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  • PANGAEA  (98)
  • 2005-2009  (98)
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  • 1
    In:  Supplement to: Assmy, Philipp; Henjes, Joachim; Klaas, Christine; Smetacek, Victor (2007): Mechanisms determining species dominance in a phytoplankton bloom induced by the iron fertilization experiment EisenEx in the Southern Ocean. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 54(3), 340-362,
    Publication Date: 2024-08-15
    Description: The dynamics of phytoplankton species populations recorded during the 3-week, iron-fertilization experiment EisenEx carried out in spring in the Antarctic Polar Frontal Zone are presented and discussed as the difference between growth and mortality rates. Only two cosmopolitan diatom species, the centric Chaetoceros debilis and the pennate Pseudo-nitzschia lineola, increased population density exponentially throughout the experiment to 150-fold and 90-fold of initial values respectively. Because C. debilis initial abundance was tenfold lower than that of P. lineola, the two contributed 1 % and 21 % to bloom biomass respectively at the end of the experiment, high-lighting the role of seeding in bloom formation. The other significant species increased population size at a linear rate throughout the experiment or for a short spurt phase to 3 to 18-fold of initial values. Conservative estimates of mortality rates within diatom species populations were obtained by comparing net accumulation rates of full cells with those of empty and broken frustules. The ratios were consistent over time for the various species but varied widely between them. The species-specific variation can be explained by differences in both growth and mortality rates, the latter partly due to either selective grazing or avoidance by the large protozoo- and metazooplankton populations present. Selective predation by the abundant copepod populations on protistan grazers (ciliates and heterotrophic dinoflagellates) of diatoms apparently aided diatom biomass build-up. The response patterns of populations of the phytoplankton species present fall into 6 categories comprising disparate species, indicating that phylogeny is a poor predictor of ecology. The group that did not respond to fertilization was the most diverse and included both endemic and cosmopolitan as well as background and bloom-forming species. This lack of response to the advent of favorable growth conditions indicates that proximate factors during EisenEx triggered growth only in some species but had little effect on others. We attribute the differences in behavior to ultimate factors such as seasonal effects on life cycles and other internal constraints on growth rates. The implications for our understanding of the evolutionary ecology of phytoplankton and its impact on global biogeochemical cycles are pointed out.
    Keywords: ANT-XVIII/2; CTD/Rosette; CTD117; CTD123; CTD126; CTD128; CTD145; CTD149; CTD16; CTD18; CTD45; CTD51; CTD54; CTD57; CTD61; CTD66; CTD70; CTD74; CTD88; CTD9; CTD-RO; EisenEx; European Iron Enrichment Experiment in the Southern Ocean; Polarstern; PS58/009-2; PS58/011-3; PS58/012-5; PS58/014-4; PS58/038-3; PS58/041-2; PS58/042-2; PS58/043-2; PS58/045-2; PS58/046-3; PS58/048-3; PS58/049-3; PS58/061-3; PS58/088-4; PS58/090-4; PS58/091-4; PS58/092-3; PS58/107-5; PS58/108-1; PS58 EISENEX; South Atlantic Ocean
    Type: dataset publication series
    Format: application/zip, 95 datasets
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  • 2
    In:  Supplement to: Henjes, Joachim; Assmy, Philipp; Klaas, Christine; Verity, Peter; Smetacek, Victor (2007): Response of microzooplankton (protists and small copepods) to an iron-induced phytoplankton bloom in the Southern Ocean (EisenEx). Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 54(3), 363-384,
    Publication Date: 2024-08-15
    Description: The dynamics, composition and grazing impact of microzooplankton were studied during the in situ iron fertilisation experiment EisenEx in the Antarctic Polar Frontal Zone in austral spring (November 2000). During the 21 day experiment, protozooplankton and small metazooplankton were sampled from the mixed layer inside and outside the patch using Niskin bottles. Aplastidic dinoflagellates increased threefold in abundance and biomass in the first 10 d of the experiment, but decreased thereafter to values twofold higher than pre-fertilisation values. The decline after day 10 is attributed to increasing grazing pressure by copepods. They also constrained ciliate abundances and biomass which were higher inside the fertilised patch than outside but highly variable. Copepod nauplii abundance also remained stable whereas biomass doubled. Numbers of copepodites and adults of small copepod species increased threefold inside the patch, but doubled in surrounding waters. Grazing rates estimated using the dilution method suggest that microzooplankton grazing constrained pico- and nanoplankton populations, but species capable of feeding on large diatoms (dinoflagellates and small copepods including possibly nauplii) were selectively predated by the metazoan community. Thus, iron fertilisation of a developing spring phytoplankton assemblage resulted in a trophic cascade which favoured dominance of the bloom by large diatoms.
    Keywords: ANT-XVIII/2; CTD/Rosette; CTD117; CTD123; CTD126; CTD128; CTD145; CTD149; CTD16; CTD18; CTD45; CTD51; CTD54; CTD57; CTD61; CTD66; CTD70; CTD74; CTD87; CTD9; CTD-RO; EisenEx; European Iron Enrichment Experiment in the Southern Ocean; Polarstern; PS58/009-2; PS58/011-1; PS58/012-5; PS58/014-4; PS58/038-3; PS58/041-2; PS58/042-2; PS58/043-2; PS58/045-2; PS58/046-3; PS58/048-3; PS58/049-3; PS58/061-1; PS58/088-4; PS58/090-4; PS58/091-4; PS58/092-3; PS58/107-5; PS58/108-1; PS58 EISENEX; South Atlantic Ocean
    Type: dataset publication series
    Format: application/zip, 38 datasets
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  • 3
    In:  Supplement to: Henjes, Joachim; Assmy, Philipp; Klaas, Christine; Smetacek, Victor (2007): Response of the larger protozooplankton to an iron-induced phytoplankton bloom in the Polar Frontal Zone of the Southern Ocean (EisenEx). Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 54(5), 774-791,
    Publication Date: 2024-08-15
    Description: The responses of larger (〉50 µm in diameter) protozooplankton groups to a phytoplankton bloom induced by in situ iron fertilization (EisenEx) in the Polar Frontal Zone (PFZ) of the Southern Ocean in austral spring are presented. During the 21 days of the experiment, samples were collected from seven discrete depths in the upper 150 m inside and outside the fertilized patch for the enumeration of acantharia, foraminifera, radiolaria, heliozoa, tintinnid ciliates and aplastidic thecate dinoflagellates. Inside the patch, acantharian numbers increased twofold, but only negligibly in surrounding waters. This finding is of major interest, since acantharia are suggested to be involved in the formation of barite (BaSO_4 ) found in sediments and which is a palaeoindicator of both ancient and modern high productivity regimes. Foraminifera increased significantly in abundance inside and outside the fertilized patch. However the marked increase of juveniles after a full moon event suggests a lunar periodicity in the reproduction cycle of some foraminiferan species rather than a reproductive response to enhanced food availability. In contrast, adult radiolaria showed no clear trend during the experiment, but juveniles increased threefold indicating elevated reproduction. Aplastidic thecate dinoflagellates almost doubled in numbers and biomass, but also increased outside the patch. Tintinnid numbers decreased twofold, although biomass remained constant due to a shift in the size spectrum. Empty tintinnid loricae, however, increased by a factor of two indicating that grazing pressure on this group mainly by copepods intensified during EisenEx. The results show that iron-fertilization experiments can shed light on the biology and the role of these larger protists in pelagic ecosystem which will improve their use as proxies in palaeoceanography.
    Keywords: ANT-XVIII/2; CTD/Rosette; CTD11; CTD118; CTD121; CTD125; CTD130; CTD146; CTD15; CTD150; CTD19; CTD47; CTD52; CTD55; CTD58; CTD64; CTD67; CTD71; CTD75; CTD88; CTD-RO; EisenEx; European Iron Enrichment Experiment in the Southern Ocean; Polarstern; PS58/009-6; PS58/011-3; PS58/012-4; PS58/014-6; PS58/038-7; PS58/041-5; PS58/042-5; PS58/043-4; PS58/045-9; PS58/046-5; PS58/048-5; PS58/049-5; PS58/061-3; PS58/088-7; PS58/090-2; PS58/091-3; PS58/092-6; PS58/107-6; PS58/108-3; PS58 EISENEX; South Atlantic Ocean
    Type: dataset publication series
    Format: application/zip, 38 datasets
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  • 4
    Publication Date: 2024-08-15
    Keywords: Actinocyclus curvatulus; ANT-XVIII/2; Asteromphalus hookeri; Asteromphalus hyalinus; Azpeitia tabularis; Chaetoceros aequatoriale; Chaetoceros atlanticus; Chaetoceros bulbosus; Chaetoceros convolutus; Chaetoceros curvisetus; Chaetoceros dichaeta; Chaetoceros neglectus; Chaetoceros peruvianus; Chaetoceros spp.; Corethron inerme; Corethron pennatum; CTD/Rosette; CTD16; CTD-RO; Cylindrotheca closterium; Dactyliosolen antarcticus; DEPTH, water; Diatoms, centrales; EisenEx; Eucampia antarctica; European Iron Enrichment Experiment in the Southern Ocean; Fragilariopsis kerguelensis; Fragilariopsis obliquecostata; Fragilariopsis rhombica; Guinardia cylindrus; Guinardia delicatula; Haslea sp.; Leptocylindrus mediterraneus; Membraneis imposter; Navicula sp.; Nitzschia bicapitata; Nitzschia sp.; Pleurosigma atlanticus; Polarstern; Proboscia alata; PS58/012-5; PS58 EISENEX; Pseudo-nitzschia heimii; Pseudo-nitzschia lineola; Pseudo-nitzschia prolongatoides; Pseudo-nitzschia turgidula; Pseudo-nitzschia turgiduloides; Quantitative phytoplankton method (Utermöhl, 1958); Rhizosolenia chunii; Rhizosolenia curvata; Rhizosolenia hebetata forma semispina; South Atlantic Ocean; Thalassionema nitzschioides; Thalassionema nitzschioides var. lanceolata; Thalassiosira gracilis; Thalassiosira lentiginosa; Thalassiosira oestrupii; Thalassiosira oliverana; Thalassiosira tumida; Thalassiothrix antarctica
    Type: dataset
    Format: text/tab-separated-values, 728 data points
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  • 5
    Publication Date: 2024-08-15
    Keywords: Actinocyclus curvatulus; ANT-XVIII/2; Asteromphalus hookeri; Asteromphalus hyalinus; Azpeitia tabularis; Chaetoceros aequatoriale; Chaetoceros atlanticus; Chaetoceros bulbosus; Chaetoceros convolutus; Chaetoceros curvisetus; Chaetoceros dichaeta; Chaetoceros neglectus; Chaetoceros peruvianus; Chaetoceros spp.; Corethron inerme; Corethron pennatum; CTD/Rosette; CTD18; CTD-RO; Cylindrotheca closterium; Dactyliosolen antarcticus; DEPTH, water; Diatoms, centrales; EisenEx; Eucampia antarctica; European Iron Enrichment Experiment in the Southern Ocean; Fragilariopsis kerguelensis; Fragilariopsis obliquecostata; Fragilariopsis rhombica; Guinardia cylindrus; Guinardia delicatula; Haslea sp.; Leptocylindrus mediterraneus; Membraneis imposter; Navicula sp.; Nitzschia bicapitata; Nitzschia sp.; Pleurosigma atlanticus; Polarstern; Proboscia alata; PS58/014-4; PS58 EISENEX; Pseudo-nitzschia heimii; Pseudo-nitzschia lineola; Pseudo-nitzschia prolongatoides; Pseudo-nitzschia turgidula; Pseudo-nitzschia turgiduloides; Quantitative phytoplankton method (Utermöhl, 1958); Rhizosolenia chunii; Rhizosolenia curvata; Rhizosolenia hebetata forma semispina; South Atlantic Ocean; Thalassionema nitzschioides; Thalassionema nitzschioides var. lanceolata; Thalassiosira gracilis; Thalassiosira lentiginosa; Thalassiosira oestrupii; Thalassiosira oliverana; Thalassiosira tumida; Thalassiothrix antarctica
    Type: dataset
    Format: text/tab-separated-values, 728 data points
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  • 6
    Publication Date: 2024-08-15
    Keywords: Actinocyclus curvatulus; ANT-XVIII/2; Asteromphalus hookeri; Asteromphalus hyalinus; Azpeitia tabularis; Chaetoceros aequatoriale; Chaetoceros atlanticus; Chaetoceros bulbosus; Chaetoceros convolutus; Chaetoceros curvisetus; Chaetoceros dichaeta; Chaetoceros neglectus; Chaetoceros peruvianus; Chaetoceros spp.; Corethron inerme; Corethron pennatum; CTD/Rosette; CTD51; CTD-RO; Cylindrotheca closterium; Dactyliosolen antarcticus; DEPTH, water; Diatoms, centrales; EisenEx; Eucampia antarctica; European Iron Enrichment Experiment in the Southern Ocean; Fragilariopsis kerguelensis; Fragilariopsis obliquecostata; Fragilariopsis rhombica; Guinardia cylindrus; Guinardia delicatula; Haslea sp.; Leptocylindrus mediterraneus; Membraneis imposter; Navicula sp.; Nitzschia bicapitata; Nitzschia sp.; Pleurosigma atlanticus; Polarstern; Proboscia alata; PS58/041-2; PS58 EISENEX; Pseudo-nitzschia heimii; Pseudo-nitzschia lineola; Pseudo-nitzschia prolongatoides; Pseudo-nitzschia turgidula; Pseudo-nitzschia turgiduloides; Quantitative phytoplankton method (Utermöhl, 1958); Rhizosolenia chunii; Rhizosolenia curvata; Rhizosolenia hebetata forma semispina; South Atlantic Ocean; Thalassionema nitzschioides; Thalassionema nitzschioides var. lanceolata; Thalassiosira gracilis; Thalassiosira lentiginosa; Thalassiosira oestrupii; Thalassiosira oliverana; Thalassiosira tumida; Thalassiothrix antarctica
    Type: dataset
    Format: text/tab-separated-values, 624 data points
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  • 7
    Publication Date: 2024-08-15
    Keywords: ANT-XVIII/2; Coccolithophoridae; CTD/Rosette; CTD16; CTD-RO; DEPTH, water; Dinoflagellates, autotrophic; EisenEx; European Iron Enrichment Experiment in the Southern Ocean; Flagellates, autotrophic; Mesoporos perforatus; Phaeocystis; Polarstern; Prorocentrum spp.; PS58/012-5; PS58 EISENEX; Quantitative phytoplankton method (Utermöhl, 1958); South Atlantic Ocean
    Type: dataset
    Format: text/tab-separated-values, 105 data points
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  • 8
    Publication Date: 2024-08-15
    Keywords: ANT-XVIII/2; Coccolithophoridae; CTD/Rosette; CTD18; CTD-RO; DEPTH, water; Dinoflagellates, autotrophic; EisenEx; European Iron Enrichment Experiment in the Southern Ocean; Flagellates, autotrophic; Mesoporos perforatus; Phaeocystis; Polarstern; Prorocentrum spp.; PS58/014-4; PS58 EISENEX; Quantitative phytoplankton method (Utermöhl, 1958); South Atlantic Ocean
    Type: dataset
    Format: text/tab-separated-values, 105 data points
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  • 9
    Publication Date: 2024-08-15
    Keywords: ANT-XVIII/2; Coccolithophoridae; CTD/Rosette; CTD45; CTD-RO; DEPTH, water; Dinoflagellates, autotrophic; EisenEx; European Iron Enrichment Experiment in the Southern Ocean; Flagellates, autotrophic; Mesoporos perforatus; Phaeocystis; Polarstern; Prorocentrum spp.; PS58/038-3; PS58 EISENEX; Quantitative phytoplankton method (Utermöhl, 1958); South Atlantic Ocean
    Type: dataset
    Format: text/tab-separated-values, 105 data points
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  • 10
    Publication Date: 2024-08-15
    Keywords: ANT-XVIII/2; Coccolithophoridae; CTD/Rosette; CTD51; CTD-RO; DEPTH, water; Dinoflagellates, autotrophic; EisenEx; European Iron Enrichment Experiment in the Southern Ocean; Flagellates, autotrophic; Mesoporos perforatus; Phaeocystis; Polarstern; Prorocentrum spp.; PS58/041-2; PS58 EISENEX; Quantitative phytoplankton method (Utermöhl, 1958); South Atlantic Ocean
    Type: dataset
    Format: text/tab-separated-values, 90 data points
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