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  • 1
    Publication Date: 2020-06-26
    Description: Due to the strong interest in geochemical CO2-fluid-rock interaction in the context of geological storage of CO2 a growing number of research groups have used a variety of different experimental ways to identify important geochemical dissolution or precipitation reactions and – if possible – quantify the rates and extent of mineral or rock alteration. In this inter-laboratory comparison the gas-fluid-mineral reactions of three samples of rock-forming minerals have been investigated by 11 experimental labs. The reported results point to robust identification of the major processes in the experiments by most groups. The dissolution rates derived from the changes in composition of the aqueous phase are consistent overall, but the variation could be reduced by using similar corrections for changing parameters in the reaction cells over time. The comparison of experimental setups and procedures as well as of data corrections identified potential improvements for future gas-fluid-rock studies.
    Type: Article , PeerReviewed
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  • 2
    Publication Date: 2019-09-23
    Description: The formation of mud volcanoes in the Gulf of Cadiz is closely linked to diapirism in the deep subsurface. The Mercator mud volcano (MMV) is a rare example where diapiric emplacement, in addition to being key for upward fluid migration, is also an important zone for fluid and mineral diagenesis. The most intriguing findings in the near-surface muds of the MMV are extremely high salinities of up to 5.2 M of NaCl from diapiric and evaporitic halite dissolution and the occurrence of authigenic gypsum and anhydrite crystals, both of which have not been observed to date in the Gulf of Cadiz. Employing a thermodynamic model we elucidate how the interplay of temperature pulses, strong salinity gradients, and fluid flow dynamically drive mineral dissolution and re-formation. The strong increase in salinity in the pore fluids has important implications for thermodynamic equilibria by significantly lowering the activity of water, thereby raising the gypsum–anhydrite transition zone from 〉1 km to about 400 m sediment depth at the MMV. This transition is further shifted to immediately below the seafloor during intervals of active mud and fluid expulsion when the MV surface temperature is heated up to at least 30 °C. As a consequence, precipitation of authigenic gypsum near the sediment surface (1–2 mbsf) has been linked to the dissolution of evaporites below the MMV. More precisely, the mechanisms generating supersaturation in the ascending gypsum-saturated MMV fluids are (1) the slow and constant cooling of these fluids along the geothermal gradient during their ascent leading to formation of ubiquitous micro-crystals and (2) the more rapid cooling after a heat pulse or transport from greater and warmer depth during an active mud volcano phase leading to the precipitation of cm-scale gypsum crystals or even fist-size concretions. The MMV fluids approaching the salt diapir from farther below have experienced a genesis similar to those of other mud volcanoes in the Gulf of Cadiz located above deep-rooted faults. These processes include clay mineral dewatering, thermogenic degradation of organic matter and deep high-temperature leaching of terrigenous sediments or continental crust.
    Type: Article , PeerReviewed
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  • 3
    Publication Date: 2019-01-15
    Description: The recovery of natural gas from CH4-hydrate deposits in sub-marine and sub-permafrost environments through injection of CO2 is considered a suitable strategy towards emission-neutral energy production. This study shows that the injection of hot, supercritical CO2 is particularly promising. The addition of heat triggers the dissociation of CH4-hydrate while the CO2, once thermally equilibrated, reacts with the pore water and is retained in the reservoir as immobile CO2-hydrate. Furthermore, optimal reservoir conditions of pressure and temperature are constrained. Experiments were conducted in a high-pressure flow-through reactor at different sediment temperatures (2 °C, 8 °C, 10 °C) and hydrostatic pressures (8 MPa, 13 MPa). The efficiency of both, CH4 production and CO2 retention is best at 8 °C, 13 MPa. Here, both CO2- and CH4-hydrate as well as mixed hydrates can form. At 2 °C, the production process was less effective due to congestion of transport pathways through the sediment by rapidly forming CO2-hydrate. In contrast, at 10 °C CH4 production suffered from local increases in permeability and fast breakthrough of the injection fluid, thereby confining the accessibility to the CH4 pool to only the most prominent fluid channels. Mass and volume balancing of the collected gas and fluid stream identified gas mobilization as equally important process parameter in addition to the rates of methane hydrate dissociation and hydrate conversion. Thus, the combination of heat supply and CO2 injection in one supercritical phase helps to overcome the mass transfer limitations usually observed in experiments with cold liquid or gaseous CO2.
    Type: Article , PeerReviewed
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  • 4
    Publication Date: 2018-02-28
    Description: Geochemical data (CH4, SO42−, I−, Cl−, particulate organic carbon (POC), δ13C-CH4, and δ13C-CO2) are presented from the upper 30 m of marine sediment on a tectonic submarine accretionary wedge offshore southwest Taiwan. The sampling stations covered three ridges (Tai-Nan, Yung-An, and Good Weather), each characterized by bottom simulating reflectors, acoustic turbidity, and different types of faulting and anticlines. Sulfate and iodide concentrations varied little from seawater-like values in the upper 1–3 m of sediment at all stations; a feature that is consistent with irrigation of seawater by gas bubbles rising through the soft surface sediments. Below this depth, sulfate was rapidly consumed within 5–10 m by anaerobic oxidation of methane (AOM) at the sulfate-methane transition. Carbon isotopic data imply a mainly biogenic methane source. A numerical transport-reaction model was used to identify the supply pathways of methane and estimate depth-integrated turnover rates at the three ridges. Methane gas ascending from deep layers, facilitated by thrusts and faults, was by far the dominant term in the methane budget at all sites. Differences in the proximity of the sampling sites to the faults and anticlines mainly accounted for the variability in gas fluxes and depth-integrated AOM rates. By comparison, methane produced in situ by POC degradation within the modeled sediment column was unimportant. This study demonstrates that the geochemical trends in the continental margins offshore SW Taiwan are closely related to the different geological settings.
    Type: Article , PeerReviewed
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  • 5
    Publication Date: 2019-09-23
    Description: Gashydrate sind eisähnliche Verbindungen, in denen Hydratbildner, z.B. Methan, in hoher Dichte gespeichert werden können. Methanhydrate sind nur bei hohen Drücken und tiefen Temperaturen sowie in Anwesenheit hoher Methankonzentrationen stabil. Diese Stabilitätsbedingungen sind unter bestimmten Voraussetzungen in marinen Sedimenten erfüllt, in denen Methan durch den mikrobiellen Abbau von abgelagerter Biomasse entsteht oder aus größeren Tiefen zugeführt wird. Die globale Menge an Methan in marinen Gashydraten überschreitet die Menge an Erdgas in konventionellen Lagerstätten vermutlich um ein Mehrfaches. Eine potenzielle Nutzung von Gashydraten als zukünftige Energiequelle wird daher gegenwärtig weltweit untersucht. Erste Feldtests in Permafrostregionen und marinen Lagerstätten haben gezeigt, dass eine Produktion von Methan aus Gashydraten prinzipiell möglich ist. Eine Förderung von Methan aus Gashydraten kann technisch realisiert werden mittels Druckabsenkung, durch thermische Stimulation oder chemische Aktivierung. Die Injektion von CO2, ebenfalls ein Hydratbildner, kann eine solche Aktivierung der natürlichen Hydrate bewirken und das Methan in der Hydratstruktur ersetzen. Infolgedessen erscheint eine verfahrenstechnische Kombination von Hydratabbau und CO2-Speicherung als besonders sinnvoll, da im Idealfall eine emissionsarme bis -freie Energiegewinnung ermöglicht würde. Untersuchungen zur Aufklärung mechanistischer und fluiddynamischer Aspekte der CH4-CO2-Hydratumwandlung sowie zur Entwicklung eines technischen Verfahrens werden in unterschiedlichen Hochdruckanlagen auf verschiedenen Skalen durchgeführt. Diese speziellen Systeme bieten die Möglichkeit, marine Druck-, Temperatur- und Durchflussbedingungen zu simulieren. Sie sind mit verschiedenen Sensoren und Messsystemen (z.B. CTD, IR, Raman, MRI) ausgerüstet, um den Prozessverlauf störungsfrei zu überwachen. Basierend auf derzeitigen Ergebnissen erscheint die Injektion von erwärmtem, überkritischem CO2 als vielversprechender technischer Baustein für die Verfahrensentwicklung. Die Zuführung von Wärmeenergie bewirkt die initiale Destabilisierung der Gashydrate und die Freisetzung von CH4, während nach Abkühlung das CO2 seinerseits Hydrate bildet und als feste, immobile Phase im Sediment zurückgehalten wird. Sowohl Methanproduktion als auch CO2-Speicherung sind dabei abhängig von der Reservoirtemperatur, so dass die Prozesseffizienz und -ausbeute bei mittleren Temperaturen (8°C) höher ist als bei niedrigeren (2°C) und höheren Temperaturen (10°C). Dies deutet darauf hin, dass der Gesamtprozess durch die Raten der jeweiligen Teilreaktionen der Hydratzersetzung und Hydratneubildung stark beeinflusst wird. Der experimentelle Vergleich unterschiedlicher Injektionsmodi zeigt, dass eine alternierende CO2-Injektion bestehend aus Injektions- und Reaktionsintervallen höhere Ausbeuten erreicht als eine kontinuierliche Injektion.
    Type: Article , PeerReviewed
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  • 6
    Publication Date: 2017-12-07
    Description: Hydrocarbon-rich fluids expelled at mud volcanoes (MVs) may contribute significantly to the carbon budget of the oceans, but little is known about the long-term variation in fluid fluxes at MVs. The Darwin MV is one of more than 40 MVs located in the Gulf of Cadiz, but it is unique in that its summit is covered by a thick carbonate crust that has the potential to provide a temporal record of seepage activity. In order to test this idea, we have conducted petrographic, chemical and isotopic analyses of the carbonate crust. In addition a 1-D transport-reaction model was applied to pore fluid data to assess fluid flow and carbonate precipitation at present. The carbonate crusts mainly comprise of aragonite, with a chaotic fabric exhibiting different generations of cementation and brecciation. The crusts consist of bioclasts and lithoclasts (peloids, intraclasts and extraclasts) immersed in a micrite matrix and in a variety of cement types (microsparite, botryoidal, isopachous acicular, radial and splayed fibrous). The carbonates are moderately depleted in 13C (δ13C = − 8.1 to − 27.9‰) as are the pore fluids (δ13C = − 19.1 to − 28.7‰), which suggests that their carbon originated from the oxidation of methane and higher hydrocarbons, like the gases that seep from the MV today. The carbonate δ18O values are as high as 5.1‰, and it is most likely that the crusts formed from 18O-rich fluids derived from dehydration of clay minerals at depth. Pore fluid modelling results indicate that the Darwin MV is currently in a nearly dormant phase (seepage velocities are 〈 0.09 cm yr− 1). Thus, the thick carbonate crust must have formed during past episodes of high fluid flow, alternating with phases of mud extrusion and uplift. Highlights ► Results of pore fluid modelling indicate low seepage activity at localised sites. ► Pore fluids are supersaturated with respect to hydrocarbons of thermogenic origin. ► AOM supports vent fauna and results in the formation of authigenic carbonates. ► The carbonate crust has a brecciated appearance and mainly consists of aragonite. ► The crust formation seems to be regulated by changes in fluid and mudflow activity.
    Type: Article , PeerReviewed
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  • 7
    Publication Date: 2019-09-23
    Description: Lithium concentration and isotope data (δ7Li) are reported for pore fluids from 18 cold seep locations together with reference fluids from shallow marine environments, a sediment-hosted hydrothermal system and two Mediterranean brine basins. The new reference data and literature data of hydrothermal fluids and pore fluids from the Ocean Drilling Program follow an empirical relationship between Li concentration and δ7Li (δ7Li = −6.0(±0.3) · ln[Li] + 51(±1.2)) reflecting Li release from sediment or rocks and/or uptake of Li during mineral authigenesis. Cold seep fluids display δ7Li values between +7.5‰ and +45.7‰, mostly in agreement with this general relationship. Ubiquitous diagenetic signals of clay dehydration in all cold seep fluids indicate that authigenic smectite–illite is the major sink for light pore water Li in deeply buried continental margin sediments. Deviations from the general relationship are attributed to the varying provenance and composition of sediments or to transport-related fractionation trends. Pore fluids on passive margins receive disproportionally high amounts of Li from intensely weathered and transported terrigenous matter. By contrast, on convergent margins and in other settings with strong volcanogenic input, Li concentrations in pore water are lower because of intense Li uptake by alteration minerals and, most notably, adsorption of Li onto smectite. The latter process is not accompanied by isotope fractionation, as revealed from a separate study on shallow sediments. A numerical transport-reaction model was applied to simulate Li isotope fractionation during upwelling of pore fluids. It is demonstrated that slow pore water advection (order of mm a−1) suffices to convey much of the deep-seated diagenetic Li signal into shallow sediments. If carefully applied, Li isotope systematics may, thus, provide a valuable record of fluid/mineral interaction that has been inherited several hundreds or thousands of meters below the actual seafloor fluid escape structure.
    Type: Article , PeerReviewed
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  • 8
    Publication Date: 2019-09-23
    Description: Several known gas seep sites along the Hikurangi Margin off the east coast of New Zealand were surveyed by marine controlled source electromagnetic (CSEM) experiments. A bottom-towed electric dipole–dipole system was used to reveal the occurrence of gas hydrate and methane related to the seeps. The experiments were part of the international multidisciplinary research program “New Vents” carried out on German R/V Sonne in 2007 (cruise SO191) to study key parameters controlling the release and transformation of methane from marine cold vents and shallow gas hydrate deposits. Two CSEM lines have been surveyed over known seep sites on Opouawe Bank in the Wairarapa region off the SE corner of the North Island. The data have been inverted to sub-seafloor apparent resistivity profiles and one-dimensional layered models. Clearly anomalous resistivities are coincident with the location of two gas seep sites, North Tower and South Tower on Opouawe Bank. A layer of concentrated gas hydrate within the uppermost 100 m below the seafloor is likely to cause the anomalous resistivities, but free gas and thick carbonate crusts may also play a role. Seismic data show evidence of fault related venting which may also indicate the distribution of gas hydrates and/or authigenic carbonate. Geochemical profiles indicate an increase of methane flux and the formation of gas hydrate in the shallow sediment section around the seep sites. Takahe is another seep site in the area where active venting, higher heat flow, shallow gas hydrate recovered from cores, and seismic fault planes, but only moderately elevated resistivities have been observed. The reasons could be a) the gas hydrate concentration is too low, even though methane venting is evident, b) strong temporal or spatial variation of the seep activity, and c) the thermal anomaly indicates rather temperature driven fluid expulsion that hampers the formation of gas hydrate beneath the vent.
    Type: Article , PeerReviewed
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  • 9
    Publication Date: 2019-09-23
    Description: The accumulation of methane hydrate in marine sediments is controlled by a number of physical and biogeochemical parameters including the thickness of the gas hydrate stability zone (GHSZ), the solubility of methane in pore fluids, the accumulation of particulate organic carbon at the seafloor, the kinetics of microbial organic matter degradation and methane generation in marine sediments, sediment compaction and the ascent of deep-seated pore fluids and methane gas into the GHSZ. Our present knowledge on these controlling factors is discussed and new estimates of global sediment and methane fluxes are provided applying a transport-reaction model at global scale. The modeling and the data evaluation yield improved and better constrained estimates of the global pore volume within the modern GHSZ ( ≥ 44 × 1015 m3), the Holocene POC accumulation rate at the seabed (~1.4 × 1014 g yr−1), the global rate of microbial methane production in the deep biosphere (4−25 × 1012 g C yr−1) and the inventory of methane hydrates in marine sediments ( ≥ 455 Gt of methane-bound carbon).
    Type: Article , PeerReviewed
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  • 10
    In:  Geographische Rundschau (5). pp. 22-29.
    Publication Date: 2017-06-16
    Description: Natural gas hydrate ist found worldwide in oceanic sediment around continents. The top of the gas hydrate stability zone is between 300-750 m of depths due to hydrate formation at elevated pressures (〉60 bar) and low temperatures (〈4°C), the availability and movement of methane-super-saturated pore fluids, tectonic contraints, and ocean hydrography. The base decreases with increasing depth in the ocean and depends on the geothermal gradient. It may range from 100s to 1000s of meters belowseaflorr. Methane usually originates from decomposition of organic matter. based on a continuously updated global inventory the current estimate for gas hydrates stands at 10x10x10 and 10x10x10x10 gigations of methane carbon. Varying percentages of this very large reserve are of major interest as a potential energy source. Gas hydrates are also of concern as an accelerating force in global warming and as a potential environmental hazard through submarine slumps. Currently they are vigorously promoted as a long-term and safe CO2-storage option in the form of hydrate.
    Type: Article , NonPeerReviewed
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