayensis, polyp extension; Cold-water Scleractinia; Comau Fjord; Comau Fjord, Patagonia, Chile; DATE/TIME; Experimental treatment; Feeding status; iAtlantic; Integrated Assessment of Atlantic Marine Ecosystems in Space and Time; Juvenile Caryophyllia (Caryophyllia) huinayensis; Laboratory experiment; Monitoring station; MONS; Physiological performance; Replicate; Sedimentation stress; Species; Treatment: duration; Treatment: sediment; Type of study; Uniform resource locator/link to reference; Visual observation; X-Huinay
    Type: dataset
    Format: text/tab-separated-values, 12756 data points
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  • 5
    Publication Date: 2024-07-31
    Description: The table shows the calyx diameters of the juvenile Caryophyllia (Caryophyllia) huinayensis measured in ImageJ (Version 1.53), separated according to exposed sediment concentration at the beginning of the 12-week sediment exposure experiment (week 0), in the middle (week 6) and at the end (week 12). Corals were exposed to three concentrations, a natural (0.0042 ml/l) and a 100-fold and a 1000-fold increased sediment concentration.
    Keywords: AWI_BPP; Bentho-Pelagic Processes @ AWI; Calculated; Caryophyllia huinayensis, calyx diameter; Caryophyllia huinayensis, calyx diameter increase; Cold-water Scleractinia; Comau Fjord; Comau Fjord, Patagonia, Chile; Comment; DATE/TIME; Experimental treatment; Experiment week; iAtlantic; Individual code; Integrated Assessment of Atlantic Marine Ecosystems in Space and Time; Juvenile Caryophyllia (Caryophyllia) huinayensis; Laboratory experiment; Monitoring station; MONS; Orientation; Physiological performance; Sedimentation stress; Species; Stereomicroscopy (Leica MZ 16 F); Treatment: sediment; Type of study; Uniform resource locator/link to reference; X-Huinay
    Type: dataset
    Format: text/tab-separated-values, 1652 data points
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  • 6
    Publication Date: 2024-07-31
    Description: Treatment water contained a natural, 100- or 1000-fold increased sediment concentration in the experimental vessels (340 ml glass beakers) of the corals C. huinayensis, to which they were exposed during the periods between water changes (2-3 d). Using a turbidimeter (2100Qis, Hach Lange GmbH, Düsseldorf, Germany), the turbidity of the treatment water was measured every day and twice a day when a water change took place (just before and after the water change). The mean values from the bulk samples (ten vessels per concentration; bulk sample of water from five vessels of one concentration = one sample; per concentration = two samples) were calculated and are shown in the table, as well as the standard deviation.
    Keywords: AWI_BPP; Bentho-Pelagic Processes @ AWI; Calculated; Cold-water Scleractinia; Comau Fjord; Comau Fjord, Patagonia, Chile; DATE/TIME; Day of experiment; Experimental treatment; iAtlantic; Integrated Assessment of Atlantic Marine Ecosystems in Space and Time; Juvenile Caryophyllia (Caryophyllia) huinayensis; Laboratory experiment; Monitoring station; MONS; Physiological performance; Sedimentation stress; Treatment: sediment; Turbidity, standard deviation; Turbidity (Formazin nephelometric unit); Turbidity meter, 2100Qis, Hach Lange GmbH; Type of study; X-Huinay
    Type: dataset
    Format: text/tab-separated-values, 2048 data points
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  • 7
    Publication Date: 2024-07-31
    Description: The table shows respiration data, dry mass, and ash-free dry mass (AFDM) of juvenile Caryophyllia (Caryophyllia) huinayensis individuals exposed to a natural, a 100-, and 1000-times increased sediment concentration. Corals after a 12-week exposure experiment towards the three sediment concentrations ("long-term") and corals exposed to the natural and highest concentration only for the respiration experiment ("short-term"), were studied for respiration for 24 hours. Mean oxygen consumption rate of C. huinayensis was determined by closed-chamber respirometry. The values have been corrected for the volume of the incubation vessels, the background respiration and the AFDM of the animals and calculated to mg O2/AFDM/day.
    Keywords: AWI_BPP; Bentho-Pelagic Processes @ AWI; Calculated; Caryophyllia huinayensis, ash free dry mass; Caryophyllia huinayensis, ash mass; Caryophyllia huinayensis, dry mass; Caryophyllia huinayensis, oxygen consumption rate per AFDM; Cold-water Scleractinia; Comau Fjord; Comau Fjord, Patagonia, Chile; DATE/TIME; Experiment; Experimental treatment; High-precision scale (CPA225D-OCE, Sartorius, Göttingen, Germany); iAtlantic; Individual code; Integrated Assessment of Atlantic Marine Ecosystems in Space and Time; Juvenile Caryophyllia (Caryophyllia) huinayensis; Laboratory experiment; Monitoring station; MONS; Optical Oxygen Meter (FireSting, PyroScience GmbH, Germany); Orientation; Physiological performance; Sample ID; Sedimentation stress; Species; Treatment: sediment; Type of study; Uniform resource locator/link to reference; X-Huinay
    Type: dataset
    Format: text/tab-separated-values, 650 data points
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  • 8
    Publication Date: 2024-07-31
    Description: This dataset contains date, mean salinity, temperature, pH and oxygen values of the artificial sea water within 340 ml glass beakers (n=10), which were used as incubation vessels for juvenile Caryophyllia (Caryophyllia) huinayensis, specified according to the exposed sediment concentration: a natural (0.0042 ml/l), a 100-fold and a 1000-fold sediment concentration.
    Keywords: AWI_BPP; Bentho-Pelagic Processes @ AWI; Cold-water Scleractinia; Comau Fjord; Comau Fjord, Patagonia, Chile; DATE/TIME; Dissolved oxygen instrument, ProODO, YSI Incorporated; Experimental treatment; iAtlantic; Integrated Assessment of Atlantic Marine Ecosystems in Space and Time; Juvenile Caryophyllia (Caryophyllia) huinayensis; Laboratory experiment; Monitoring station; MONS; Oxygen; Oxygen, standard deviation; pH; pH, standard deviation; pH meter (WTW 3110) with electrode (WTW Sentix 41); Physiological performance; Salinity; Salinity, standard deviation; Sedimentation stress; Temperature, standard deviation; Temperature, water; Temperature sensor TTX 110 type T (Ebro, Ingolstadt); Treatment: sediment; WTW Cond 3310; X-Huinay
    Type: dataset
    Format: text/tab-separated-values, 1449 data points
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  • 9
    Publication Date: 2024-07-31
    Description: The table shows the nutrient concentration of the incubation beakers for juvenile Caryophyllia (Caryophyllia) huinayensis exposed to three sediment concentrations. A natural, a 100-fold and a 1000-fold increased sediment concentration. Recorded were the nitrate, nitrite, phosphate and ammonium values from pooled water samples of five experimental beakers and separated by sediment concentration (two measurements per sediment concentration). Samples were measured weekly over the experimental period of three months via photometer (NOVA 60, Spectroquant, Darmstadt, Germany).
    Keywords: Ammonia; AWI_BPP; Bentho-Pelagic Processes @ AWI; Cold-water Scleractinia; Comau Fjord; Comau Fjord, Patagonia, Chile; DATE/TIME; Experimental treatment; iAtlantic; Integrated Assessment of Atlantic Marine Ecosystems in Space and Time; Juvenile Caryophyllia (Caryophyllia) huinayensis; Laboratory experiment; Monitoring station; MONS; Nitrate; Nitrite; Phosphate; Photometer, NOVA 60, Spectroquant; Physiological performance; Sedimentation stress; Treatment: sediment; Type of study; X-Huinay
    Type: dataset
    Format: text/tab-separated-values, 498 data points
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  • 10
    Publication Date: 2024-07-31
    Description: The images show individuals of juvenile Caryophyllia (Caryophyllia) huinayensis in the zenithal view (calyx) at the beginning (week 0), in the middle (week 6) and at the end (after 12 weeks) of a sediment exposure experiment with a natural, a 100-fold and a 1000-fold increased sediment concentration, as well as from the lateral view after 6 and 12 weeks. Pictures were taken using a stereomicroscope (LEICA MZ 16, Leica Microsystems GmbH, Wetzlar, Germany) and the software Leica Acquire 3.4.1. Build 9072 © 2006- 2013 (Leica Microsystems GmbH, Wetzlar, Germany).
    Keywords: AWI_BPP; Bentho-Pelagic Processes @ AWI; Binary Object; Binary Object (File Size); Binary Object (MD5 Hash); Cold-water Scleractinia; Comau Fjord; Comau Fjord, Patagonia, Chile; iAtlantic; Integrated Assessment of Atlantic Marine Ecosystems in Space and Time; Juvenile Caryophyllia (Caryophyllia) huinayensis; Laboratory experiment; Monitoring station; MONS; Physiological performance; Sedimentation stress; Stereomicroscopy (Leica MZ 16 F); X-Huinay
    Type: dataset
    Format: text/tab-separated-values, 474 data points
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