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  • Fisheries  (6)
  • Structure, structural phase transitions, mechanical properties, defects  (4)
  • Cobalt(III) porphyrins  (2)
  • 1
    ISSN: 0749-1581
    Keywords: Cobalt(III) porphyrins ; Conformational equilibria ; Piperidines ; Shift reagents ; Substituent chemical shifts ; Chemistry ; Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Chemistry and Pharmacology
    Notes: The 1H and 13C NMR spectra of piperidine and eight monosubstituted piperidines and their spectra with cobalt(III) mesotetraphenylporphyrin chloride (CoTPPCl) and cobalt(III) octaethylporphyrin chloride (CoOEPCl) were assigned using a range of NMR techniques. When complexed to the porphyrin shift reagent the axial and equatorial conformers were in slow exchange at room temperature, allowing the determination of conformational equilibria and substituent chemical shifts (SCS).Conformational free energy differences (-ΔG°, kcal mol-1) obtained for 4-substituted piperidines using CoOEPCl at 298 K were 0.5 (X = Br), 0.7 (X = OH), 0.8 (X = carbethoxy), 1.8 (X = Me) and 〉 1.6 (X = Ph). These were in good agreement with literature values. For CoTPPCl the corresponding values were -0.2 (axial conformation favoured), 0.3, 0.7, 1.4 and 〉 1.6, indicating that an axial orientation of the 4-substituent was more favoured than with CoOEPCl. This difference was rationalized in terms of steric and electrostatic interactions between the piperidine substituent and the phenyl rings of CoTPPCl. In both cases proton and 13C SCS values were in good agreement with those in the literature.With 1-, 2- and 3-methylpiperidines unusual results were obtained for both porphyrins. For 3-methylpiperidine -ΔG° was only 0.8 kcal mol-1 compared with a literature value of 1.6 kcal mol-1, whilst for 1- and 2- methylpiperidine reduction of the shift reagent to cobalt(II) occurred. With 1-methylpiperidine the reduction was complete and no complexation was observed, but only some of the shift reagent was reduced by 2-methylpiperidine and the remaining shift reagent complexed to the amine.
    Additional Material: 6 Ill.
    Type of Medium: Electronic Resource
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  • 2
    ISSN: 0749-1581
    Keywords: Cobalt(III) porphyrins ; Conformations ; Azacyclooctane ; Azacycloheptane ; NMR ; Chemistry ; Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy
    Source: Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2000
    Topics: Chemistry and Pharmacology
    Notes: A novel NMR shift reagent, cobalt(III) meso-tetraphenylporphyrin (CoTPP) was used to determine the conformations of azacycloheptane and azacyclooctane ligands complexed to the metalloporphyrin. Using the observed ring current shifts and a previously calibrated ring current model, the best agreement between the observed and calculated ring current shifts for azacycloheptane was obtained for a chair conformation, in agreement with previous theoretical and experimental studies on the conformational stability of seven-membered rings. The ring current shifts for azacyclooctane are best interpreted in terms of a mixture of many conformations. These results suggest that CoTPP may be useful as a probe of other conformationally mobile ligands.
    Additional Material: 3 Ill.
    Type of Medium: Electronic Resource
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  • 3
    In: | 403 | 2014-05-23 00:12:56 | 15131 | United States National Marine Fisheries Service
    Publication Date: 2021-07-03
    Description: Larval development of the southern sea garfish (Hyporhamphus melanochir) and the river garfish (H. regularis) is described from specimens from South Australian waters. Larvae of H. melanochir and H. regularis have completed notochord flexion at hatching and are characterized by an elongate body with distinct rows of melanophores along the dorsal, lateral, and ventral surfaces; a small to moderate head; a heavily pigmented and long straight gut; a persistent pre-anal finfold; and an extended lower jaw. Fin formation occurs in the following sequence: caudal, dorsal and anal (almost simultaneously), pectoral, and pelvic. Despite the similarities between both species and among hemiramphid larvae in general, H. melanochir larvae are distinguishable from H. regularis by1) having 58–61 vertebrae (vs. 51–54 for H. regularis); 2) having 12–15 melanophore pairs in longitudinal rows along the dorsal margin between the head and origin of the dorsal fin (vs. 19–22 for H. regularis); and 3) the absence of a large ventral pigment blotch anteriorly on the gut and isthmus (present in H. regularis). Both species can be distinguished from similar larvae of southern Australia (other hemiramphids and a scomberosocid) by differences in meristic counts and pigmentation.
    Keywords: Ecology ; Fisheries
    Repository Name: AquaDocs
    Type: article , TRUE
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: 368-376
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  • 4
    In: | 8 | 2011-09-29 19:14:23 | 2338 | Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission
    Publication Date: 2021-07-13
    Description: ENGLISH: Yellowfin tuna, Neothunnus macropterus, and skipjack tuna, Katsuwonus pelamis, are fished intensively off the west coast of the Americas in an area from about the California-Mexico border in the north to the Peru-Chile border in the south. The historical development of this fishery, and its expansion by the long-range California fleets of bait and purse-seine vessels, are well documented by Godsil (1938), Scofield (1951) and Shimada and Sehaefer (1956). The quarterly distribution of the tuna catches within this area has been reported for some recent years by Alverson (1959).SPANISH: Los atunes aleta amarilla, Neothunnus macropterus, y barrilete, Katsuwonus pelamis, son pescados con intensidad frente a la costa occidental del continente americano, en un área comprendida más o menos entre la frontera California-México en el norte y el límite Perú-Chile en el sur. El desarrollo histórico de esta pesquería y la expansión que le han dado las flotas californianas de largo radio de acción, formadas por los barcos de carnada y rederos, están bien documentados por Godsil (1938), Scofield (1951) y Shimada y Schaefer (1956). La distribución trimestral de las pescas de atún dentro de esta área ha sido tratada por Alverson (1959) con referencia a años recientes.
    Description: This article is bilingual and contains both Spanish and English Translations.
    Keywords: Fisheries ; Yellowfin tuna ; Neotbunnus macropterus ; skipjack tuna ; Katsuwonus pelamis ; fishery ; atunes aleta amarilla ; barrilete ; pesquería
    Repository Name: AquaDocs
    Type: article
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: 447-492
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  • 5
    In: | 8 | 2011-09-29 18:05:25 | 2962 | Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission
    Publication Date: 2021-06-30
    Description: ENGLISH: Knowledge of the size and age at maturity, spawning seasons, and spawning areas of the tropical tunas supporting the fishery in the Eastern Pacific is an important part of the basic information required for understanding their life history, population structure, and fishery dynamics. Until a few years ago nothing was known of these matters. In 1947 the senior author and one of his colleagues (Schaefer and Marr 1948, Schaefer 1948)were able to demonstrate that both yellowfin tuna and skipjack spawn offshore from Central America at least during the late winter and spring months. During January to April many yellowfin tuna over about 70 cm. total length in commercial catches from that region were found to havegonads in advanced stages of maturity, and specimens caught during late June were found to be spent. Maturing skipjack were collected in late February, and spawned-out fish were observed in late March. Numerous very young juveniles of the yellowfin, down to 10 mm. in length, and two very young juvenile skipjack, were captured in this area between January and May. SPANISH: El conocimiento del tamaño y la edad que corresponden a la primera madurez sexual, así como de las estaciones y áreas de desove de los atunestropicales que mantienen las pesquerías del Pacífico Oriental, constituyen parte importante de la información que es menester para comprender la historia natural, la estructura de la población y la dinámica de la pesquería.Hasta hace pocos años nada se sabía sobre el particular. En 1947 el autor principal y uno de sus colegas (Schaefer y Marr, 1948; Schaefer, 1948) pudieron demostrar que tanto el atún aleta amarilla como el barrilete desovan en el mar abierto, frente a América Central, por lo menos durantela última parte del invierno y en la primavera. De enero a abril encontraron que muchos de los atunes aleta amarilla de más de 70 cm. de longitud total, procedentes de las pescas comerciales de dicha región; tenían gónadasen avanzados estados de madurez, mientras que ejemplares pescados hacia fines de junio ya habían desovado. Se recolectaron barriletes en vías de maduración a fines de febrero, al paso que en los últimos días de marzo seencontraron especímenes que ya habían desovado. Numerosos ejemplares muy juveniles del atún aleta amarilla, tan pequeños como 10 mm., y dos barriletes también muy juveniles, fueron pescados en esta región entreenero y mayo.(PDF contains 65 pages.)
    Description: This article is bilingual and contains both Spanish and English translations.
    Keywords: Fisheries ; sexual development ; spawning ; yellowfin tuna ; Neothunnus macropterus ; skipjack ; Katsuwonus pelamis ; Eastern Pacific Ocean ; gonads ; gonadas ; desarrollo sexual ; desove ; atún aleta amarilla ; barrilete ; Pacífico Oriental
    Repository Name: AquaDocs
    Type: article
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: 281-349
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  • 6
    In: | 8 | 2011-09-29 17:30:18 | 3382 | Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission
    Publication Date: 2021-06-25
    Description: ENGLISH: Logbook records of purse seiners and baitboats fishing for yellowfin and skipjack tunas in the eastern Pacific Ocean were used to prepare charts showing the distribution of catches by one-degree area and quarter of the year for each gear and regulation status, for the years 1975-1978. Changes in geographical distribution of the catch over the four-year period are described. Information on annual catch statistics and fleet composition by country is presented. SPANISH: Se emplearon los registros de bitácora de las embarcaciones cerqueras y de carnada que pescan atún aleta amarilla y barrilete en el Océano Pacífico oriental, para preparar los diagramas que indican la distribución de captura por zonas de un grado y trimestres del año de cada arte y condición de las reglamentaciones, en los años de 19'75 a 1978. Se describen los cambios de la distribución geográfica de la captura durante un período de cuatro Se presenta la información, por país, de las estadísticas de captura y de la composición de la flota.(PDF contains 120 pages.)
    Description: This article is bilingual and contains both English and Spanish translations.
    Keywords: Fisheries ; geographical distribution ; yellowfin ; skipjack ; tuna ; Eastern Pacific Ocean ; catch statistics ; distribucion geográfica ; atún aleta amarilla ; barrilete ; Océano Pacifico Oriental ; estadísticas de captura
    Repository Name: AquaDocs
    Type: article
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: 1-120
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  • 7
    In: | 8 | 2011-09-29 18:48:52 | 2628 | Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission
    Publication Date: 2021-06-26
    Description: ENGLISH: These aspects of the schooling habits of the yellowfin and skipjack tuna may be investigated by means of the logbook records of the catches of individual sets of the nets of purse-seine vessels. For both purposes it must be assumed that a set is made, in each case, on a single school of fish. The study of school sizes based on these data requires the additional assumption either that the entire school is captured or that each set captures a constant fraction of the school upon which it is made. In this paper we report on the results of such investigations based on logbook records of the purse-seine fleet. SPANISH: Estos aspectos de los hábitos gregarios de los atunes aleta amarilla y barrilete pueden ser investigados a base de los registros de bitácora en que se anotan las pescas resultantes de cada una de las operaciones con la red de encierre que realizan los barcos rederos. Para ambos propósitos hay que suponer que las operaciones se efectúan, en cada caso, en un cardumen independiente. El estudio de los tamaños de los cardúmenes o manchas, a base de estos datos, requiere una suposición adicional: que el cardumen entero es capturado o, en su defecto, que en cada operación con la red se pesca una fracción constante de la mancha objeto de la pesca. En el presente artículo damos cuenta de los resultados de dichas investigaciones basadas en los registros de bitácora que lleva la flota de embarcaciones que utilizan redes de encierre. (PDF contains 47 pages.)
    Description: This article is bilingual and contains both Spanish and English translations.
    Keywords: Fisheries ; Schooling habits ; yellowfin tuna ; Neothunnus macropterus ; skipjack Katsuwonus pelamis ; Eastern Pacific Ocean ; purse seine ; hábitos gregarios ; atún aleta amarilla ; barrilete ; Océano Pacífico Oriental ; redes de encierre
    Repository Name: AquaDocs
    Type: article
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: 81-127
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  • 8
    In: | 8 | 2011-09-29 17:14:16 | 3532 | Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission
    Publication Date: 2021-06-27
    Description: (PDF contains 70 pages.)
    Description: This article is bilingual and contains both Spanish and English translations.
    Keywords: Fisheries ; spawning ; yellowfin tuna ; skipjack tuna ; Eastern Tropical Pacific ; gonad development ; desove ; atunes aleta amarilla ; barrilete ; Pacifico Oriental Tropical ; desarrollo de las gónadas
    Repository Name: AquaDocs
    Type: article
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: application/pdf
    Format: 457-526
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  • 9
    Publication Date: 2015-12-02
    Description: Author(s): Saurabh Ghosh, Hena Das, and Craig J. Fennie Discovering materials that display a linear magnetoelectric (ME) effect at room temperature is a challenge. Such materials could facilitate devices based on the electric field control of magnetism. Here we present simple, chemically intuitive design rules to identify a class of bulk magnetoelectric … [Phys. Rev. B 92, 184112] Published Mon Nov 30, 2015
    Keywords: Structure, structural phase transitions, mechanical properties, defects
    Print ISSN: 1098-0121
    Electronic ISSN: 1095-3795
    Topics: Physics
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  • 10
    Publication Date: 2012-09-21
    Description: Author(s): Massimiliano Stengel, Craig J. Fennie, and Philippe Ghosez We study the interplay of structural and polar distortions in hexagonal YMnO 3 and short-period PbTiO 3 /SrTiO 3 (PTO/STO) superlattices by means of first-principles calculations at constrained electric displacement field D . We find that in YMnO 3 the tilts of the oxygen polyhedra produce a robustly pola... [Phys. Rev. B 86, 094112] Published Thu Sep 20, 2012
    Keywords: Structure, structural phase transitions, mechanical properties, defects
    Print ISSN: 1098-0121
    Electronic ISSN: 1095-3795
    Topics: Physics
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