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    s.l. : American Chemical Society
    Journal of the American Chemical Society 77 (1955), S. 5676-5678 
    ISSN: 1520-5126
    Source: ACS Legacy Archives
    Topics: Chemistry and Pharmacology
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    s.l. : American Chemical Society
    Journal of the American Chemical Society 73 (1951), S. 5478-5480 
    ISSN: 1520-5126
    Source: ACS Legacy Archives
    Topics: Chemistry and Pharmacology
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    Der Anaesthesist 48 (1999), S. 718-726 
    ISSN: 1432-055X
    Keywords: Schlüsselwörter Instabile Angina pectoris, Therapie ; Glykoprotein (GP) IIb/IIIa Rezeptorantagonisten ; Azetylsalizylsäure ; Haparin, niedermolekulares ; PTCA ; Stentimplantation, instabile Angina pectoris
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Zum Thema Pathogenetisch liegt der instabilen Angina pectoris meist eine Ruptur der fibrösen Kappe einer lipidreichen Plaque zugrunde. Dies führt zur Aktivierung, Adhäsion und Aggregation von Thrombozyten, also zu Thrombose und Gefäßverschluß. Weitgehend belastungsunabhängig treten Ischämiesymptome auf und werden im Gegensatz zur stabilen Angina pectoris, deren Ischämiesymptome belastungsabhängig sind, als instabile Angina pectoris bezeichnet. Die vorliegende Übersicht zeigt den derzeitigen Stand der Behandlungskonzepte für die instabile Angina pectoris auf, die ebenso wie beim Myokardinfarkt in Richtung interventioneller Maßnahmen gehen, medikamentös kombiniert mit Azetylsalizylsäure, niedermolekularem Haprin und Glykoprotein (GP) IIb/IIIa Rezeptorantagonisten. Dabei wird die PTCA immer häufiger durch Stentimplantation ergänzt. Die Dynamik dieser Entwicklung läßt sich allein daraus ablesen, daß die erste koronare Stentimplantation gerade erst ein gutes Dezennium (1987) zurückliegt. Ob sich eine so aktiv vorgehende Therapiestrategie “flächendeckend” in Deutschland durchführen läßt, stimmt nachdenklich und muß aus Organistations- und Kostengründen dahingestellt bleiben. Wünschenswert wäre das im Hinblick auf die wesentliche Risikoverbesserung akuter Konorarsyndrome natürlich. Organisatorisch ist neben qualitätssichernden Maßnahmen auch eine vertretbare Entfernung zur nächstgelegenen Herzchirurgie erforderlich, falls weiterführende operative Maßnahmen geboten sind.
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    Anatomy and embryology 137 (1972), S. 200-220 
    ISSN: 1432-0568
    Keywords: Guinea pig ; Antiandrogen cyproterone acetate ; Sexual differentiation external and internal ; Feminization ; Virilization/masculinization
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Summary Pregnant guinea pigs were treated with cyproterone acetate from the 15th to the 40th day p.c. The dosage was 50, 75 and 100 mg/kg/day. On the 46th day p.c. the internal and external genitalia of untreated female and male foetuses and of male foetuses from treated mothers were prepared and histologically examined. Some fetuses, whose mothers had been treated from the 25th to the 45th day p.c. with a daily dose of 50 mg/kg cyproterone acetate, were allowed to grow up and an adult male animal was dissected. Neither the differentiation of the gonads, the descent of the testes nor the regression of the Müllerian ducts could be influenced by cyproterone acetate. The Wolffian ducts and the seminal vesicles regularly showed signs of a clear regression. In isolated cases their development was completely inhibited by the antiandrogen. The size of the prostate and the bulbo-urethral gland was much reduced in comparison to those of male control animals. However, it was not possible to induce complete regression of these gland complexes. The course of the urethra in the region of the pelvis and phallus and the anatomical form of the external genital organs of male guinea pig fetuses showed clear signs of feminization under the influence of cyproterone acetate. The formation of a vagina could not be induced. It was possible to evaluate the influence of endogenous androgens on critical phases of intrauterine sexual differentiation for the guinea pig. The possibility that cyproterone acetate also has an inherent androgenic effect and the probable existence of species-specific androgens and organ-specific androgen receptors were also discussed. Since the differentiation of the gonads, the descent of the testes and the regression of the Müllerian ducts cannot be influenced by cyproterone acetate administration even several days before the start of the histologically detectable differentiation of these tissues, the results again lead to the assumption that, apart from androgens, at least one other sexual inductor exists which is responsible for the complete sexual differentiation of the genital organs to the male or female type.
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    Journal of molecular medicine 64 (1986), S. 49-62 
    ISSN: 1432-1440
    Keywords: Sexual steroids ; Müllerian inhibiting hormone ; Sexual development ; Intersexuality
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Summary Normal sexual development is the consequence of three sequential interrelated processes: establishment of genetic, gonadal and somatic sex. It is the terminal phase of sexual differentiation-the translation of gonadal into somatic sex, which is governed by the presence or absence of both testosterone and Müllerian-inhibiting hormone and of dihydrotestosterone, which is formed in its respective target tissues. Thus, despite a testis, somatic male sexual differentiation will proceed to a normal male phenotype only if all three hormones are synthesized and act during a critical period of uterine development. Many clinically distinct syndromes are the results of abnormalities in the synthesis or action of the above-mentioned hormones; these syndromes are described in detail. In contrast to male somatic differentiation, female somatic development is independent of these hormones.
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    Journal of molecular medicine 49 (1971), S. 790-806 
    ISSN: 1432-1440
    Keywords: Behavior ; hormones ; Verhalten ; Hormone
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Description / Table of Contents: Zusammenfassung Am besten erforscht ist das Sexualverhalten. Man unterscheidet zwischen dem Sexualverhalten im engeren Sinne (Paarungsverhalten) und Verhaltensweisen, die mehrindirekt mit dem Fortpflanzungsgeschehen zusammenhängen. Dazu gehören der Mutterinstinkt, verschiedene Formen des Aggressionsverhaltens, die Gebietsmarkierung, Herdenverhalten (Rangordnung). Das Paarungsverhalten von Tieren ist fast ausschließlich von Sexualhormonen abhängig. Im allgemeinen induzierem männliche Sexualhormone (Androgene) männliches und weibliche Sexualhormone (Gestagene und Oestrogene) weibliches Paarungsverhalten. Die zentrale Schaltstelle für die Induktion von Paarungsverhalten sind Kerngebiete im Zwischenhirn. Fehlen Sexualhormone (etwa nach chirurgischer oder chemischer Kastration), so erlischt der Sexualtrieb, ausgenommen die Frau. Sexualhormone sind auch für die Prägung jener Gehirnzentren verantwortlich, die später männliches oder weibliches Sexualverhalten auslösen. In z.T. enger Beziehung zum Sexualverhalten stehen auch verschiedene Arten des Aggressionsverhaltens. Sie sind oft mit dem jeweiligen Androgenblutspiegel direkt korreliert und treten folglich nur bei männlichen Tieren in Erscheinung. Auch bei Fischen und Vögeln sind verschiedene Arten des Aggressionsverhaltens androgenabhängig. Zumindest bei Ratten wird auch die Intensität bestimmter Arten des Aggressionsverhaltens im Erwachsenenalter kurz nach der Geburt hormonell geprägt. Nicht direkt im Zusammenhang mit dem Sexualverhalten, jedoch abhängig vom Hormonstatus, sind einige andere Verhaltensweisen, wie z. B. der Mutterinstinkt, der Nestbautrieb und die Spontanaktivität. Die hierarchische Stellung eines Individuums innerhalb einer Herde hängt ebenfalls weitestgehend vom hormonalen Status ab. Ähnlich hormonabhängig ist die Reviermarkierung männlicher Tiere (Hirsch, Moorhühner). Das Kraulverhalten bei Primaten ist ein Ausdruck der individuellen Stellung eines Tieres innerhalb der hochorganisierten Gesellschaft dieser Species und steht in enger Beziehung mit dem Hormonstatus. Das Lernverhalten scheint sowohl durch Sexualhormone (Steroide), nichtsteroide Hormone wie Noradrenalin als auch Proteohormone (ACTH und ACTH-Bruchstücke) beeinflußbar zu sein. Bei hypophysektomierten Ratten konnte durch Zufuhr von ACTH-Bruchstücken das Lernverhalten erheblich verbessert werden.
    Notes: Summary The sexual behavior is most exhaustively investigated. One distinguishes between the sexual behavior in the stricter sense (mating behavior) and behavioral patterns which are more indirectly linked with reproduction. The latter comprise the maternal instinct, several types of aggressive behavior, territorial behavior, and herding (hierarchic) behavior. The mating behavior of animals is almost exclusively dependent on hormones. Normally, male sex hormones (androgens) stimulate masculine behavior and female sex hormones (estrogens and gestagens) evoke feminine mating behavior. The central integrator for the induction of mating behavior is located in diencephalic nuclei. If sex hormones are lacking (e.g. after surgical or chemical castration), the sex drive is fading off, except in women. Sex hormones are also responsible for the determination of those neural centers controlling male or female sex behavior later in life. Several types of aggressive behavior are also closely linked to sexual behavior. There is frequently a direct correlation with the level of androgens in blood. Consequently, these types of aggression are only apparent in male animals. A number of aggressive traits is also androgen-dependent in fishes and birds. At least in rats, the intensity of certain types of the adult aggressive behavior is imprinted by hormones shortly after birth. There are other behavioral patterns, e.g. maternal in stinct, nest building activity, and spontaneous activity, that are not directly connected with sexual behavior but also dependent on the hormonal state. The hierarchic rank of an individual in a herd depends also considerably on the hormonal state. The territorial behavior of male animals (stag, red grouse) is also androgen-dependent. The well-known grooming behavior of primates marks the social rank of an individual within the highly organized society of this species. It is closely related to the hormonal state. The learning ability seems to be susceptible to the influence of sex hormones (steroids) as well as nonsteroidal hormones like norepinephrine and proteohormones (ACTH). The learning capacity of hypophysectomized rats was considerably improved by the administration of ACTH fragments.
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  • 17
    ISSN: 1432-1807
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Mathematics
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  • 18
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    Intensive care medicine 23 (1997), S. 379-385 
    ISSN: 1432-1238
    Keywords: Key words Platelet ; Sepsis ; Multiple organ dysfunction syndrome ; Glycoproteins ; Aggregation ; Adhesion ; Endothelium
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Abstract Objective: Altered platelet function plays a role in the pathophysiology of multiple organ failure in sepsis. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate various aspects of platelet adhesive function in septic patients and its putative relevance for prognosis. Design: Prospective clinical study. Setting: Intensive Care Unit of the University Hospital. Patients and methods: A total of 41 patients admitted to the medical Intensive Care Unit were studied. On the day of admission, patients were evaluated by intensive care scoring systems (Elebute, APACHE II) to assess the severity of sepsis and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS), and platelet function tests were performed. All patients were observed for 28 days to assess their clinical outcomes. Eleven patients revealed septicemia without MODS (Elebute ≥12, APACHE II 〈20) and 20 septic patients suffered from MODS (Elebute ≥12, APACHE II ≥20). Ten non-septic patients without MODS served as a control group (Elebute 〈12, APACHE II 〈20). Flow cytometric determination of the activated fibrinogen (fg) receptor GPIIb-IIIa and as well as thrombospondin (TSP) on platelets and platelet-neutrophil adhesion (CD41 immunofluorescence) ex vivo was performed using monoclonal antibodies. The effect of plasma obtained from patients on normal platelet aggregation in vitro, and adhesion to cultured endothelial cells was evaluated. Results: The surface expression of TSP on platelets was increased in septic patients with MODS compared to controls (p〈0.03). Platelet-neutrophil adhesion was not significantly altered in septicemia (p〈0.09) but decreased significantly in the presence of MODS (p〈0.05) when compared to controls. Logistic regression analysis showed that platelet-neutrophil adhesion was an independent predictor for poor clinical outcome (p〈0.01). Plasma from septic patients sensitized normal platelets to hyperaggregate and to adhere to cultured endothelium (p〈0.01). Conclusion: In septic patients platelets become activated and are hyperadhesive to other vascular cells including neutrophils and endothelium. This may induce sequestration of platelets and microcirculatory arrest, thus the development of MODS.
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    European journal of clinical pharmacology 39 (1990), S. S9 
    ISSN: 1432-1041
    Keywords: Cardiac microcirculation ; left ventricular hypertrophy ; myocardial ischemia ; stunned myocardium ; leukocytes
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Chemistry and Pharmacology , Medicine
    Notes: Summary I. Myocardial hypertrophy, for instance in patients with hypertensive heart disease, is characterized by a reduction of coronary vascular reserve, even in the presence of normal coronary arteries. In hypertensive animals, on the microcirculatory level functional changes can be observed before the onset of any structural rarefications. In 10 rats with renal hypertension and pressure-induced left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH), the microcirulation of the left ventricular myocardium was studied using in vivo fluorescence microscopy and morphometric analysis. Renal hypertension was provoked by clipping of the left renal artery. After 8 weeks, systolic blood pressure in LVH rats averaged 172 ± 8 mm Hg, compared to 91 ± 2 mmHg in 10 normotensive (NT) rats. In LVH rats, distances of plasma-perfused capillaries were significantly increased (NT = 17.7; LVH = 20 μm;p 〈 0.001). Volume density, surface density, and length density of capillaries in LVH rats were reduced by 20% compared to NT rats. Capillary red cell content as measured by the ratio of capillaries filled with red cells to those containing plasma alone (Q) in LVH animals exceeded that in NT rats (LVH: Q = 0.83 ± 0.04; NT Q = 0.77 ± 0.04;p 〈 0.025). During hypoxia (H, 5% 02) capillary red cell recruitment in LVH rats (Q: control c = 0.83; H = 0.95) was diminished by 33% as compared to NT rats (Q: c = 0.77; H = 0.95). Thus, in addition to the decreased capillary density, the reduction of capillary red cell recruitment may be responsible for chest pain in patients with LVH and normal coronary arteries. 2. In 11 rats, the microcirculation of the repeatedly ischemic (stunned) left ventricular myocardium (SM) was studied using in vivo fluorescence microscopy. Stunning was provoked by 6 subsequent 10 minute ligations of the left anterior descending coronary artery, each of them followed by a 20 min reperfusion period. In the SM showing hypokinetic wall motion mean capillary blood flow velocity was markedly reduced (control c =1312; SM = 694 μm/sec;p 〈 0.001): myocardial blood flow (hydrogen clearance) in the SM dropped by 55%. In SM, leukocytes often appeared in slow-flow capillaries plugging capillary branches: the percentage of capillaries and postcapillary venules with adherent leukocytes was markedly increased (c = 3%; SM = 68%). In close link to leukocyte adherence, a rise of microvascular permeability was documented by extravascular clouds of fluorescent dextran. The ratio of capillaries filled with red cells to those containing plasma alone was diminished in SM (c = 0.77; SM = 0.65;p 〈 0.001). In the SM there are microcirculatory disturbances which occur before the onset of detectable structural alterations of both the microvasculature and the myocyte.
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  • 20
    ISSN: 0009-2614
    Source: Elsevier Journal Backfiles on ScienceDirect 1907 - 2002
    Topics: Chemistry and Pharmacology , Physics
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