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    Boundary layer meteorology 83 (1997), S. 183-205 
    ISSN: 1573-1472
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Geosciences , Physics
    Notes: Abstract During the summer of 1994, a meteorological experiment(PASTEX) was performed over the Pasterze Glacier,Austria. In this paper we describe the averagehorizontal and vertical structure of the atmosphericboundary layer (ABL) above the melting glacier, aswell as its diurnal variation during a period of fairweather. It was found that very persistent glacierwinds with a vertical extent of 100 m dominate thesummertime structure of the ABL, because the gravityforce acting on the near surface air parcels is manytimes larger than the synoptic-scale pressuregradient. During fair weather, we find a welldeveloped mountain-valley wind circulation above thekatabatic layer. During daytime, the valley wind advectswarm and humid air from the ice-free valley towardsthe glacier, limiting the development of the glacierwind. During the night, the downslope flows thatdevelop above the ice-free valley walls (mountainwind) merge with the glacier wind and enhance thedownslope transport of air. The associated subsidenceis the most probable cause for the drying of the lowerpart of the atmosphere during the night. Duringperiods of weak synoptic winds, the glacier windeffectively generates turbulence in the stronglystratified surface layer. On average, the turbulentfluxes of sensible and latent heat provide 25% of thetotal melting energy at the surface of the glaciertongue, and the influence of the glacier winds on thesurface energy budget can therefore not beneglected.
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  • 2
    Publication Date: 2018-12-17
    Description: One of the most dramatic signs of ongoing global change is the mass loss of the Greenland Ice Sheet and the resulting rise in sea level, whereby most of the recent ice sheet mass loss can be attributed to an increase in meltwater runoff. The retreat and thinning of Greenland glaciers has been caused by rising air and ocean temperatures over the past decades. Despite the global scale impact of the changing ice sheet balance, estimates of glacial runoff in Greenland rarely extend past several decades, thus limiting our understanding of long-term glacial response to temperature. Here we present a 42-year long annually resolved red coralline algal Mg/Ca proxy temperature record from a southwestern Greenland fjord, with temperature ranging from 1.5 to 4 °C (standard error = 1.06 °C). This temperature time series in turn tracks the general trend of glacial runoff from four West Greenland glaciers discharging freshwater into the fjord (all p 〈 0.001). The algal time series further exhibits significant correlations to Irminger Sea temperature patterns, which are transmitted to western Greenland fjords via the West Greenland Current. The 42-year long record demonstrates the potential of annual increment forming coralline algae, which are known to live up to 650 years and which are abundant along the Greenland coastline, for reconstructing time series of sea surface temperature.
    Type: Article , PeerReviewed
    Format: text
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  • 3
    Publication Date: 2020-01-07
    Description: Large uncertainties remain in the current and future contribution to sea level rise from Antarctica. Climate warming may increase snowfall in the continent’s interior1,2,3, but enhance glacier discharge at the coast where warmer air and ocean temperatures erode the buttressing ice shelves4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11. Here, we use satellite interferometric synthetic-aperture radar observations from 1992 to 2006 covering 85% of Antarctica’s coastline to estimate the total mass flux into the ocean. We compare the mass fluxes from large drainage basin units with interior snow accumulation calculated from a regional atmospheric climate model for 1980 to 2004. In East Antarctica, small glacier losses in Wilkes Land and glacier gains at the mouths of the Filchner and Ross ice shelves combine to a near-zero loss of 4±61 Gt yr−1. In West Antarctica, widespread losses along the Bellingshausen and Amundsen seas increased the ice sheet loss by 59% in 10 years to reach 132±60 Gt yr−1 in 2006. In the Peninsula, losses increased by 140% to reach 60±46 Gt yr−1 in 2006. Losses are concentrated along narrow channels occupied by outlet glaciers and are caused by ongoing and past glacier acceleration. Changes in glacier flow therefore have a significant, if not dominant impact on ice sheet mass balance.
    Type: Article , PeerReviewed
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  • 4
    Publication Date: 2021-01-08
    Description: The Greenland Ice Sheet (GrIS) mass loss has been accelerating at a rate of about 20 ± 10 Gt/yr2 since the end of the 1990's, with around 60 % of this mass loss directly attributed to enhanced surface meltwater runoff. However, in the climate and glaciology communities, different approaches exist on how to model the different surface mass balance (SMB) components using: (1) complex physically-based climate models which are computationally expensive; (2) intermediate complexity energy balance models; (3) simple and fast positive degree day models which base their inferences on statistical principles and are computationally highly efficient. Additionally, many of these models compute the SMB components based on different spatial and temporal resolutions, with different forcing fields as well as different ice sheet topographies and extents, making inter-comparison difficult. In the GrIS SMB model intercomparison project (GrSMBMIP) we address these issues by forcing each model with the same data (i.e., the ERA-Interim reanalysis) except for two global models for which this forcing is limited to the oceanic conditions, and at the same time by interpolating all modelled results onto a common ice sheet mask at 1 km horizontal resolution for the common period 1980–2012. The SMB outputs from 13 models are then compared over the GrIS to (1) SMB estimates using a combination of gravimetric remote sensing data from GRACE and measured ice discharge, (2) ice cores, snow pits, in-situ SMB observations, and (3) remotely sensed bare ice extent from MODerate-resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS). Our results reveal that the mean GrIS SMB of all 13 models has been positive between 1980 and 2012 with an average of 340 ± Gt/yr, but has decreased at an average rate of −7.3 Gt/yr2 (with a significance of 96 %), mainly driven by an increase of 8.0 Gt/yr2 (with a significance of 98 %) in meltwater runoff. Spatially, the largest spread among models can be found around the margins of the ice sheet, highlighting the need for accurate representation of the GrIS ablation zone extent and processes driving the surface melt. In addition, a higher density of in-situ SMB observations is required, especially in the south-east accumulation zone, where the model spread can reach 2 mWE/yr due to large discrepancies in modelled snowfall accumulation. Overall, polar regional climate models (RCMs) perform the best compared to observations, in particular for simulating precipitation patterns. However, other simpler and faster models have biases of same order than RCMs with observations and remain then useful tools for long-term simulations. Finally, it is interesting to note that the ensemble mean of the 13 models produces the best estimate of the present day SMB relative to observations, suggesting that biases are not systematic among models.
    Type: Article , PeerReviewed
    Format: text
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  • 5
    Publication Date: 2024-02-07
    Description: The land ice contribution to global mean sea level rise has not yet been predicted1 using ice sheet and glacier models for the latest set of socio-economic scenarios, nor using coordinated exploration of uncertainties arising from the various computer models involved. Two recent international projects generated a large suite of projections using multiple models2,3,4,5,6,7,8, but primarily used previous-generation scenarios9 and climate models10, and could not fully explore known uncertainties. Here we estimate probability distributions for these projections under the new scenarios11,12 using statistical emulation of the ice sheet and glacier models. We find that limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius would halve the land ice contribution to twenty-first-century sea level rise, relative to current emissions pledges. The median decreases from 25 to 13 centimetres sea level equivalent (SLE) by 2100, with glaciers responsible for half the sea level contribution. The projected Antarctic contribution does not show a clear response to the emissions scenario, owing to uncertainties in the competing processes of increasing ice loss and snowfall accumulation in a warming climate. However, under risk-averse (pessimistic) assumptions, Antarctic ice loss could be five times higher, increasing the median land ice contribution to 42 centimetres SLE under current policies and pledges, with the 95th percentile projection exceeding half a metre even under 1.5 degrees Celsius warming. This would severely limit the possibility of mitigating future coastal flooding. Given this large range (between 13 centimetres SLE using the main projections under 1.5 degrees Celsius warming and 42 centimetres SLE using risk-averse projections under current pledges), adaptation planning for twenty-first-century sea level rise must account for a factor-of-three uncertainty in the land ice contribution until climate policies and the Antarctic response are further constrained.
    Type: Article , PeerReviewed
    Format: text
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  • 6
    Publication Date: 2014-03-24
    Print ISSN: 0022-1430
    Electronic ISSN: 1727-5652
    Topics: Geography , Geosciences
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  • 7
  • 8
    Publication Date: 2024-07-19
    Description: Accurate prediction of global sea-level rise requires that we understand the cause of recent, widespread and intensifying glacier acceleration along Antarctic ice-sheet coastal margins. Floating ice shelves buttress the flow of grounded tributary glaciers and their thickness and extent are particularly susceptible to changes in both climate and ocean forcing. Recent ice-shelf collapse led to retreat and acceleration of several glaciers on the Antarctic Peninsula. However, the extent and magnitude of ice-shelf thickness change, its causes and its link to glacier flow rate are so poorly understood that its influence on the future of the ice sheets cannot yet be predicted. Here we use satellite laser altimetry and modelling of the surface firn layer to reveal for the first time the circum-Antarctic pattern of ice-shelf thinning through increased basal melt. We deduce that this increased melt is the primary driver of Antarctic ice-sheet loss, through a reduction in buttressing of the adjacent ice sheet that has led to accelerated glacier flow. The highest thinning rates (~7 m/a) occur where warm water at depth can access thick ice shelves via submarine troughs crossing the continental shelf. Wind forcing could explain the dominant patterns of both basal melting and the surface melting and collapse of Antarctic ice shelves, through ocean upwelling in the Amundsen and Bellingshausen Seas and atmospheric warming on the Antarctic Peninsula. This implies that climate forcing through changing winds influences Antarctic Ice Sheet mass balance, and hence global sea-level, on annual to decadal timescales.
    Keywords: ice2sea
    Type: dataset publication series
    Format: application/zip, 2 datasets
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  • 9
    In:  Supplement to: Augustin, Laurent; Barbante, Carlo; Barnes, Piers R F; Barnola, Jean-Marc; Bigler, Matthias; Castellano, Emiliano; Cattani, Olivier; Chappellaz, Jérôme A; Dahl-Jensen, Dorthe; Delmonte, Barbara; Dreyfus, Gabrielle; Durand, Gael; Falourd, Sonia; Fischer, Hubertus; Flückiger, Jacqueline; Hansson, Margareta E; Huybrechts, Philippe; Jugie, Gérard; Johnsen, Sigfús Jóhann; Jouzel, Jean; Kaufmann, Patrik R; Kipfstuhl, Sepp; Lambert, Fabrice; Lipenkov, Vladimir Ya; Littot, Geneviève C; Longinelli, Antonio; Lorrain, Reginald D; Maggi, Valter; Masson-Delmotte, Valerie; Miller, Heinz; Mulvaney, Robert; Oerlemans, Johannes; Oerter, Hans; Orombelli, Giuseppe; Parrenin, Frédéric; Peel, David A; Petit, Jean Robert; Raynaud, Dominique; Ritz, Catherine; Ruth, Urs; Schwander, Jakob; Siegenthaler, Urs; Souchez, Roland A; Stauffer, Bernhard; Steffensen, Jørgen Peder; Stenni, Barbara; Stocker, Thomas F; Tabacco, Ignazio; Udisti, Roberto; van de Wal, Roderik S W; van den Broeke, Michiel R; Wilhelms, Frank; Winther, Jan-Gunnar; Wolff, Eric William; Zucchelli, Mario (2004): Eight glacial cycles from an Antarctic ice core. Nature, 429(6992), 623-628,
    Publication Date: 2024-07-19
    Description: The Antarctic Vostok ice core provided compelling evidence of the nature of climate, and of climate feedbacks, over the past 420,000 years. Marine records suggest that the amplitude of climate variability was smaller before that time, but such records are often poorly resolved. Moreover, it is not possible to infer the abundance of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere from marine records. Here we report the recovery of a deep ice core from Dome C, Antarctica, that provides a climate record for the past 740,000 years. For the four most recent glacial cycles, the data agree well with the record from Vostok. The earlier period, between 740,000 and 430,000 years ago, was characterized by less pronounced warmth in interglacial periods in Antarctica, but a higher proportion of each cycle was spent in the warm mode. The transition from glacial to interglacial conditions about 430,000 years ago (Termination V) resembles the transition into the present interglacial period in terms of the magnitude of change in temperatures and greenhouse gases, but there are significant differences in the patterns of change. The interglacial stage following Termination V was exceptionally long - 28,000 years compared to, for example, the 12,000 years recorded so far in the present interglacial period. Given the similarities between this earlier warm period and today, our results may imply that without human intervention, a climate similar to the present one would extend well into the future.
    Keywords: Dome C; Dome C, Antarctica; DRILL; Drilling/drill rig; EDC; EDC99; EPICA; EPICA Dome C; European Project for Ice Coring in Antarctica; ICEDRILL; Ice drill
    Type: dataset publication series
    Format: application/zip, 6 datasets
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  • 10
    In:  Supplement to: Depoorter, Mathieu A; Bamber, Jonathan L; Griggs, Jennifer; Lenaerts, Jan T M; Ligtenberg, Stefan R M; van den Broeke, Michiel R; Moholdt, Geir (2013): Calving fluxes and basal melt rates of Antarctic ice shelves. Nature, 502, 89-92,
    Publication Date: 2024-07-19
    Description: Iceberg calving has been assumed to be the dominant cause of mass loss for the Antarctic ice sheet, with previous estimates of the calving flux exceeding 2,000 gigatonnes per year. More recently, the importance of melting by the ocean has been demonstrated close to the grounding line and near the calving front. So far, however, no study has reliably quantified the calving flux and the basal mass balance (the balance between accretion and ablation at the ice-sheet base) for the whole of Antarctica. The distribution of fresh water in the Southern Ocean and its partitioning between the liquid and solid phases is therefore poorly constrained. Here we estimate the mass balance components for all ice shelves in Antarctica, using satellite measurements of calving flux and grounding-line flux, modelled ice-shelf snow accumulation rates and a regional scaling that accounts for unsurveyed areas. We obtain a total calving flux of 1,321 ± 144 gigatonnes per year and a total basal mass balance of -1,454 ± 174 gigatonnes per year. This means that about half of the ice-sheet surface mass gain is lost through oceanic erosion before reaching the ice front, and the calving flux is about 34 per cent less than previous estimates derived from iceberg tracking. In addition, the fraction of mass loss due to basal processes varies from about 10 to 90 per cent between ice shelves. We find a significant positive correlation between basal mass loss and surface elevation change for ice shelves experiencing surface lowering and enhanced discharge. We suggest that basal mass loss is a valuable metric for predicting future ice-shelf vulnerability to oceanic forcing.
    Type: dataset publication series
    Format: application/zip, 3 datasets
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