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  • 1
    ISSN: 1432-0568
    Keywords: Neurosecretion ; Adrenalectomy ; Diabetes insipidus ; Rat
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Summary The influence of adrenalectomy on the amount of “Gomori-positive” neurosecretory material in the outer layer of the median eminence and in the supraoptico-hypophysial system was studied in normal Long-Evans rats and in Long-Evans rats heterozygous and homozygous for hypothalamic diabetes insipidus. In all non-adrenalectomized rats very few “Gomori-positive” granules were found in the outer median eminence layer. After adrenalectomy the amount of the granules increased markedly in normal Long-Evans rats and only slightly in Long-Evans rats heterozygous for diabetes insipidus. However, no augmentation of the granules occurred in homozygous diabetes insipidus rats. The amount of “Gomori-positive” substances demonstrable in the supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei, in the inner layer of the median eminence, and in the neural lobe of the hypophysis was less in rats heterozygous for diabetes insipidus than in normal Long-Evans rats and the smallest in homozygous diabetes insipidus rats. No differences in the amounts of the substances were observed between adrenalectomized and non-adrenalectomized animals. The findings suggest that the “Gomori-positive” granules occurring in the outer layer of the median eminence of adrenalectomized rats are of similar origin as those of the supraoptico-hypophysial system and represent a vasopressin-neurophysin-complex. The results support the concept that vasopressin is involved in the regulation of ACTH release.
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  • 2
    ISSN: 1432-119X
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Biology , Medicine
    Notes: Summary In adrenalectomized rats, histochemical and immunohistochemical properties of the following secretion products have been investigated: 1. CRF-granules in the outer layer of the median eminence; 2. neurosecretory material (NSM) in the supraoptico-hypophysial system of the hypothalamus; 3. secretory granules in the TSH-cells of the anterior lobe of the hypophysis; 4. secretory granules in the ependymal cells of the subcommissural organ (SCO); 5. β-cell-granules in the islets of Langerhans in the pancreas. All these substances are characterized by their stainability with the so-called “Gomorimethod”. The experiments have included studies into: a) the extractability of the substances by various solvents; b) the digestability of the substances by pepsin or trypsin; c) their histochemically detectable content of disulfide groups, arginine and periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) reactive carbohydrates; d) their reaction with porcine-neurophysin-II-antibodies. All substances exhibited a positive reaction for disulfide groups. Based on their solutility properties, their resistance to pepsin or trypsin, their respective content of PAS-reactive carbohydrates and their failure to react with anti-neurophysin serum the “Gomori-positive” granules in TSH-, SCO- and pancreatic β-cells can be distinguished from one another and from CRF- and neurosecretory granules. In contrast, CRF-granules and NSM showed identical properties. Taking into consideration data from the biochemical and histochemical literature, the present findings suggest that CRF-granules and NSM consist of closely related biochemical substances.
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  • 3
    ISSN: 1432-119X
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Biology , Medicine
    Notes: Summary Proteins reacting with neurophysin antibodies and “Gomori-positive” substances were demonstrated histochemically in hypothalamic neurosecretory material of normal and bilaterally adrenalectomized rats after two different fixations: a) picric acid-formalin (PAF) for 7 days at 37°C; b) Bouin's fluid for 20 h at 4°C. After PAF-fixation anti-neurophysin reactive neurosecretory granules are found in all parts of the supraoptico-hypophysial system and in the suprachiasmatic nucleus of normal and adrenalectomized animals. In the latter they can additionally be demonstrated in the outer layer of the median eminence. Amount and distribution of “Gomori-positive” sustances correspond to those described for the immunoreactive material, except for the suprachiasmatic nucleus, in which the substances can not be detected. Following fixation in Bouin's fluid the immunohistochemical reactions are unchanged whereas the staining of “Gomori-positive” substances is remarkably impaired. The amounts of the substances demonstrable in the neural lobe are diminished and in the cells of the supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei as well as in both median eminence layers only traces of the substances are to be seen. The findings indicate that negative results in demonstrating “Gomori-positive” substances may be caused by inappropriate fixation and need to be controlled by immunohistochemical techniques.
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  • 4
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    Cell & tissue research 177 (1977), S. 371-374 
    ISSN: 1432-0878
    Keywords: External median eminence (rat) ; Thyrotropin-releasing factor ; Immunoperoxidase ; Histology
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Biology , Medicine
    Notes: Summary Antibodies raised in rabbits against a synthetic preparation of thyrotropin-releasing factor (TRF) were used in association with the immunoperoxidase histochemical technique to localize TRF in the rat median eminence. Using coronal sections cut through the mid-arcuate region, specific immunoreactive material was observed in the medial and lateral regions of the superficial layer of the external median eminence.
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  • 5
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    Cell & tissue research 164 (1975), S. 543-557 
    ISSN: 1432-0878
    Keywords: Magnocellular hypothalamic nuclei ; Fetal and neonatal pigs ; Anti-porcine neurophysin serum ; Immunocytochemistry ; Slab gradient polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Biology , Medicine
    Notes: Summary The immunoperoxidase cytochemical reaction was applied to the localization of neurophysin-containing elements in the fetal and adult pig hypothalamus. In the 60 day fetal pig, cells of the supraoptic nucleus (SON) were the only structures in the hypothalamus in which neurophysin was detected. However, by 87 days the cell bodies in both the SON and paraventricular nucleus (PVN) contained neurophysin-like material. The distribution of immunoreactive material in the 111 day fetal animal was similar to that found in the adult pig. In transverse section of the mature pig the SON exists in two discrete components; an antero-lateral group of cells connected by scattered cells to a smaller postero-medial group. Anteriorly, the PVN appears as a line of cells bordering the third ventricle but as we proceed posteriorly the dorsal aspect expands laterally to give a wedge-shaped group of cells. In mid-sagittal sections, the cells of the PVN are distributed over a wide area of the anterior hypothalamus in a triangular profile. The borders between the SON and PVN became more difficult to define in medial sections than in lateral sections. Continuous gradient polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis was carried out on the neural lobe extracts from fetal, newborn and adult pigs. Proteins with an electrophoretic mobility similar to that of porcine neurophysins-I,-II and -III were present in the newborn and 98 day fetal pig. It is concluded that material immunoreactive with anti-neurophysin serum is present in the hypothalamus of the 60 day fetal pig. Furthermore, at late fetal development and during the postnatal period it is tentatively suggested that the neurophysin present in the pituitaries of these animals is chemically identical with that of adult neurophysin.
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  • 6
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    Cell & tissue research 180 (1977), S. 491-503 
    ISSN: 1432-0878
    Keywords: Pig ; Oxytocin ; [8-Lysine]-Vasopressin ; Specific localization ; Immunocytochemistry ; One hormone, One Neurophysin
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Biology , Medicine
    Notes: Summary Synthetic oxytocin and [8-arginine]-vasopressin conjugated to bovine thyroglobulin were used to induce specific antibodies in rabbits. The specificity of the anti-oxytocin serum, and the suitability of the anti-[8arginine]-vasopressin serum for the detection of [8-lysine]-vasopressin, was evaluated by immunofluorescent studies of the respective hormones bound to Sepharose 4B particles. Oxytocin and [8-lysine]-vasopressin were specifically localized in the paraventricular (PVN) and supraoptic (SON) nuclei of the pig hypothalamus using the immunoperoxidase staining technique. After an examination of serial transverse and sagittal sections stained for either of the hormones we observed that: 1. In the rostral SON, oxytocin and vasopressin containing neurons were uniformly distributed; 2. In the caudal SON, most of the neurons contained oxytocin, but there were still a few ‘vasopressin’ neurons; 3. In the rostral PVN, the two hormones were evenly spread in neurons close to the third ventricle; 4. In the caudal PVN, the oxytocin and vasopressin containing neurons were differentially distributed, with ‘oxytocin’ neurons adjacent to the third ventricle, and ‘vasopressin’ neurons lateral to these and concentrated in the dorso-caudal PVN. In the cells of the PVN, there was evidence that the distribution of oxytocin and vasopressin is similar to the distribution of porcine neurophysin-II and porcine neurophysin-I respectively. This similarity is consistent with the one hormone — one neurophysin concept in the pig.
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  • 7
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    Cell & tissue research 197 (1979), S. 325-336 
    ISSN: 1432-0878
    Keywords: Rat hypothalamo-neurohypophysial system ; Fetal development ; Oxytocin ; Vasopressin ; Neurophysin
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Biology , Medicine
    Notes: Summary Sections of the hypothalamus, median eminence and pituitary from fetal and neonatal rats were examined with the immunoperoxidase staining technique and light microscopy. Purified antisera raised against vasopressin and oxytocin, and antisera cross-reactive with rat neurophysin were used to localize these antigens in the hypothalamo-neurohypophysial system (HNS). Neurophysin was detected throughout the HNS of the 18-day fetal rat. Vasopressin was present in the hypothalamus and pituitary of the 19-day fetus, and in the median eminence of the 4-day neonate. Oxytocin was not detected in the pituitary until 1–2 days after birth, in the hypothalamus after 4 days, and in the median eminence after 8 days. During the first days after birth the supraoptic nucleus was more mature than the paraventricular nucleus. The HNS did not approach maturity until at least 7 days after birth. The relative maturity of the supraoptic nucleus compared with the paraventricular nucleus, and the detection of vasopressin before oxytocin are evidence for the one-neuron-one-hormone theory. The data do not exclude the possibility that the fetal hypothalamo-neurohypophysial system, and perhaps the fetal hormone, vasotocin, affect the initiation and course of parturition.
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  • 8
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    Cell & tissue research 180 (1977), S. 467-490 
    ISSN: 1432-0878
    Keywords: Oxytocin ; Vasopressin ; Neurophysin ; Magnocellular nuclei ; Neurosecretory pathways ; Osmotic stimulation ; Immunoperoxidase histochemistry
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Biology , Medicine
    Notes: Summary Antisera, with cross reactive antibodies removed by affinity chromatography, were used in the immunoperoxidase-bridge technique to study the distribution of oxytocin and vasopressin together with neurophysin in the hypothalamo-neurohypophysial system of the rat. The hormones were demonstrated in different areas of the supraoptic nucleus (SON) and paraventricular nucleus (PVN), in neurosecretory fibres of the hypothalamoneurohypophysial tract, median eminence, and in nerve terminals of the neurohypophysis. Intact normal and rats with hereditary hypothalamic diabetes insipidus (Brattleboro strain), and rats dehydrated by the administration of oral hypertonic saline were studied. In dehydrated rats the hormone concentration in the neurons, and the number of neurons containing hormone varied according to the time of dehydration stress. The observations support the hypotheses that: 1) oxytocin and oxytocinneurophysin, and vasopressin and vasopressin-neurophysin are synthesised in different neurons and are transported along different axons; 2) the SON and PVN are functionally indistinguishable in that neurons containing oxytocin or vasopressin are present in both nuclei; and 3) the two types of neurons respond to osmotic stimulation in a way that is qualitatively the same but quantitatively different.
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  • 9
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    Cell & tissue research 162 (1975), S. 531-539 
    ISSN: 1432-0878
    Keywords: Human placenta ; Syncytiotrophoblast ; Oxytocinase ; Anti-oxytocinase serum ; Immunofluorescence histochemistry
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Biology , Medicine
    Notes: Summary Oxytocinase (cystine aminopeptidase) was purified from human retroplacental serum by a combination of fractional precipitation, hydroxylapatite chromatography and gel exlusion chromatography on Sephadex G-200. The purified enzyme possessed a specific activity of 980 mIU/mg using L-cystine-di-p-nitroanilide as substrate. This represented a 3200 fold concentration from the starting material in an overall yield of 12%. Antibodies against oxytocinase were raised in rabbits and the γ-globulin fraction labelled with fluorescein isothiocyanate prior to its use in the immunofluorescence histochemical localization of the enzyme in human placental tissue. Oxytocinase was confined to the syncytiotrophoblastic cells of normal term, and immature placentas as well as in placentas from patients suffering from severe toxaemia. Specific immunofluorescence was also present in the outer margins of the chorion and to a lesser extent in the amnion.
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  • 10
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    Cell & tissue research 175 (1976), S. 165-181 
    ISSN: 1432-0878
    Keywords: Pig ; Neurophysin-I ; Neurophysin-II ; Immunocytochemistry ; Specific neurophysin neurosecretory systems
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Biology , Medicine
    Notes: Summary Antibodies raised against porcine neurophysin-I and porcine neurophysin-II using an injection regime in rabbits over a short time period, were used to localize neurophysin-I and neurophysin-II in hypothalamic neurosecretory elements of the domestic pig. In transverse section, neurophysin-II containing cells were more abundant in the dorsal medial region of the rostral supraoptic nucleus (SON) as compared with the distribution of neurophysin-I neurons. The main bulk of the cells of the SON were heavily stained for neurophysin-I with neurophysin-II containing cells positioned dorsal from the edge of the optic chiasma. Neurosecretory cells of the SON as seen in sagittal section also showed a differential staining for neurophysins-I and -II. Rostral regions of the pig paraventricular nucleus (PVN) contained magnocellular elements near the third ventricle which were stained predominantly for neurophysin-II. In regions corresponding to the caudal PVN there appeared two populations of neurosecretory neurons: (a) an area of cells adjacent to the third ventricle which contained neurophysin-II antigen and (b) a group of densely populated cells in the dorsal-lateral region which was stained for neurophysin-I. The results support the existence in the pig of at least two distinct populations of neurosecretory neurons corresponding to the neurophysin-I and neurophysin-II neurosecretory system.
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