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  • PANGAEA  (633)
  • Wiley  (4)
  • Nature Research  (2)
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  • 1
    Publication Date: 2024-07-19
    Keywords: Climate - Biogeochemistry Interactions in the Tropical Ocean; DEPTH, sediment/rock; Event label; Lead-210 excess; M136; M136_412-1; M136_426-1; M136_483-1; M136_543-1; M136_574-1; M136_577-1; M136_588-1; Meteor (1986); Multicorer with television; Replicate; Sample code/label; SFB754; TVMUC
    Type: dataset
    Format: text/tab-separated-values, 192 data points
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  • 2
    AGU (American Geophysical Union) | Wiley
    In:  Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 119 (10). pp. 6918-6932.
    Publication Date: 2018-02-26
    Description: Continental shelves are predominately (~70%) covered with permeable, sandy sediments. While identified as critical sites for intense oxygen, carbon, and nutrient turnover, constituent exchange across permeable sediments remains poorly quantified. The central North Sea largely consists of permeable sediments and has been identified as increasingly at risk for developing hypoxia. Therefore, we investigate the benthic O2 exchange across the permeable North Sea sediments using a combination of in situ microprofiles, a benthic chamber, and aquatic eddy correlation. Tidal bottom currents drive the variable sediment O2 penetration depth (from ~3 to 8 mm) and the concurrent turbulence-driven 25-fold variation in the benthic sediment O2 uptake. The O2 flux and variability were reproduced using a simple 1-D model linking the benthic turbulence to the sediment pore water exchange. The high O2 flux variability results from deeper sediment O2 penetration depths and increased O2 storage during high velocities, which is then utilized during low-flow periods. The study reveals that the benthic hydrodynamics, sediment permeability, and pore water redox oscillations are all intimately linked and crucial parameters determining the oxygen availability. These parameters must all be considered when evaluating mineralization pathways of organic matter and nutrients in permeable sediments.
    Type: Article , PeerReviewed
    Format: text
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  • 3
    AGU (American Geophysical Union) | Wiley
    In:  Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 121 (4). pp. 1144-1157.
    Publication Date: 2019-07-16
    Description: The upwelling area off North-West Africa is characterized by high export production, high nitrate and low oxygen concentration in bottom waters. The underlying sediment consists of sands that cover most of the continental shelf. Due to their permeability sands allow for fast advective pore water transport and can exhibit high rates of nitrogen (N) loss via denitrification as reported for anthropogenically eutrophied regions. However, N loss from sands underlying naturally eutrophied waters is not well studied, and in particular, N loss from the North-West African shelf is poorly constrained. During two research cruises in April/May 2010/2011, sediment was sampled along the North-West African shelf and volumetric denitrification rates were measured in sediment layers down to 8 cm depth using slurry incubations with 15N-labeled nitrate. Areal N loss was calculated by integrating volumetric rates down to the nitrate penetration depth derived from pore water profiles. Areal N loss was neither correlated with water depth nor with bottom water concentrations of nitrate and oxygen but was strongly dependent on sediment grain size and permeability. The derived empirical relation between benthic N loss and grains size suggests that pore water advection is an important regulating parameter for benthic denitrification in sands and further allowed extrapolating rates to an area of 53,000 km2 using detailed sediment maps. Denitrification from this region amounts to 995 kt yr-1 (average 3.6 mmol m-2 d-1) which is 4 times higher than previous estimates based on diffusive pore water transport. Sandy sediments cover 50-60% of the continental shelf and thus may contribute significantly to the global benthic N loss.
    Type: Article , PeerReviewed
    Format: text
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  • 4
    Publication Date: 2024-05-02
    Description: Bacterial sulfate reduction (SR) is often determined by radiotracer techniques using 35S‐labeled sulfate. In environments featuring simultaneous sulfide oxidation, SR can be underestimated due to re‐oxidation of 35S‐sulfide. Recycling of 35S‐tracer is expected to be high in sediment with low concentrations of pore‐water sulfide and high abundance of giant filamentous sulfur‐oxidizing bacteria (GFSOB). Here, we applied a sulfide‐spiking method, originally developed for water samples, to sediments along a shelf‐slope transect (72, 128, 243, 752 m water depth) traversing the Peruvian oxygen minimum zone. Sediment spiked with unlabeled sulfide prior to 35S‐sulfate injection to prevent radiotracer recycling was compared to unspiked sediment. At stations characterized by low natural sulfide and abundant GFSOB (128 and 243 m), the method revealed 1–3 times higher SR rates in spiked sediment. Spiking had no effect on SR in sediment with high natural sulfide despite presence of GFSOB (72 m). Bioturbated sediment devoid of GFSOB (752 m) showed elevated SR in spiked samples, likely from artificial introduction of sulfidic conditions. Sulfide oxidation rates at the 128 and 243 m station, derived from the difference in SR between spiked and unspiked sediment, approximated rates of dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium by GFSOB. Gross SR contributed considerably to benthic dissolved inorganic carbon fluxes at the three shallowest station, confirming that SR is an important process for benthic carbon respirations within the oxygen minimum zone. We recommend to further explore the spiking method to capture SR in sediment featuring low sulfide concentrations and high sulfur cycling by GFSOB.
    Type: Article , PeerReviewed
    Format: text
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  • 5
    Publication Date: 2024-02-07
    Description: Marine silicate alteration plays a key role in the global carbon and cation cycles, although the timeframe of this process in response to extreme weather events is poorly understood. Here we investigate surface sediments across the Peruvian margin before and after extreme rainfall and runoff (coastal El Niño) using Ge/Si ratios and laser-ablated solid and pore fluid Si isotopes (δ 30 Si). Pore fluids following the rainfall show elevated Ge/Si ratios (2.87 µmol mol −1 ) and δ 30 Si values (3.72‰), which we relate to rapid authigenic clay formation from reactive terrigenous minerals delivered by continental runoff. This study highlights the direct coupling of terrestrial erosion and associated marine sedimentary processes. We show that marine silicate alteration can be rapid and highly dynamic in response to local weather conditions, with a potential impact on marine alkalinity and CO 2 -cycling on short timescales of weeks to months, and thus element turnover on human time scales.
    Type: Article , PeerReviewed
    Format: text
    Format: text
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  • 6
    Publication Date: 2024-02-07
    Description: An extensive data set of biogenic silica (BSi) fluxes is presented for the Peruvian oxygen minimum zone (OMZ) at 11ºS and 12ºS. Each transect extends from the shelf to the upper slope (∼1000 m) and dissects the permanently anoxic waters between ∼200 – 500m water depth. BSi burial (2100 mmol m‐2 yr‐1) and recycling fluxes (3300 mmol m‐2 yr‐1) were highest on the shelf with mean preservation efficiencies (34±15%) that exceed the global mean of 10 – 20%. BSi preservation was highest on the inner shelf (up to 56%), decreasing to 7% and 12% under anoxic waters and below the OMZ, respectively. The data suggest that the main control on BSi preservation is the rate at which reactive BSi is transported away from undersaturated surface sediments by burial and bioturbation to the underlying saturated sediment layers where BSi dissolution is thermodynamically and/or kinetically inhibited. BSi burial across the entire Peruvian margin between 3ºS to 15ºS and down to 1000m water depth is estimated to be 0.1 – 0.2 Tmol yr‐1; equivalent to 2 – 7% of total burial on continental margins. Existing global data permit a simple relationship between BSi rain rate to the seafloor and the accumulation of unaltered BSi, giving the possibility to reconstruct rain rates and primary production from the sediment archive in addition to benthic Si turnover in global models.
    Type: Article , PeerReviewed
    Format: text
    Format: text
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  • 7
    Publication Date: 2024-02-07
    Description: Fossil benthic foraminifera are used to trace past methane release linked to climate change. However, it is still debated whether isotopic signatures of living foraminifera from methane-charged sediments reflect incorporation of methane-derived carbon. A deeper understanding of isotopic signatures of living benthic foraminifera from methane-rich environments will help to improve reconstructions of methane release in the past and better predict the impact of future climate warming on methane seepage. Here, we present isotopic signatures (δ13C and δ18O) of foraminiferal calcite together with biogeochemical data from Arctic seep environments from c. 1200 m water depth, Vestnesa Ridge, 79° N, Fram Strait. Lowest δ13C values were recorded in shells of Melonis barleeanus, − 5.2‰ in live specimens and − 6.5‰ in empty shells, from sediments dominated by aerobic (MOx) and anaerobic oxidation of methane (AOM), respectively. Our data indicate that foraminifera actively incorporate methane-derived carbon when living in sediments with moderate seepage activity, while in sediments with high seepage activity the poisonous sulfidic environment leads to death of the foraminifera and an overgrowth of their empty shells by methane-derived authigenic carbonates. We propose that the incorporation of methane-derived carbon in living foraminifera occurs via feeding on methanotrophic bacteria and/or incorporation of ambient dissolved inorganic carbon.
    Type: Article , PeerReviewed
    Format: text
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  • 8
    In:  Supplement to: Lüdke, Jan; Dengler, Marcus; Sommer, Stefan; Clemens, David; Thomsen, Soeren; Krahmann, Gerd; Dale, Andy W; Achterberg, Eric Pieter; Visbeck, Martin (2020): Influence of intraseasonal eastern boundary circulation variability on hydrography and biogeochemistry off Peru. Ocean Science, 16(6), 1347-1366,
    Publication Date: 2024-07-19
    Description: The intraseasonal evolution of physical and biogeochemical properties during a coastal trapped wave event off central Peru is analysed using data from an extensive shipboard observational programme conducted between April and June 2017, and remote sensing data. The poleward velocities in the Peru Chile Undercurrent were highly variable and strongly intensified to above 0.5 m s-1 between mid and end of May. This intensification was likely caused by a first baroclinic mode downwelling coastal trapped wave, excited by a westerly wind anomaly at the equator and originating at about 95° W. Local winds along the South American coast did not impact the wave. Although there is general agreement between the observed cross-shore-depth velocity structure of the coastal trapped wave and the velocity structure of first vertical mode solution of a linear wave model, there are differences in the details of the two flow distributions. The enhanced poleward flow increased water mass advection from the equatorial current system to the study site. The resulting shorter alongshore transit times between the equator and the coast off central Peru led to a strong increase in nitrate concentrations, less anoxic water, likely less fixed nitrogen loss to N2, and a decrease of the nitrogen deficit compared to the situation before the poleward flow intensification. This study highlights the role of changes in the alongshore advection due to coastal trapped waves for the nutrient budget and the cumulative strength of N-cycling in the Peruvian oxygen minimum zone. Enhanced availability of nitrate may impact a range of pelagic and benthic elemental cycles, as it represents a major electron acceptor for organic carbon degradation during denitrification and is involved in sulfide oxidation in sediments.
    Keywords: Climate - Biogeochemistry Interactions in the Tropical Ocean; SFB754
    Type: dataset publication series
    Format: application/zip, 4 datasets
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  • 9
    Publication Date: 2024-07-19
    Keywords: Climate - Biogeochemistry Interactions in the Tropical Ocean; SFB754
    Type: dataset publication series
    Format: application/zip, 5 datasets
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  • 10
    In:  Supplement to: Sommer, Stefan; Appenzeller, C; Röthlisberger, Regine; Hutterli, Manuel A; Stauffer, Bernhard; Wagenbach, Dietmar; Oerter, Hans; Wilhelms, Frank; Miller, Heinz; Mulvaney, Robert (2000): Glacio-chemical study spanning the past 2 kyr on three ice cores from Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica 1. Annually resolved accumulation rates. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 105(D24), 29411-29422,
    Publication Date: 2024-07-19
    Description: For the first time, annually resolved accumulation rates have been determined in central Antarctica by means of counting seasonal signals of ammonium, calcium, and sodium. All records, obtained from three intermediate depth ice cores from Dronning Maud Land, East Antarctica, show rather constant accumulation rates throughout the last 9 centuries with mean values of 63, 61, and 44 mm H2O yr**-1 and a typical year-to-year variation of about 30%. For the last few decades, no trend was detected accounting for the high natural variability of all records. A significant weak intersite correlation is apparent only between two cores when the high-frequency part with periods less than 30 years is removed. By analyzing the records in the frequency domain, no persistent periods were found. This suggests that the snow accumulation in this area is mainly influenced by local deposition patterns and may be additionally masked by redistribution of snow due to wind. By comparing accumulation rates over the last 2 millennia a distinct change in the layer thickness in one of the three cores was found, which might be attributed either to an area upstream of the drilling site with lower accumulation rates, or to deposition processes influenced by surface undulations. The missing of a clear correlation between the accumulation rate histories at the three locations is also important for the interpretation of small, short time variations of past precipitation records obtained from deep ice cores.
    Keywords: B31; B32; B33; DML03C98_09; DML05C98_32; DML07C98_31; DML15C98_14; DML17C98_33; Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica; EPICA; EPICA_DML3; European Project for Ice Coring in Antarctica; FB9809; FB9814; ICEDRILL; Ice drill; Neumayer Station (WMO89002)
    Type: dataset publication series
    Format: application/zip, 7 datasets
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