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  • AMS (American Meteorological Society)  (2)
  • Kiel : Inst. für Meereskunde  (2)
  • Cham :Springer International Publishing AG,  (1)
  • 1
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Cham :Springer International Publishing AG,
    Keywords: Oceanography. ; Electronic books.
    Type of Medium: Online Resource
    Pages: 1 online resource (592 pages)
    Edition: 1st ed.
    ISBN: 9783030541576
    DDC: 578.7603
    Language: English
    Note: Intro -- Preface -- Contents -- A -- Abstraction -- Acclimation -- Adaptation -- Adaptation Models -- Adjustment -- Advection -- Advection Equation -- Advection Schemes -- Algorithm -- Aliasing -- Alkalinity -- Allometry -- Amphidromic Systems -- Approximation -- Aquatic Biological Cycling Equations -- Aquatic Biosphere -- Aquatic Cryosphere -- Aquatic Ecosystems -- Aquatic Element Cycling -- Aquatic Sciences -- B -- Bacterioplankton -- Baroclinic Waves -- Basic Ecosystem Functions -- Biodiversity -- Biogeographical Regions -- Biospheric Principles -- Bjerrum Plot -- Bottom Boundary Layer -- Bottom Ekman Layer -- Boundaries -- Boundary Conditions -- Boundary Currents -- Boundary Layers -- Boussinesq Approximation -- Bulk Mixed Layer Models -- Buoyancy -- C -- Calcium Carbonate Dynamics -- Capillary Waves -- Carbonate Dynamics -- Carbonate System -- Carbon Pathways -- Carbon Pumps -- Cartesian Coordinates -- Celestial Mechanics -- Cell Growth Kinetics -- Cell Growth Model -- Chemical Notation -- Chemostat -- Circulation -- Climatology -- Clines -- Coastal Currents -- Coastal and Shelf Sea Regimes -- Coastal Upwelling Regime -- Coastally Trapped Waves -- Coccolithophores -- Coexistence -- Coherent Vortices -- Community Logistic Equation -- Compartment Models -- Competition -- Complexity -- Complex Numbers -- Computational Mode -- Conceptual Models -- Conditional Stability -- Consistency -- Continua -- Convection -- Convection Parametrization -- Convergence -- Coordinate Systems -- Co-oscillation -- Copepod Life Cycle -- Coriolis Parameter -- Coupled Element Cycles -- Coupled Hydrodynamic-Ecosystem Models -- Coupled Reaction Equations -- Critical Depth -- Critical Latitudes -- Critical Thinking -- Cross Shelf Exchange -- Cyanobacteria -- Cyanobacteria Life Cycle -- Cyclogeostrophy -- Cylindrical Coordinates -- D -- Decomposer Parametrization. , Deformation Radius -- Density -- Deterministic Chaos -- Detrital Sinking Flux -- Detritus -- Diatoms -- Diatom Life Cycle -- Differentiation Rules -- Diffusion -- Diffusion Equation -- Dinoflagellates -- Discrete Advection Equation -- Discrete Diffusion Equation -- Discrete Momentum Advection Equation -- Discrete Population Growth Models -- Discrete Reaction Equation -- Discrete Wave Equation -- Discretization -- Discretized Plane Gravity Waves -- Discretized Planetary Waves -- Dispersal -- Dispersion -- Dispersion Relationships -- Diurnal Cycle -- Diurnal Inequality -- Divergence -- Double Diffusion -- Downslope Flows -- Dynamic Resolution -- E -- Earth-Moon System -- Earth System Science -- Ecosystem Control -- Eddy Energy -- Eigenvalue Problems -- Ekman Balance -- Ekman Transports -- Elementary Current System -- Elliptic Equations -- Emergence -- Enzyme Kinetics -- Equation of Motion -- Equation of State -- Equatorial Kelvin Waves -- Equatorial Regime -- Equilibria -- Equivalent Depth -- Estuaries -- Euphotic Zone -- Evolution -- F -- Feedbacks -- Filaments -- Filters -- Finite Amplitude Waves -- Finite Differences -- Finite Elements -- Flow Description -- Flow Diagram -- Flow Visualization -- Fluid Kinematics -- Fourier Series -- f-Ratio -- Free Ice Drift -- Freshwater Regimes -- Frontal Dynamics -- Fronts -- G -- General Circulation Models -- Generation Time -- Geophysical Fluid Dynamics -- Geostrophy -- Gravitational Acceleration -- Grazing -- H -- Harmonic Tidal Analysis -- HNLC Regime -- Horizontal Grids -- Hydraulics -- Hydro-Acoustics -- Hydrodynamic Instabilities -- Hydrodynamic System of Equations -- Hydro-Optics -- Hydrosphere -- Hydrostatic Balance -- Hydrostatic Surface Gravity Waves -- Hydro-Thermodynamics -- I -- Ice Algae -- Iceberg Drift Model -- Ice -- Ice Concentration -- Ice Ecosystems -- Ice Growth -- Ice Melt -- Ice Models. , Ice Momentum -- Ice Pump -- Ice Rheology -- Ice Shelf Melting Parametrization -- Ice Thickness -- Ice Types -- Idealization -- Implicit Assumptions -- Implicit Time Integration Schemes -- Index Notation -- Individual Based Models -- Inertia-Gravity Waves -- Inertial Oscillations -- Inertial Waves -- Integration Rules -- Internal Quota Models -- Internal Storage -- Internal Waves -- Interpolation -- Intraglacial Melt Ponds -- Iron Pathways -- Isopycnic Coordinates -- Iteration -- K -- Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability -- Kelvin Waves -- Kinematic Boundary Conditions -- L -- Lagrangian Diffusivity -- Laplace' Tidal Equations -- Large-Scale Wind-Driven Circulation -- Life Cycle Models -- Life Processes -- Light Limitation -- Linearization -- Linear Interpolation -- Linear Regression -- Linear Stability Analysis -- Liquid Water -- Logistic Growth Model -- Logistic Map -- Long Surface Gravity Waves -- M -- Masking -- Mathematical Functions -- Mathematical Models -- Matrix Algebra -- Matrix Models -- Mechanical Energy -- Mechanical Waves -- Mesoscale Eddy Field -- Metabolic Losses -- Michaelis-Menten Kinetics -- Microbial Nitrogen Transformations -- Mixing -- Mixing Length Theory -- Mixing Tensor -- Models -- Model Complexity -- Model Configuration -- Model Coupling -- Model Development -- Model Evaluation -- Mode Splitting -- Mortality -- Motility -- Multi-Species Competition -- Multi-Species Models -- Mutation -- N -- Negative Concentrations -- Nesting -- Newton-Raphson Iteration -- Nitrogen Fixation -- Nitrogen Pathways -- Non-dimensional Parameters -- Non-equidistant Grids -- Non-hydrostatic Models -- NPZD-Type Models -- Numerical Errors -- Numerical Models -- Numerical Stability -- Nutrient Profiles -- Nutrients -- O -- Observations -- Oligotrophic Regime -- Open Boundaries -- Optical Water Types -- Optimization -- Ordinary Differential Equations. , Overflow -- Overturning -- Oxygen Distribution -- P -- Paradigms -- Parameter Study -- Parametrization -- Parasitism -- Partial Differential Equations -- Partial Tides -- Particle Trajectories -- Patchiness -- pCO2 -- Penetration Depth -- pH -- Phase Space -- Phosphorus Pathways -- Photoacclimation -- Photopigments -- Photosynthesis -- Photosynthetic Quotient -- Physiogeographical Regions -- Physiologically Based Models -- Physiosphere-Biosphere Transition Zone -- Phytoplankton -- Phytoplankton Blooms -- Phytoplankton Growth -- Phytoplankton Growth Limitation -- Phytoplankton Temperature Dependence -- Planetary Waves -- Plankton Functional Types -- Planktonic Life Cycles -- Planktonic Organisms -- Plankton Waves -- Polar Regimes -- Polynyas -- Population Growth Theory -- Potential Vorticity -- Predator-Prey Systems -- Predictability -- Prediction -- Pressure Gradient Error -- Primary Production -- Primitive Equations -- Probability Distribution -- Process Models -- Projection -- Prymnesiophytes -- Q -- Quasigeostrophy -- R -- Reaction Equation -- Rectified Contour Currents -- Regime -- Remineralization -- Remineralization Length Scale -- Reproduction -- Residence Time -- Resolution -- Resonance -- Resource Limitation -- Resting Period -- Restoring Forces -- Revolution and Rotation -- Reynolds Averaged Equations -- Reynolds Averaging -- Ricker Model -- Rossby Waves -- Rotated Mixing Tensor -- Rotating Coordinate System -- Runge-Kutta Schemes -- S -- Salinity -- Scalars -- Scales -- Scaling -- Scientific Laws and Principles -- Scientific Methods -- Sea Ice -- Sea Ice Effects -- Seamount Effects -- Seamount Trapped Waves -- Seasonal Cycle -- Sediment Plumes -- Sediment Transport -- Seiches -- Sequence Analysis -- Shallow Water Equations -- Shallow Water Tides -- Short Surface Gravity Waves -- Silicon Pathways -- Simulation Models -- Size Class Models. , Solar Radiation -- Solubility -- Species Concept -- Species Interactions -- Spectral Analysis -- Spherical Coordinates -- Spring-Neap Cycle -- Standing Waves -- State Variables -- Statistics -- Stoichiometry -- Stokes Drift -- Stokes' Law -- Stratification -- Structured Plankton Models -- Subgridscale Ice Thickness Distribution -- Subgridscale Parametrizations -- Subpolar Gyre Regime -- Subsurface Biomass Maximum Layer -- Subtropical Gyre Regime -- Sulfur Pathways -- Surface Ekman Layer -- Surface Fluxes -- Surface Gravity Waves -- Surface Microlayer -- Surface Mixed Layer -- Surface Mixed Layer Depth -- Systems of Differential Equations -- System Stability -- Systems Theory -- T -- Taylor Cap -- Taylor Column -- Taylor-Proudman Theorem -- Taylor Series -- Temperature -- Tensors -- Terrain-following Coordinates -- Theory -- Thermodynamic Ice Model -- Thermodynamic Laws -- Thermohaline Circulation -- Thickness Diffusion -- Tidal Currents -- Tidal Forces -- Tidal Models -- Tidal Potential -- Tides -- Time Integration Schemes -- Topographic Effects -- Topographic Rossby Waves -- Tracer Equation -- Tracers -- Trait -- Trait Diffusion -- Trait Diffusion Models -- Trophic Levels -- Truncation Error -- Turbulence -- Turbulent Closure -- Turbulent Mixing Coefficients -- Two-layer Fluid Equations -- Two-layer Fluid Gravity Waves -- U -- Upstream Schemes -- Uptake -- Uptake Affinity -- Upwelling/Downwelling -- V -- Variability -- Vectors -- Ventilation -- Vertical Coordinates -- Vertical Coordinate Transformation -- Vertical Ecosystem Structure -- Vertical Migration -- Vertical Modes -- Vertical Tracer Balances -- Virioplankton -- Viscosity -- Vorticity -- Vorticity Dipoles -- W -- Water Column Models -- Waves -- Wave Damping -- Wave Equation -- Wave Field -- Wave Reflection -- Wave Refraction -- Wave-Wave Interaction -- Waves in Moving Fluids. , Westward Intensification.
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  • 2
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Kiel : Inst. für Meereskunde
    Keywords: Hochschulschrift
    Type of Medium: Online Resource
    Pages: Online-Ressource (161 Seiten, 4 MB) , Diagramme
    Series Statement: Berichte aus dem Institut für Meereskunde an der Christian-Albrechts-Universität Kiel 167
    Language: German
    Note: Zusammenfassung in deutscher und englischer Sprache
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  • 3
    Keywords: Report ; Atlantischer Ozean Nord ; Meeresströmung
    Type of Medium: Online Resource
    Pages: Online-Ressource , Diagramme, Karten
    Series Statement: Berichte aus dem Institut für Meereskunde an der Christian-Albrechts-Universität Kiel 294
    Language: English
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  • 4
    AMS (American Meteorological Society)
    In:  Journal of Physical Oceanography, 23 (11). pp. 2373-2391.
    Publication Date: 2018-03-07
    Description: A sigma-coordinate, primitive equation ocean circulation model is used to explore the problem of the remnant generation of trapped waves about a tall, circular, isolated seamount by an incident oscillatory barotropic current. The numerical solutions are used to extend prior studies into the fully nonlinear regime, and in particular to quantify and interpret the occurrence of residual circulation. Specific attention is also devoted to the dependence of the resonance and rectification mechanisms on stratification, forcing frequency, and choice of subgrid-scale viscous closure. Resonantly generated trapped waves of significant amplitude are found to occur broadly in parameter space; a precise match between the frequency of the imposed incident current and the frequency of the trapped free wave is not necessary to produce substantial excitation of the trapped wave. The maximum amplification factors produced in these numerical solutions, O(100) times the strength of the incident current, are consistent with previous studies. In the presence of nonlinear advection, strong residual currents are produced. The time-mean circulation about the seamount is dominated by a strong bottom-intensified, anticyclonic circulation closely trapped to the seamount. Maximum local time-mean current amplitudes are found to be as large as 37% of the magnitude of the propagating waves. In addition to the strong anticyclonic residual flow, there is a weaker secondary circulation in the vertical-radial plane characterized by downwelling over the top of the seamount at all depths. Maximum vertical downwelling rates of several tens of meters per day occur at the summit of the seamount. The vertical mass flux implied by this systematic downwelling is balanced by a slow radial flux of mass directed outward along the flanks of the seamount. Time-mean budgets for the radial and azimuthal components of momentum show that horizontal eddy fluxes of momentum are responsible for transporting net radial and azimuthal momentum from the far field to the upper flanks of the seamount. There, Coriolis and pressure gradient forces provide the dominant balances in the radial direction. However, the Coriolis force and viscous effects provide the primary balance for the azimuthal component.
    Type: Article , PeerReviewed
    Format: text
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  • 5
    AMS (American Meteorological Society)
    In:  Journal of Physical Oceanography, 24 . pp. 326-344.
    Publication Date: 2018-04-05
    Description: Global mean and eddy fields from a four-year experiment with a 1/6° × 1/5° horizontal resolution implementation of the CME North Atlantic model are presented. The time-averaged wind-driven and thermohaline circulation in the model is compared to the results of a 1/3° × 2/5° model run in very similar configuration. In general, the higher resolution results are found to confirm that the resolution of previous CME experiments is sufficient to describe many features of the large-scale circulation and water mass distribution quite well. While the increased resolution does not lead to large changes in the mean flow patterns, the variability in the model is enhanced significantly. On the other hand, however, not all aspects of the circulation have improved with resolution. The Azores Current Frontal Zone with its variability in the eastern basin is still represented very poorly. Particular attention is also directed toward the unrealistic stationary anticyclones north of Cape Hatteras and in the Gulf of Mexico.
    Type: Article , PeerReviewed
    Format: text
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