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  • Inorganic Chemistry  (32)
  • General Chemistry  (23)
  • Hypertension  (12)
  • Conductivity, electrolytic; Conductivity meter, WTW, LF 323; DATE/TIME; derived from water stage record; Glaciers Austria; Pegelstation_Vernagtbach; Pt-100 temperature sensor; Quality flag; River discharge; Temperature, water; UGS; Unmanned gauge station; Vernagtferner, Ötztaler Alpen, Austria; Water level; Water stage recorder  (11)
  • Anemometer, Thies Clima; Calculated; DATE/TIME; Glaciers Austria; HEIGHT above ground; Pegelstation_Vernagtbach_meteorology; Unmanned weather station/meteorological observation; UWST; Vernagtferner, Ötztaler Alpen, Austria; Wind direction; Wind direction, relative share; Wind direction, standard deviation; Wind speed; Wind speed, maximum; Wind speed, minimum  (10)
  • 1
    ISSN: 1432-1440
    Schlagwort(e): Cushing-Syndrom ; Hypertonie ; Renin-Aktivität ; Aldosteronismus ; Cushing's syndrome ; Hypertension ; Renin activity ; Aldosteronism
    Quelle: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Thema: Medizin
    Beschreibung / Inhaltsverzeichnis: Summary To investigate the role of the renin angiotensin system in the pathogenesis of hypertension in Cushing's syndrome two patients with hypercorticism were infused with 20 mg saralasin (1-sar-8-alaangiotensin II) over a period of 30 minutes under constant blood pressure control. In addition, one patient with primary aldosteronism, an established form of mineralocorticoid hypertension, served as control. Neither in the two patients with Cushing's syndrome nor in the patient with primary aldosteronism could a blood pressure lowering effect of saralasin be observed. In the two patients with hypercorticism both renin activity and plasma aldosterone increased during saralasin infusion. The patient with primary aldosteronism only showed a weak increase in plasma aldosterone concentration. These results seem to exclude an important role of the renin angiotensin system in the pathogenesis of hypertension in Cushing's syndrome. The unresponsiveness of elevated blood pressure to saralasin in the two patients with hypercorticism and in the patient with primary aldosteronism indirectly supports the assumption that in patients with Cushing's syndrome increased mineralocorticoid activity may be the main factor in the pathogenesis of hypertension.
    Notizen: Zusammenfassung Um die Bedeutung des Renin-Angiotensin Systems in der Pathogenese der Hypertonie bei Cushing-Syndrom zu untersuchen, wurden bei 2 Patienten mit Hyperkortizismus 20 mg Saralasin (1-Sar-8-Ala-Angiotensin II) über einen Zeitraum von 30 min unter ständiger Blutdruckkontrolle infundiert. Zusätzlich diente ein Patient mit primärem Aldosteronismus, einer etablierten Form von Mineralokortikoidhochdruck, als Kontrolle. Weder bei den 2 Patienten mit Cushing-Syndrom noch bei dem Patienten mit primärem Aldosteronismus ließ sich ein blutdrucksenkender Effekt des Saralasins nachweisen. Die beiden Patienten mit Hyperkortizismus zeigten unter Saralasin sowohl einen Anstieg der Renin-Aktivität als auch des Plasmaaldosterons. Bei dem Patienten mit primärem Aldosteronismus ließ sich nur ein geringgradiger Anstieg der Plasmaaldosteronkonzentration nachweisen. Diese Ergebnisse sprechen gegen eine wichtige Rolle des Renin-Angiotensin Systems in der Pathogenese der Hypertonie bei Cushing-Syndrom. Die Unbeeinflußbarkeit des Hochdrucks durch Saralasin bei den beiden Patienten mit Hyperkortizismus und dem Patienten mit primärem Aldosteronismus stützen indirekt die Annahme, daß bei Patienten mit Cushing-Syndrom eine erhöhte Mineralokortikoidaktivität der Hauptfaktor in der Pathogenese der Hypertonie ist.
    Materialart: Digitale Medien
    Standort Signatur Einschränkungen Verfügbarkeit
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  • 2
    Digitale Medien
    Digitale Medien
    Journal of molecular medicine 59 (1981), S. 35-45 
    ISSN: 1432-1440
    Schlagwort(e): Renal artery aneurysm ; Renal cyst ; Hydronephrosis ; Coarctation of the aorta ; Radiation nephritis ; Hypertension ; Renin angiotensin system ; Nierenarterienaneurysma ; Nierencyste ; Hydronephrose ; Coarctatio aortae ; Strahlennephritis ; Hypertonie ; Renin-Angiotensin-System
    Quelle: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Thema: Medizin
    Beschreibung / Inhaltsverzeichnis: Zusammenfassung In der vorliegenden Studie wurden 19 Patienten mit seltenen Formen renaler Hypertonie untersucht: 6 Patienten mit Nierenarterienaneurysma, 6 Fälle mit unilateraler Hydronephrose, 4 Patienten mit unilateraler Nierencyste, 2 Fälle mit Coarctatio aortae und assozierter Nierenarterienstenose und ein Patient mit Strahlennephritis. Die Plasma-Renin-Aktivität (PRA) im Nierenvenenblut wurde bei 17 der 19 Fälle bestimmt. 7 dieser 17 (41%) Patienten zeigten einen signifikanten Seitenunterschied (PRA betroffene/PRA nicht betroffene Seite) ≧1,5. Der Prozentsatz positiver Tests war in verschiedenen Kollektiven vergleichbar hoch. Nur Patienten mit unilateraler Nierencyste zeigten in keinem Fall einen signifikanten PRA-Quotienten. Eine superselektive Nierenvenenrenin-Bestimmung bei 2 Patienten mit Nierenarterienaneurysma der oberen Segmentarterie zeigte in beiden Fällen eine erhöhte Plasma-Renin-Aktivität im Bereiche des Oberpols. 15 der 19 Patienten (79%) wurden operiert. Dabei kamen entweder plastisch rekonstruktive Verfahren oder eine Nephrektomie zur Anwendung. 4 Fälle mit Nierenarterienaneurysma wurden antihypertensiv behandelt. Patienten mit unilateraler Hydronephrose zeigten postoperativ die besten Ergebnisse (3 geheilt, 3 gebessert), während bei keinem der 4 Patienten mit unilateraler Nierencyste die Blutdruckwerte durch den operativen Eingriff normalisiert werden konnten (3 gebessert, 1 nicht gebessert). Die Patienten mit Coarctatio aortae und assozierter Nierenarterienstenose sowie die 2 operierten Fälle mit Nierenarterienaneurysma zeigten alle ein gutes Ansprechen auf den gefäßrekonstruktiven Eingriff (2 geheilt, 2 gebessert). Der Patient mit Strahlennephritis schließlich war 2 Jahre nach Nephrektomie gebessert. Im Gesamtkollektiv unserer operierten Patienten war die prognostische Aussagekraft der Nierenvenenreninbestimmung beschränkt. Allerdings erwies sich die selektive Nierenvenenreninbestimmung bei Patienten mit einem Aneurysma einer Nierensegmentarterie als nützlich zur Entdeckung lokaler Reninüberproduktion.
    Notizen: Summary In the present study 19 patients with rare forms of renal hypertension were investigated: 6 patients with renal artery aneurysm, 6 cases with unilateral hydronephrosis, 4 patients with unilateral simple renal cyst, 2 cases with coarctation of the abdominal aorta and associated renal artery stenosis and 1 patient with radiation nephritis. Renal venous renin activity (PRA) was determined in 17 of the 19 cases. Seven of these 17 (41%) patients showed significant PRA-ratios (PRA affected/PRA unaffected side ≧1.5). The percentage of positive tests was comparably high in the various subgroups except in patients with renal cyst, none of them showing lateralisation of renin secretion. Selective sampling in 2 patients with renal artery branch aneurysm revealed in both cases marked local renin oversecretion. Fifteen of the 19 patients (79%) were operated either by reconstruction surgery or nephrectomy. Four cases with a renal artery aneurysm were treated with antihypertensive drugs. Patients with unilateral hydronephrosis showed the best response to surgery in terms of cure rate (3 cured, 3 improved), whereas blood pressure normalisation could not be achieved in patients with simple renal cyst (2 improved, 1 unimproved). Patients with coarctation of the abdominal aorta and associated renal artery stenosis and the 2 operated cases with renal artery aneurysm showed a good effect of corrective surgery (2 cured, 2 improved). The patient with radiation nephritis finally was improved 2 years after nephrectomy. For the total group the prognostic validity of renal venous renin determination was limited. However, selective blood sampling from peripheral renal veins may be useful in cases with renal artery branch aneurysm to detect local oversecretion of renin.
    Materialart: Digitale Medien
    Standort Signatur Einschränkungen Verfügbarkeit
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  • 3
    Digitale Medien
    Digitale Medien
    Journal of molecular medicine 61 (1983), S. 803-805 
    ISSN: 1432-1440
    Schlagwort(e): Obesity ; Hypertension ; Intracellular sodium ; Intracellular calcium
    Quelle: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Thema: Medizin
    Notizen: Summary Intracellular activities of sodium and calcium were determined in red cells of patients with obesity. Compared to normal people mean intracellular sodium and calcium were higher in obese patients. However, increased intracellular sodium and calcium could only be observed in those patients with obesity suffering from hypertension or showing a familial disposition to hypertension. In contrast there was no difference in intracellular sodium and calcium between obese normotensives lacking a familial disposition to hypertension and normal people. Thus, our results suggest, that the observed variations in intracellular sodium and calcium in obesity are due to an enhanced blood pressure or a familial disposition to hypertension and not specific for obesity.
    Materialart: Digitale Medien
    Standort Signatur Einschränkungen Verfügbarkeit
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  • 4
    ISSN: 1432-1440
    Schlagwort(e): Renal artery stenosis ; Hypertension ; Peripheral arterial occlusive disease
    Quelle: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Thema: Medizin
    Notizen: Summary In order to evaluate the prevalence of renal artery stenoses and the coincidence with hypertension, in this study 110 patients (24 women, 86 men, mean age 63.2±8.6 years) underwent retrograde aortography for reason of symptomatic arteriosclerosis obliterans of the lower limb arteries. In 18 (16.4%) patients renal artery stenoses by which the lumen was narrowed for more than 30% and in 2 (1.8%) patients occlusions of one renal artery were found, all of which seemed to be of arteriosclerotic origin. 12 (60%) patients with renal artery stenoses or occlusions showed arterial hypertension (RR 171±33/94±16 mmHg) inspite of adequate antihypertensive medication, 8 were normotensive even though renal artery stenoses were found angiographically. On the other hand 30 (33%) of the 90 patients without renal artery stenoses were hypertensive (RR 165±15/93±9 mmHg). These data support the observation that renal artery stenoses must not result in hypertension, but clearly indicate the higher prevalence of hypertension in patients with renal artery stenoses or occlusions. With regard to the low-risk procedure of percutaneous transluminal dilatation of renal arteries, it seems to be valuable for hypertensive patients to include renovasography into the angiographic evaluation of symptomatic lower limb arteriosclerosis.
    Materialart: Digitale Medien
    Standort Signatur Einschränkungen Verfügbarkeit
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  • 5
    ISSN: 1432-1440
    Schlagwort(e): Akute β-Rezeptorenblockade ; Hypertension ; Renin ; Aldosteron ; Tag-Nacht-Rhythmus ; Acute β-receptor blockade ; Hypertension ; Renin ; Aldosterone ; Day-night rhythm
    Quelle: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Thema: Medizin
    Beschreibung / Inhaltsverzeichnis: Summary The effect of acute (intravenous) β-adrenergic blockade with propranolol or pindolol on arterial pressure (BP), plasma renin activity (PRA), and plasma concentration of aldosterone (PA) was evaluated in 20 essential hypertensive men. BP, PRA and PA were determined during continuous recumbency overnight (8 p.m. to 6 a.m.) every 30 min. Two groups of patients were observed. Patients of group I exhibited a characteristic day-night rhythm of PRA with low values before midnight and large increases early in the morning. Conversely, no rhythm and very low PRA values were observed in patients of group II. BP was higher in group II than in group I. In group I following intravenous propranolol or pindolol, BP fell within minutes and levels as well as rhythms of PRA were converted to those of group II without treatment. In group II day-night profiles of PRA and BP remained unchanged. Rhythm and concentration of PA in the two groups were not influenced by either drug. In 4 patients of group I infusion of angiotensin II inhibitor did not lower BP. The observations suggest that in the two groups dissimilarities in rhythms of PRA as well as in BP responses to β-blockade may reflect differences in neuro-adrenergic tone.
    Notizen: Zusammenfassung Der Einfluß einer akuten (intravenösen) β-Rezeptorenblockade mit Propranolol oder Pindololauf den Blutdruck (RR), die Plasma-Reninaktivität (PRA) und die Plasma-Aldosteronkonzentration (PA) wurde bei 20 Männern mit essentieller Hypertension untersucht. RR, PRA und PA wurden am liegenden Patienten nachts (20.00–6.00 Uhr) alle 30 min bestimmt. Zwei Gruppen von Patienten konnten unterschieden werden: Patienten der Gruppe I wiesen einen charakteristischen Tag-Nacht-Rhythmus in der Plasma-Reninaktivität auf, mit niedrigen Werten vor Mitternacht und hohen Werten am frühen Morgen. Im Gegensatz hierzu hatten die Patienten der Gruppe II sehr niedrige PRA-Werte; ein Rhythmus für PRA ließ sich nicht nachweisen. RR war höher in der Gruppe II als in Gruppe I. Nach Infusion von Propranolol oder Pindolol kam es in der Gruppe I zu einem schnellen RR-Abfall. Das Verhalten des Tag-Nacht-Profils für PRA war nach der β-Blockade vergleichbar mit demjenigen der Gruppe II vor der β-Blockade. In der Gruppe II blieben RR und Tag-Nacht-Profil von PRA unter β-Blockade unverändert. Rhythmus und Konzentration von PA wurden in beiden Gruppen nicht beeinflußt. Bei 4 Patienten der Gruppe I führte Angiotensin II-Blockade zu keiner RR-Senkung. Die Ergebnisse sind mit der Annahme vereinbar, daß die Unterschiede im Renin-Rhythmus und im Blutdruckverhalten nach akuter β-Rezeptorenblockade durch eine unterschiedliche neuroadrenerge Aktivität der beiden Gruppen bedingt sind.
    Materialart: Digitale Medien
    Standort Signatur Einschränkungen Verfügbarkeit
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  • 6
    Digitale Medien
    Digitale Medien
    Journal of molecular medicine 63 (1985), S. 762-764 
    ISSN: 1432-1440
    Schlagwort(e): Phlebotomy ; Hypertension
    Quelle: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Thema: Medizin
    Notizen: Summary In 15 essential hypertensives resistant against a standard triple combination of antihypertensive drugs phlebotomy was performed. Mean arterial pressure was lowered from 140.1±12.2 mm Hg to 123.8±14.9 mm Hg after 14 days. No serious side effects were observed. The duration of the hypoptensive effect of phlebotomy was about 4 weeks. Phlebotomy can be used in addition to drug treatment in resistant essential hypertension.
    Materialart: Digitale Medien
    Standort Signatur Einschränkungen Verfügbarkeit
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  • 7
    Digitale Medien
    Digitale Medien
    Journal of molecular medicine 64 (1986), S. 1183-1185 
    ISSN: 1432-1440
    Schlagwort(e): Salt restriction ; Weight reduction ; Hypertension ; Intracellular electrolytes
    Quelle: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Thema: Medizin
    Notizen: Summary In 16 essential hypertensives on a program of energy restriction (800 kcal/day) with and without simultaneous salt restriction, the effects on blood pressure and intracellular Na+ and Ca2+ in red blood cells were studied. A decrease in blood pressure and intracellular free Na+ and Ca2+ was only observed in the cases of simultaneous energy and salt restriction. The beneficial effect of weight reduction in hypertension thus depends on a diminished salt intake and is probably mediated by changes in intracellular free Ca2+.
    Materialart: Digitale Medien
    Standort Signatur Einschränkungen Verfügbarkeit
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  • 8
    Digitale Medien
    Digitale Medien
    Journal of molecular medicine 65 (1987), S. 155-160 
    ISSN: 1432-1440
    Schlagwort(e): Hypertension ; Ca2+
    Quelle: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Thema: Medizin
    Notizen: Summary Several disturbances of cellular Ca2+ metabolism have been described in essential hypertension and in the spontaneously hypertensive rat. Possibly the elevation of intracellular free Ca2+ concentration in arterial smooth muscle cells is one important step in the pathogenesis of primary hypertension. In most studies a decreased energy-dependent Ca2+ transport has been proposed as a mechanism. However, disturbances in cellular Ca2+ metabolism, which can be exclusively ascribed to essential hypertension, have not yet been found. The cause of altered cellular Ca2+ transport in primary hypertension may either be a genetically determined defect of membrane transport or a still-unidentified humoral factor.
    Materialart: Digitale Medien
    Standort Signatur Einschränkungen Verfügbarkeit
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  • 9
    ISSN: 1432-1440
    Schlagwort(e): Na+/H+ antiport ; Hypertension ; Diabetic nephropathy ; Hereditary factors
    Quelle: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Thema: Medizin
    Notizen: Summary The incidence of diabetic nephropathy in patients with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) may depend on factors other than the quality of diabetes control. Hypertension is an additional factor associated with a high degree of renal involvement in IDDM. One abnormality consistantly observed in various tissues of patients with essential hypertension is enhanced activity of the Na+/H+ antiport. In the present study we have therefore studied platelet antiport activity in 41 healthy subjects (control), in 22 patients with untreated essential hypertension (EH), and in 35 normotensive IDDM patients (type 1). Of these patients 17 exhibited signs of diabetic nephropathy (group 1) while 18 had no evidence for renal involvement of IDDM in spite of a duration of IDDM of at least 10 years (group 2). The two IDDM patient groups were undistinguishable with respect to age, body mass index, and arterial blood pressure (group 1, 117.9±2.4/78.4±1.5 mmHg; group 2, 113.9±3.6/76.1±1.8 mmHg). Antiporter activity was determined from the rate of cell volume changes induced by propionic acid. Platelet Na+/H+ exchange activity averaged 23.43±0.43 10−3·s−1 in control subjects and was markedly elevated in EH (28.38±0.62 10−3·s−1 P〈0.01). Antiport activity in group 2 patients without nephropathy averaged 24.54±0.57 10−3·s−1 and was undistinguishable from the control group. However, platelet Na+/H+ antiport activity was significantly stimulated in group 1 patients with nephropathy as compared to group 2(26.95±0.73 10−3. s−1 ; P〈0.025). Our results show that renal involvement in IDDM is associated with enhanced activity of the platelet Na+/H+ antiport.
    Materialart: Digitale Medien
    Standort Signatur Einschränkungen Verfügbarkeit
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  • 10
    Digitale Medien
    Digitale Medien
    Journal of molecular medicine 75 (1997), S. 217-222 
    ISSN: 1432-1440
    Schlagwort(e): Key words Angiotensin II ; Human skin fibroblasts ; Hypertension ; Arteriosclerosis
    Quelle: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Thema: Medizin
    Notizen: Abstract  Angiotensin II is involved in blood pressure regulation, cell growth and angioneogenesis. The angiotensin receptors which mediate the intracellular effects of angiotensin II are expressed in numerous tissues and cell types. We studied the expression of angiotensin II receptors in cultured human skin fibroblasts derived from a skin biopsy. Angiotensin II binding characteristics were analyzed by radioligand binding assays. The DNA synthesis was assessed by [H]thymidine incorporation assays. Intracellular calcium concentrations were measured by fura-2 spectrofluorometry, and mRNA expression levels were analyzed by northern blot technology. Two distinct angiotensin receptors were detectable on human skin fibroblasts: the AT1 receptor with K d=1.0± 0.7 nmol/l and B max=17.9±0.9 fmol/mg protein, and an angiotensin(1–7) binding site with K d=26±6.6 nmol/l and B max=80.4±3.5 fmol/mg protein, as shown by competition binding assays using selective angiotensin II receptor antagonists and the heptapeptide angiotensin(1–7). The angiotensin AT1 receptor mRNA was substantially expressed in human skin fibroblasts and was subjected to homologous downregulation. In human skin fibroblasts angiotensin II caused a profound increase in intracellular calcium which was blocked by angiotensin AT1 receptor antagonists such as Exp-3174. Furthermore, both angiotensin II and angiotensin(1–7) led to increased DNA synthesis in human skin fibroblasts. In conclusion, cultured human skin fibroblasts express angiotensin AT1 receptors and a putatively new angiotensin receptor activated by angiotensin(1–7), both coupled to signaling pathways involved in DNA synthesis.
    Materialart: Digitale Medien
    Standort Signatur Einschränkungen Verfügbarkeit
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