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  • Articles  (390)
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    Surgical and radiologic anatomy 15 (1993), S. 131-137 
    ISSN: 1279-8517
    Keywords: Sacroiliac joint ; Computed tomography ; Secondary ossification centres ; Os sacrum
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Description / Table of Contents: Résumé Des formations osseuses apparemment bilatérales, de formes et tailles différentes, localisées dans les parties antéro-supérieures et inférieures des articulations sacroiliaques, ont été observées sur les images de coupes axiales de la région pelvienne chez des patients jeunes. Aucune autre modification pathologique n'a été notée au niveau des articulations sacro-iliaques de ces individus. Chez l'un des patients, les structures osseuses pouvaient aussi être observées sur les radiographies standard. Nous avons aussi étudié cette articulation chez 3 sujets anatomiques juvéniles, par la radiographie, la TDM, l'étude macroscopique et histologique. Chez deux d'entre eux des formations osseuses semblables à celles observées chez les patients jeunes pouvaient être détectées sur les coupes TDM. Les recherches macroscopiques ont montré que ces structures étaient des points d'ossification secondaires localisés dans le cartilage articulaire de la partie latérale du sacrum en regard du 1er et du 3e segments sacrés. Si l'on se réfère à une littérature anatomique plus ancienne, ces points d'ossification épiphysaires contribuent à la surface auriculaire de la partie latérale du sacrum et à la surface libre latérale des parties caudales du sacrum. Ils peuvent être observés entre 12 et 25 ans et commencent à fusionner avec les parties latérales aux environs de la 18e année. Sur les bassins osseux provenant de pièces juvéniles conservées, les ossicules libres n'ont pas pu être décelés dans la région des articulations sacroiliaques. Les particularités histologiques du processus d'ossification observé sont discutés. Ces points d'ossification physiologiques doivent être distingués des altérations pathologiques apparaissant au scanner comme des structures osseuses ou assimilées.
    Notes: Summary Bilateral apparently bony structures of different forms and sizes located in the inferior and superior ventral parts of the sacroiliac joints were observed on axial CT images of the pelvic region of juvenile patients. No other pathological changes were noted in the sacroiliac joints of these individuals. In one patient the bony structures could also be seen on a conventional plain radiograph. We also examined 3 juvenile autopsy specimens of this joint using radiology, CT, macroscopical evaluation and histology. In two of them, structures could be detected on the CT scans which were similar to those observed in the young patients. Macroscopic investigations revealed the structures to be secondary ossification centres located in the articular cartilage of the lateral part of the os sacrum at the levels of the first and third sacral segments. According to older anatomical literature, these epiphysial ossification centres contribute to the auricular surface of the lateral part of the os sacrum and the free lateral surface of the inferior sacral parts. They can be observed between the ages of 12 and 25 years and begin to synostose with the lateral part around the age of 18 years. In macerated juvenile specimens of the bony pelvis, free ossicles were not detectable in the region of the sacroiliac joints. Histological peculiarities of the ossification process observed are discussed. These physiologically occurring ossification centres are to be differentiated from pathological alterations appearing as bony or bone-like structures on CT scans.
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    Surgical and radiologic anatomy 3 (1982), S. 263-270 
    ISSN: 1279-8517
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Description / Table of Contents: Résumé Dans le cadre d'une étude micro-anatomique de l'angle ponto-cérébelleux, la vascularisation de 50 nerfs faciaux est examinée sous microscope opératoire après injection au latex coloré ou à l'encre de Chine. Cette étude permet aux auteurs de décrire un double apport artériel: l'un proximal, né au niveau du tronc cérébral, résulte de la confluence de 3 à 5 artérioles issues de l'ACiA ou de l'artère basilaire ellemême; l'autre distal, au niveau du méat acoustique interne, provient de l'artère labyrinthique. Ces deux systèmes artériels ne s'anastomosent pas entre eux à plein canal, mais par des capillaires d'un diamètre inférieur à 200 microns. Les auteurs en tirent argument pour estimer que certaines paralysies faciales post-opératoires survenant malgré la conservation anatomique du nerf, sont de nature ischémique.
    Notes: Summary The blood supply of 50 facial nerves was examined during a micro-anatomical study of the ponto-cerebellar angle using injections of colored latex or Chinese ink. The results indicate the presence of a double arterial blood supply: the proximal supply, rising at the level of the brain stem, results from the confluence of three to five arterioles originating from the anterior inferior cerebellar artery or from the basilar artery itself; the distal supply at the level of the internal acoustic meatus arises from the labyrinthine artery. These two arterial systems do not anastomose directly but by way of capillaries of less than 200 microns in diameter. From these findings the authors conclude that certain postoperative facial paralyses, which may arise in spite of the conservation of the nerve, are in fact ischemic in nature.
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    ISSN: 1279-8517
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
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    Anatomy and embryology 184 (1991), S. 345-353 
    ISSN: 1432-0568
    Keywords: Human embryo ; Lectins ; Spine ; Vertebral development
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Summary Paraffin sections from vertebral columns of ten human embryos and fetuses ranging from stage 16 to the 12th week were stained with the FITC-coupled lectins PNA, RCA I, Con A and WGA in order to investigate changes in carbohydrate-binding sites during vertebral development. PNA revealed a specific binding site in the vertebral body blastema in the precartilaginous stage of development. Beginning with the 25-mm CRL embryo, PNA-binding sites occurred in the developing fibrous annulus and the inner zone of the intervertebral discs. The first binding sites for RCA I were seen in the extracellular matrix of vertebral bodies during the cartilaginous stage of vertebral development. During early ossification of the vertebrae, staining for RCA I-binding sites in the cytoplasm of the chondrocytes and the area around the future cartilaginous end-plates was observed. Con A bound to the chondrocyte cytoplasm, and also very strongly to notochordal cells in all developmental stages examined. WGA-binding sites appeared simultaneously with cartilage formation. Connective tissue components, e.g. ligaments, were diffusely stained by WGA. Also this lectin showed an affinity for vertebral body chondrocytes. We discuss the biochemical aspects of these lectin-binding sites, and their possible roles in the differentiation process of the human vertebral column. The results of this first lectin histochemical study on human vertebral development are compared with related results in other species.
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  • 5
    ISSN: 1432-055X
    Keywords: Schlüsselwörter: Fourniersche Gangrän – Sepsis – Schock ; Key words: Fournier's gangrene – Septic shock
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Description / Table of Contents: Abstract. Fournier's gangrene is a necrotising soft-tissue infection of the scrotum and perineal region caused by gram-negative and gram-positive Enterobacteriaceae. The disease is characterised by its unique appearance, its speed of onset, and its high mortality. Case report. A 26-year-old male presented to the emergency room complaining of a painful, tremendously swollen scrotum and penis (Fig. 1) that had developed within the past 24 h. Later, slurred speech, pallor, and hypotension were recognised, leading to the patient's admission to the intensive care unit. Suspecting a severe internal haemorrhage, vigorous volume therapy was started using crystalloids and colloids until blood and fresh frozen plasma were available. One hour later, septic shock was presumed and therapy augmented by IV antibiotics, tracheal intubation, and mechanical ventilation. Despite all efforts, the patients condition deteriorated rapidly and he died a few hours later due to multiple organ failure in septic shock. Postmortem, a perforated external hemorrhoidal node was found to be the primary focus of sepsis. Microbiologic cultures revealed Escherichia coli in blood and tissue samples. Discussion. Fournier's gangrene is a rare disease; nevertheless, its clinical picture has to be recognised immediately in order to provide appropriate treatment in time. It occurs predominantly in males after minor trauma, colorectal or urological disease, and perineal or abdominal surgery. Fournier's gangrene usually begins with itching and pain in the scrotal region followed by swelling and dark-blueish discolouration of the scrotum and penis, occasionally including the lower abdominal wall. Fever and chills are usually present. The illness progresses to severe prostration and septic shock with a mortality of 20% – 50%. Tissue cultures mostly reveal E. coli, gram-positive enterococci, Pseudomonas, Proteus, and various anaerobes. The treatment should include immediate radical surgical debridement, IV administration of broad-spectrum antibiotics, and cardiopulmonary support. Conclusion. The dramatic course of Fournier's gangrene requires early recognition, extensive surgical debridement, as well as intensive care treatment in order to prevent irreversible septic shock.
    Notes: Zusammenfassung. Die Fourniersche Gangrän manifestiert sich meist bei Männern mittleren bis höheren Lebensalters als nekrotisierende Fasciitis des äußeren Genitales. Kennzeichnend sind eine typische Anamnese mit progredienter, schmerzhafter Hodenschwellung und Fieber, ein oft explosionsartiger Beginn, der kaum verwechselbare makroskopische Aspekt und die hohe Mortalität infolge septischer Komplikationen. Der unter Umständen dramatische Verlauf der Erkrankung erfordert ein invasives chirurgisches und intensivmedizinisches Vorgehen. Die Entscheidung hierzu setzt die rasche Diagnose des seltenen Krankheitsbilds voraus. Wir berichten über einen jungen Patienten mit Fournierscher Gangrän, der wenige Stunden nach Aufnahme ins Krankenhaus an einem foudroyant verlaufenden septischen Schock verstarb.
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  • 6
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    Acta neuropathologica 58 (1982), S. 78-80 
    ISSN: 1432-0533
    Keywords: Fetal leptomeningitis ; Intrauterine purulent leptomeningitis ; Streptococcal meningitis
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Summary This may be the first report of intrauterine purulent leptomeningitis, the infection of which has been caused by amnio-chorionitis via the umbilical route. The fetus was stillborn at the 35th week of gestation. Neuropathologic features did not differ from those of neonatal meningitis.
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  • 7
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    Acta neuropathologica 60 (1983), S. 132-136 
    ISSN: 1432-0533
    Keywords: Cloverleaf skull anomally ; Tempral lobe dysgenesis ; Thanatophoric chondrodystrophy ; Ventricular diverticle
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Summary An early fetal case of cloverleaf skull anomaly associated with thanatophoric chondrodystrophy is described. Localized ventricular diverticles are a peculiar finding. In addition there are previously described malformations limited to the temporal lobes and comprising plump gyri with abnormal deep sulci, thick periventricular heterotopias, dysgenesis of the parahippocampal gyrus, agenesis of the Ammon's horn, and small micropolygyria. The skull deformity is not dependent on hydrocephalus, demonstrating inconsistencies in previous pathogenetic concepts.
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    Cellular and molecular life sciences 26 (1970), S. 402-403 
    ISSN: 1420-9071
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Biology , Medicine
    Notes: Summary The inhibition of AChE by Paraoxon is overcome by the application of the oximes 2-PAM, Toxogonin® and HS 3. Soman inhibited AChE is affected only to a limited extent by HS 3 and HS 9.
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  • 9
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    Medical microbiology and immunology 103 (1924), S. 659-680 
    ISSN: 1432-1831
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
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  • 10
    ISSN: 1432-1238
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Conclusions Unlike in healthy volunteers in patients with septic shock the hepatic metabolic response to adrenergic stimulation may not mirror the catecholamine-induced increase in splanchnic blood flow. Given the high O2 cost of hepatic gluconcogenesis, infusing dobutamine may potentially reduce hepatic energy requirements in these patients.
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