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  • 1
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Springer Science and Business Media LLC ; 2016
    In:  European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging Vol. 43, No. 5 ( 2016-5), p. 941-952
    In: European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, Springer Science and Business Media LLC, Vol. 43, No. 5 ( 2016-5), p. 941-952
    Type of Medium: Online Resource
    ISSN: 1619-7070 , 1619-7089
    Language: English
    Publisher: Springer Science and Business Media LLC
    Publication Date: 2016
    detail.hit.zdb_id: 8236-3
    detail.hit.zdb_id: 2098375-X
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  • 2
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    American Society for Pharmacology & Experimental Therapeutics (ASPET) ; 2008
    In:  Molecular Pharmacology Vol. 73, No. 2 ( 2008-02), p. 575-586
    In: Molecular Pharmacology, American Society for Pharmacology & Experimental Therapeutics (ASPET), Vol. 73, No. 2 ( 2008-02), p. 575-586
    Type of Medium: Online Resource
    ISSN: 0026-895X , 1521-0111
    Language: English
    Publisher: American Society for Pharmacology & Experimental Therapeutics (ASPET)
    Publication Date: 2008
    detail.hit.zdb_id: 124034-1
    detail.hit.zdb_id: 1475030-2
    SSG: 15,3
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  • 3
    In: Acta Ophthalmologica, Wiley, Vol. 100, No. S267 ( 2022-01)
    Abstract: There are large variations in how adverse events, safety and tolerability related to intraocular pressure (IOP)‐lowering eye drops are reported. Inconsistencies and discrepancies in outcomes and methods lead to missed opportunities when comparing studies and combining results in meta‐analyses, making it difficult to translate the findings into the clinic. The purpose of this study is to establish consensus among experts on measured outcomes when conducting future clinical trials examining ocular adverse events, safety, and tolerability in patients treated with IOP‐lowering eye drops. Methods A Delphi study of 2–4 rounds is conducted. International glaucoma and ocular surface experts are invited to participate. The importance of items is ranked using a 10‐point scale (1 as not important, 10 as very important). Background literature is used to identify relevant items to be included in the survey. Items are organized into domains, e.g. visual acuity, with subgroups regarding measurement method. A core group of 8–12 leading experts are recruited prior to generating the first questionnaire. The core group contributes to and reviews the study protocol, the questionnaire, the recruitment, and the final article. Results An item is considered important when the mean value of importance is ranked ≥7 and the interquartile range of scores is ≤3. At least 30 experts are required to participate in all rounds to complete the study. Not all domains are expected to reach consensus. Consensus within 90% of the domains surveyed is considered a valid consensus status for conclusion. Conclusions Achieving consensus on standardized methods for assessing adverse events, safety, and tolerability of IOP‐lowering eye drops will provide a valuable basis for evaluating eye drops in randomized clinical trials. This will then enable systematic reviews, which are most valuable to decision makers.
    Type of Medium: Online Resource
    ISSN: 1755-375X , 1755-3768
    URL: Issue
    Language: English
    Publisher: Wiley
    Publication Date: 2022
    detail.hit.zdb_id: 2466981-7
    detail.hit.zdb_id: 2408333-1
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  • 4
    In: Acta Ophthalmologica, Wiley
    Abstract: To compare the effect of the ocular antiseptic treatments 0.05% chlorhexidine, 5% povidone‐iodine (PI) and 5% betadine on cell viability and mucin secretion of primary cultured human goblet cells (GCs). Method GC viability was analysed using lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) and tetrazolium dye (MTT) colorimetric assays. Expression of mucin was visualised by immunohistochemical MUC5AC staining. Results PI and betadine significantly reduced GC survival compared to the control (mean cell survival 23 ± 6% and 23 ± 7%, respectively, p   〈  0.05), whereas chlorhexidine did not significantly affect GC viability (mean cell survival: 78 ± 17%), as measured by the LDH assay. Similar results were obtained from the MTT assay, where PI and betadine caused a significant loss of GCs (mean cell survival: 26 ± 12% and 26 ± 13%, respectively, p   〈  0.05). Chlorhexidine did not significantly alter GC survival compared to the control (mean cell survival: 79 ± 8%). PI and betadine caused a dispersion of mucin secretion, which chlorhexidine did not. Conclusion The most used antiseptic treatments, PI and betadine, applied prior to ocular surgery are significantly more cytotoxic to conjunctival GCs than chlorhexidine treatment.
    Type of Medium: Online Resource
    ISSN: 1755-375X , 1755-3768
    Language: English
    Publisher: Wiley
    Publication Date: 2024
    detail.hit.zdb_id: 2466981-7
    detail.hit.zdb_id: 2408333-1
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  • 5
    In: Acta Ophthalmologica, Wiley, Vol. 101, No. S278 ( 2023-12), p. 3-21
    Abstract: Danish Summary: Glaukom (grøn stær) er en af de hyppigste årsager til blindhed på verdensplan. Årsagen til glaukom kendes ikke, men de væsentligste risikofaktorer er alder, genetik og forhøjet intraokulært tryk. Den eneste evidensbaserede behandling er sænkning af øjentrykket med enten øjendråber, laser eller kirurgi. Omend laserbehandling er blevet tiltagende anerkendt som førstevalgsbehandling, er øjendråber den mest udbredte behandlingsform. Da øjendråber mod glaukom kan medføre væsentlige bivirkninger, er det en stor udfordring, at patienter med glaukom ikke bruger deres øjendråber korrekt. I denne sammenhæng er øjenoverfladen et område, der vækker bekymring, da langt de fleste glaukompatienter lider af øjenoverfladesygdom, som overvejende skyldes øjendråbebehandling. Konservering med benzalkoniumklorid (BAK) er kontroversiel, da BAK menes at være en væsentlig årsag til øjenoverfladesygdom. Et systematisk review og metaanalyser undersøger forskelle i effekt og bivirkningsprofil mellem BAK‐konserverede og BAK‐frie øjendråber (I). Flere studier rapporterer om skade på øjets overflade ved brug af BAK‐konserverede øjendråber. Dog findes der ikke forskelle i metaanalyserne, der undersøger hyperæmi, antal lokale bivirkninger og tåreopbrydningstid. De inkluderede studier har meget varierende outcomes, varighed og målemetoder. Det er derfor muligt, at de store variationer studierne imellem maskerer BAK's egentlige toksiske effekt. I metaanalysen, der undersøger dråbernes tryksænkende effekt, findes der ingen forskel mellem BAK‐konserverede og BAK‐frie øjendråber, hvilket indikerer, at BAK ikke er nødvendig for dråbernes tryksænkende effekt. For at bane vejen for mere ensartede valg af end points og metoder i kliniske forsøg, der undersøger BAK‐konserverede og BAK‐frie antiglaukomatøse øjendråber, er der lavet et Delphi konsensus studie (II). I studiet er eksperter i glaukom og overfladesygdom blevet enige om de vigtigste elementer, der bør inkluderes, når sådanne kliniske studier designes. Håbet er at øge mængden af studier med sammenlignelige end points og metoder som systematisk kan vise BAK's potentielt uhensigtsmæssige effekt på øjendråbers bivirkningsprofil. De prækliniske studier i den foreliggende afhandling fokuserer på de konjunktivale bægerceller, da bægercellerne er vigtige for øjets overflade. Bægerceller frigiver mucinet MUC5AC, som er en vigtig bestanddel i tårefilmens inderste lag. BAK‐konservering kan beskadige bægercellerne og forårsage lav bægercelledensitet. Dette vil medføre en ustabil tårefilm og øjenoverfladesygdom. Da de hyppigst anvendte tryksænkende øjendråber er prostaglandinanaloger (PGA), undersøges hvorledes forskelligt konserverede PGA‐øjendråber påvirker bægercellerne. BAK‐konserveret latanoprost er toksisk overfor primære humane konjunktivale bægercellekulturer og forårsager spredt ekspression af MUC5AC. Dette er sammenlignet med negative kontroller, hvor MUC5AC er lokaliseret rundt om cellekernen (III). Konserveringsfri latanoprost er ikke cytotoksisk og påvirker ikke MUC5AC ekspressionen. Ydermere er BAK‐konserveret travoprost tidsafhængigt toksisk, hvilket ikke er tilfældet for Polyquad®‐konserveret travoprost (VI). Både BAK‐ og Polyquad‐konserveret travoprost forårsager spredt MUC5AC ekspression. BAK‐konserverede PGA‐øjendråber er mere toksiske end PF og Polyquad‐konserverede PGA‐øjendråber (V). Derudover øger BAK‐konserveret latanoprost frigivelsen af IL‐6 og IL‐8, hvilket PF latanoprost ikke gør. Et review fokuserer på både de aktive og inaktive komponenter i tryksænkende øjendråber (VI). Flere kliniske og prækliniske studier viser, at BAK er skadeligt. Mens andre komponenter såsom det aktive stof og fosfater også kan være årsag til bivirkninger, fremgår det tydeligt af reviewet, at BAK alene er en betydelig kilde til øjenoverfladesygdom. Konklusionen på denne afhandling er, at BAK konservering er unødvendig og skadelig for øjets overflade. I de prækliniske studier findes det, at BAK dræber bægercellerne og forårsager et inflammatorisk respons. Det inkluderede review konkluderer, at BAK bør udfases fra øjendråber, der bruges livslangt. Overordnet set øger BAK risikoen for at udvikle øjenoverfladesygdom, hvilket gør, at patienterne ikke bruger deres øjendråber korrekt. Dette kan ultimativt føre til sygdomsprogression og blindhed.
    Type of Medium: Online Resource
    ISSN: 1755-375X , 1755-3768
    URL: Issue
    Language: English
    Publisher: Wiley
    Publication Date: 2023
    detail.hit.zdb_id: 2466981-7
    detail.hit.zdb_id: 2408333-1
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  • 6
    In: Journal of Optometry, Elsevier BV, Vol. 17, No. 1 ( 2024-01), p. 100481-
    Type of Medium: Online Resource
    ISSN: 1888-4296
    Language: English
    Publisher: Elsevier BV
    Publication Date: 2024
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  • 7
    In: Allergy, Wiley, Vol. 77, No. 8 ( 2022-08), p. 2555-2558
    Type of Medium: Online Resource
    ISSN: 0105-4538 , 1398-9995
    URL: Issue
    Language: English
    Publisher: Wiley
    Publication Date: 2022
    detail.hit.zdb_id: 2003114-2
    detail.hit.zdb_id: 391933-X
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  • 8
    In: Lipids, Wiley, Vol. 50, No. 2 ( 2015-02), p. 165-175
    Abstract: To date, treatment of hypertriglyceridemia with long‐chain n‐3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (n‐3 PUFA) has been investigated solely in fasting and postprandial subjects. However, non‐fasting triacylglycerols are more strongly associated with risk of cardiovascular disease. The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of long‐chain n‐3 PUFA on non‐fasting triacylglycerol levels and to compare the effects of n‐3 PUFA formulated as acylglycerol (AG‐PUFA) or ethyl esters (EE‐PUFA). The study was a double‐blinded randomized placebo‐controlled interventional trial, and included 120 subjects with non‐fasting plasma triacylglycerol levels of 1.7–5.65 mmol/L (150–500 mg/dL). The participants received approximately 3 g/day of AG‐PUFA, EE‐PUFA, or placebo for a period of eight weeks. The levels of non‐fasting plasma triacylglycerols decreased 28 % in the AG‐PUFA group and 22 % in the EE‐PUFA group ( P 〈 0.001 vs. placebo), with no significant difference between the two groups. The triacylglycerol lowering effect was evident after four weeks, and was inversely correlated with the omega‐3 index (EPA + DHA content in erythrocyte membranes). The omega‐3 index increased 63.2 % in the AG‐PUFA group and 58.5 % in the EE‐PUFA group ( P 〈 0.001). Overall, the heart rate in the AG‐PUFA group decreased by three beats per minute ( P = 0.045). High‐density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol increased in the AG‐PUFA group ( P 〈 0.001). Neither total nor non‐HDL cholesterol changed in any group. Lipoprotein‐associated phospholipase A2 (LpPLA2) decreased in the EE‐PUFA group ( P = 0.001). No serious adverse events were observed. Supplementation with long‐chain n‐3 PUFA lowered non‐fasting triacylglycerol levels, suggestive of a reduction in cardiovascular risk. Regardless of the different effects on heart rate, HDL, and LpPLA2 that were observed, compared to placebo, AG‐PUFA, and EE‐PUFA are equally effective in reducing non‐fasting triacylglycerol levels.
    Type of Medium: Online Resource
    ISSN: 0024-4201 , 1558-9307
    Language: English
    Publisher: Wiley
    Publication Date: 2015
    detail.hit.zdb_id: 2030265-4
    detail.hit.zdb_id: 241539-2
    SSG: 12
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  • 9
    In: Journal of Clinical Medicine, MDPI AG, Vol. 11, No. 11 ( 2022-05-31), p. 3137-
    Abstract: Purpose: To examine the physicochemical properties of five preservative-free (PF) 0.005% latanoprost ophthalmic products; Monoprost®, Latanest®, Gaap Ofteno®, Xalmono®, and Xaloptic® Free. Furthermore, the study investigated the mucin production and cell survival of primary cultured human conjunctival goblet cells when treated with PF eye drops. Method: The pH value, osmolality, and surface tension were examined. Cell survival was analyzed using lactate dehydrogenase and tetrazolium dye colorimetric assays. Mucin production was analyzed with immunohistochemical staining. Results: Monoprost® (pH value 6.84 ± 0.032) had a pH value closest to the pH value of tear fluid (pH value 7.4–7.6), whereas Gaap Ofteno® (pH value 6.34 ± 0.004) and Latanest® (pH value 6.33 ± 0.003) had the lowest pH values. Gaap Ofteno® (325.9 ± 2.9 mosmol/kg) showed iso-osmolar probabilities, whereas the other products were hypo-osmolar. Gaap Ofteno® (60.31 ± 0.35 mN/m) had a higher surface tension compared to the tear fluid (40 to 46 mN/m), as described in the literature. No significant differences in goblet cell survival or mucin release were observed between the treatments and control. Conclusion: Significant differences in pH value, osmolality, and surface tension were observed. However, this did not affect the viability of the goblet cells or the release of mucin. Clinical studies are required to evaluate the long-term effects of use on efficacy and safety.
    Type of Medium: Online Resource
    ISSN: 2077-0383
    Language: English
    Publisher: MDPI AG
    Publication Date: 2022
    detail.hit.zdb_id: 2662592-1
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  • 10
    In: Biomedicine Hub, S. Karger AG, Vol. 6, No. 2 ( 2021-8-13), p. 69-76
    Abstract: 〈 b 〉 〈 i 〉 Introduction: 〈 /i 〉 〈 /b 〉 Most intraocular pressure (IOP)-lowering eye drops are preserved with benzalkonium chloride (BAK). This can increase side effects and decrease adherence. Particularly, damage to the mucin-producing conjunctival goblet cells may be an issue due to instability of the tear film. We aimed to investigate the effect of IOP-lowering eye drops preserved with BAK on cultured human conjunctival goblet cells. 〈 b 〉 〈 i 〉 Methods: 〈 /i 〉 〈 /b 〉 Eye drops Brimonidine Tartrate Teva (BT) with 0.005% BAK, Dorzolamide Stada (DS) with 0.0075% BAK, Optimol 〈 sup 〉 ® 〈 /sup 〉 (OP) with 0.01% BAK, and Latanoprost Teva (LT) with 0.02% BAK were included. Human primary cultured goblet cell survival was evaluated using a lactate dehydrogenase assay on human goblet cells after treatment for 30 min and 6 h with the different anti-glaucoma drug formulations. 〈 b 〉 〈 i 〉 Results: 〈 /i 〉 〈 /b 〉 All eye drops examined, except BT, reduced goblet cell survival. The impact of eye drops on goblet cell viability was correlated with the time of exposure as well as to the concentration of BAK. After 30 min of exposure, cell viability was 93% for BT (0.005% BAK; 〈 i 〉 p 〈 /i 〉 = 0.93), 71% for DS (0.0075% BAK; 〈 i 〉 p 〈 /i 〉 = 0.067), 70% for OP (0.01% BAK; 〈 i 〉 p 〈 /i 〉 = 0.054), and 69% for LT (0.02% BAK; 〈 i 〉 p 〈 /i 〉 = 0.022), and exposure for 6 h reduced cell survival to 74% for BT ( 〈 i 〉 p 〈 /i 〉 = 0.217), 52% for DS ( 〈 i 〉 p 〈 /i 〉 = 0.011), 34% for OP ( 〈 i 〉 p 〈 /i 〉 = 0.017), and 31% for LT ( 〈 i 〉 p 〈 /i 〉 = 0.0007). 〈 b 〉 〈 i 〉 Conclusion: 〈 /i 〉 〈 /b 〉 LT, OP, and DS reduced human goblet cell survival in a time-dependent manner. BT did not affect goblet cell survival. Cell survival was correlated with the BAK concentration in the eye drops making 0.02% BAK-preserved LT most toxic and 0.005% BAK-preserved BT least toxic. Based on the present study, decreasing BAK in eye drops for chronic use seems important to reduce damage to the goblet cells. However, future studies are needed to further explore this finding.
    Type of Medium: Online Resource
    ISSN: 2296-6870
    Language: English
    Publisher: S. Karger AG
    Publication Date: 2021
    detail.hit.zdb_id: 2855840-6
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