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  • 1
    Publication Date: 2021-02-08
    Description: Molybdenum (Mo) concentrations and isotope compositions in sediments and shales are commonly used as proxies for anoxic and sulfidic (i.e., euxinic) conditions in the water column of paleo-marine systems. A basic assumption underlying this practice is that the proxy signal extracted from the geological record is controlled by long-term (order of decades to millennia) Mo scavenging in the euxinic water column rather than Mo deposition during brief episodes or events (order of weeks to months). To test whether this assumption is viable we studied the biogeochemical cycling of Mo and its isotopes in sediments of the intermittently euxinic Gotland Deep in the central Baltic Sea. Here, multiannual to decadal periods of euxinia are occasionally interrupted by inflow events during which well‑oxygenated water from the North Sea penetrates into the basin. During these events manganese (Mn) (oxyhydr)oxide minerals are precipitated in the water column, which are known to scavenge Mo. We present sediment and pore water Mo and Mo isotope data for sediment cores which were taken before and after a series of inflow events between 2014 and 2016. After seawater inflow, pore water Mo concentrations in anoxic surface sediments exceed the salinity-normalized concentration by more than two orders of magnitude and coincide with transient peaks of dissolved Mn. A fraction of the Mo liberated into the pore water is transported by diffusion in a downward direction and sequestered by organic matter within the sulfidic zone of the sediment. Diffusive flux calculations as well as a mass balance that is based on the sedimentary Mo isotope composition suggest that about equal proportions of the Mo accumulating in the basin are delivered by Mn (oxyhydr)oxide minerals during inflow events and Mo scavenging with hydrogen sulfide during euxinic periods. Since the anoxic surface sediment where Mo is released from Mn (oxyhydr)oxides are separated by several centimeters from the deeper sulfidic layers where Mo is removed, the solid phase record of Mo concentration and isotope composition would be misinterpreted if steady state Mo accumulation was assumed. Based on our observations in the Gotland Deep, we argue that short-term redox fluctuations need to be considered when interpreting Mo-based paleo-records.
    Type: Article , PeerReviewed
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  • 2
    Publication Date: 2019-09-23
    Description: Dissolved silicon isotope compositions have been analysed for the first time in pore waters (δ30SiPW) of three short sediment cores from the Peruvian margin upwelling region with distinctly different biogenic opal content in order to investigate silicon isotope fractionation behaviour during early diagenetic turnover of biogenic opal in marine sediments. The δ30SiPW varies between +1.1‰ and +1.9‰ with the highest values occurring in the uppermost part close to the sediment–water interface. These values are of the same order or higher than the δ30Si of the biogenic opal extracted from the same sediments (+0.3‰ to +1.2‰) and of the overlying bottom waters (+1.1‰ to +1.5‰). Together with dissolved silicic acid concentrations well below biogenic opal saturation, our collective observations are consistent with the formation of authigenic alumino-silicates from the dissolving biogenic opal. Using a numerical transport-reaction model we find that approximately 24% of the dissolving biogenic opal is re-precipitated in the sediments in the form of these authigenic phases at a relatively low precipitation rate of 56 μmol Si cm−2 yr−1. The fractionation factor between the precipitates and the pore waters is estimated at −2.0‰. Dissolved and solid cation concentrations further indicate that off Peru, where biogenic opal concentrations in the sediments are high, the availability of reactive terrigenous material is the limiting factor for the formation of authigenic alumino-silicate phases.
    Type: Article , PeerReviewed
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  • 3
    Publication Date: 2019-02-01
    Type: Article , PeerReviewed , info:eu-repo/semantics/article
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  • 4
    Publication Date: 2017-08-08
    Description: Many biological seep studies focused on the distribution, structure, nutrition and food web architecture of seep communities as well as on their interaction with the seep geochemistry. However, overall respiration at cold seeps received only little attention. We conducted in-situ oxygen flux measurements in combination with ex-situ oxygen micro-profiles, respiration measurements, as well as rate determinations of microbial methane and sulfate turnover to assess respiration pathways as well as carbon turnover at a seep habitat that was recently discovered alongside the Hikurangi Margin offshore northern New Zealand. This habitat is dominated by dense beds of tube-building, heterotrophic ampharetid polychaetes. Average total oxygen uptake (TOU) from this habitat was very high (83.7 mmol m− 2 day− 1). TOU at a non-seep reference site ranged between 2.7 and 5.8 mmol m− 2 day− 1. About 37% (30.8 mmol m− 2 day− 1) of the average TOU was consumed by ampharetids. Considering mean diffusive oxygen uptake (8.5 mmol m− 2 day− 1) the remaining fraction of ~ 53% of the TOU (44.4 mmol m− 2 day− 1) might be explained by respiration of epibenthic organisms as well as aerobic methane and sulfide oxidation at the sediment–water interface. The strongly negative carbon isotopic signatures (− 52.9 ± 5‰ VPDB) of the ampharetid tissues indicate a methane derived diet. However, carbon production via anaerobic oxidation of methane (AOM) was too low (0.1 mmol C m− 2 day− 1) to cover the mean carbon demand of the ampharetid communities (21 mmol C m− 2 day− 1). Likely, organic carbon generated via aerobic methane oxidation represents their major carbon source. This is in contrast to other seep habitats, where energy bound in methane is partly transferred to sulfide via AOM and finally consumed by sulfide-oxidizing chemoautotrophs providing carbon that subsequently enters the benthic food web.
    Type: Article , PeerReviewed
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  • 5
    Publication Date: 2019-09-23
    Description: We present sedimentary geochemical data and in situ benthic flux measurements of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN: NO3−, NO2−, NH4+) and oxygen (O2) from 7 sites with variable sand content along 18°N offshore Mauritania (NW Africa). Bottom water O2 concentrations at the shallowest station were hypoxic (42 μM) and increased to 125 μM at the deepest site (1113 m). Total oxygen uptake rates were highest on the shelf (−10.3 mmol O2 m−2 d−1) and decreased quasi-exponentially with water depth to −3.2 mmol O2 m−2 d−1. Average denitrification rates estimated from a flux balance decreased with water depth from 2.2 to 0.2 mmol N m−2 d−1. Overall, the sediments acted as net sink for DIN. Observed increases in δ15NNO3 and δ18ONO3 in the benthic chamber deployed on the shelf, characterized by muddy sand, were used to calculate apparent benthic nitrate fractionation factors of 8.0‰ (15εapp) and 14.1‰ (18εapp). Measurements of δ15NNO2 further demonstrated that the sediments acted as a source of 15N depleted NO2−. These observations were analyzed using an isotope box model that considered denitrification and nitrification of NH4+ and NO2−. The principal findings were that (i) net benthic 14N/15N fractionation (εDEN) was 12.9 ± 1.7‰, (ii) inverse fractionation during nitrite oxidation leads to an efflux of isotopically light NO2− (−22 ± 1.9‰), and (iii) direct coupling between nitrification and denitrification in the sediment is negligible. Previously reported εDEN for fine-grained sediments are much lower (4–8‰). We speculate that high benthic nitrate fractionation is driven by a combination of enhanced porewater–seawater exchange in permeable sediments and the hypoxic, high productivity environment. Although not without uncertainties, the results presented could have important implications for understanding the current state of the marine N cycle.
    Type: Article , PeerReviewed
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  • 6
    Publication Date: 2017-12-07
    Description: A meaningful application of Mo as a paleo-redox proxy requires an understanding of Mo cycling in modern reducing environments. Stagnant euxinic basins such as the Black Sea are generally regarded as model systems for understanding euxinic systems during early Earth history. However, drawing direct parallels between the Black Sea and open-marine euxinic margins is somewhat complicated by differences in the seawater residence time between these two environments. We report sediment and pore water Mo, U, Mn and Fe data for a euxinic basin with a short seawater residence time; the weakly restricted Gotland Deep in the Baltic Sea. Here, prolonged periods of euxinia alternate with brief inflow events during which well-oxygenated, saline water penetrates into the basin. During these inflow events, dissolved Mn and Fe that has accumulated within the euxinic deep water can be oxidized and precipitated. Co-variations of Mo and U within the sediment suggest that these inflow and oxygenation events may favor Mo accumulation in the sediment through adsorption to freshly oxidized Mn and Fe solid phases. Once Mo is sequestered within the deeper euxinic water and sediments, Mo retention can be further facilitated by conversion to thiomolybdate species and interactions with organic matter and metal sulfides. By comparing our data with those from previous studies where a Mn and Fe “shuttle” for Mo has been demonstrated, we identify two prerequisites for the occurrence of this mechanism. First, there must be a water column oxic–anoxic redox-boundary; this provides a solubility contrast for Mn and Fe. Second, the residence time of seawater in the system has to be short (weeks to a few years). The latter criterion can be met through regular inflow in weakly restricted basins or upwelling in oxygen minimum zones at open-marine continental margins. Based on prior work, we suggest that similar conditions to those currently represented by the Gotland Deep may have prevailed at euxinic ocean margins during the Proterozoic. A boundary between euxinic and oxic water masses overlying the continental shelf may have resulted in accelerated Mo transport through the water column with Mn and Fe (oxyhydr)oxides. We propose that this mechanism, along with Mo isotope fractionation during adsorption, could contribute to the light Mo isotope composition observed in open-marine euxinic sediment facies of the Proterozoic.
    Type: Article , PeerReviewed , info:eu-repo/semantics/article
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  • 7
    Publication Date: 2020-11-23
    Description: Highlights: • MIMS used to quantify the dissolved CH4 inventory around a bubble emission site. • Conservative estimate of well 22/4b seabed CH4 emission was 1.8 ktons yr−1. • Stratification impedes immediate CH4 release into the atmosphere. The dissolved methane (CH4) plume rising from the crater of the blowout well 22/4b in the Central North Sea was mapped during stratified water column conditions. Geochemical surveys were conducted close to the seafloor at 80.3 m water depth, below the thermocline (61.1 m), and in the mixed surface layer (13.2 m) using membrane inlet mass spectrometry (MIMS) in combination with a towed CTD. Seawater was continuously transferred from the respective depth levels of the CTD to the MIMS by using an inline submersible pump. Close to the seafloor a well-defined CH4 plume extended from the bubble release site ∼460 m towards the southwest. Along this distance CH4 concentrations decreased from a maximum of 7872 nmol l−1 to less than 250 nmol l−1. Below the thermocline the well-defined CH4 plume shape encountered at the seafloor was distorted and filaments were observed that extended towards the west and southwest in relation to current direction. Where the core of the bubble plume intersected this depth layer, footprints of high CH4 concentrations of up to 17,900 nmol l−1 were observed. In the mixed surface layer the CH4 distribution with a maximum of up to 3654 nmol l−1 was confined to a small patch of ∼60 m in diameter. The determination of the water column CH4 inventories revealed that CH4 transfer across the thermocline was strongly impeded as only ∼3% of the total water column inventory was located in the mixed surface layer. Best estimate of the CH4 seabed release from the blowout was 1751 tons yr−1. The fate of the trapped CH4 (∼97%) that does not immediately reach the atmosphere remains speculative. In wintertime, when the water column becomes well mixed as well as during storm events newly released CH4 and the trapped CH4 pool can be transported rapidly to the sea surface and emitted into the atmosphere.
    Type: Article , PeerReviewed
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  • 8
    Publication Date: 2019-09-23
    Description: Highlights • Review of sediment archives from the Peruvian margin since the LGM. • Focus on the evolutionary feature of the hiatus found in archives. • Modern analogue for current-dominated environments for paleo reconstructions. • New results for erosional potential of the non-linear internal waves (NLIWs). Abstract The Peruvian continental margin is characterized by the presence of one of the strongest and most distinct Oxygen Minimum Zones (OMZs) in today's oceans. Therefore, it has long been in the focus of oceanographic and geological investigations. Observations indicate that OMZs are expanding in relation with currently changing climate. To advance understanding of the temporal evolution of OMZs and climate change, complete paleoceanographic and palaeoclimatological reconstructions are needed. However, the development of paleoenvironmental scenarios for the period since the Last Glacial Maximum at this region was hampered by a ubiquitous hiatus and short-term interruptions of the stratigraphical record. In the present study, we combined the stratigraphical information from 31 sediment cores from the Peruvian margin located between 3 and 18°S and water depths of 90 to 1300 m within and below today's OMZ, in order to determine the extent of the hiatus and assess the responsible mechanisms. A widespread unconformity and related erosional features, omission surfaces and phosphorites, were observed in sediment cores from the area south of 7°S, depicting a prograding feature on the continental slope from south to north during the deglaciation. Combining recent oceanographic and sedimentological observations, it is inferred that, tide-topography interaction and resulting non-linear internal waves (NLIWs) shape the slope by erosion, carry sediments upslope or downslope and leave widespread phosphoritic lag sediments, while the Peru Chile Undercurrent (PCUC) transports the resuspended sediments southward causing non-deposition. This exceptional sedimentary regime makes the Peruvian margin a modern analogue for such environments. Overall, our compilation of downcore records showed that enhanced bottom currents due to tide-topography interaction were progressively evolving and affected a wider area with the onset of the last deglaciation. Elevated tidal amplitudes and variability of mid-depth water masses (i.e.; density changes) and hydrodynamics in relation with changing climate were potential reasons of this evolving feature of erosion and reworking. Additionally, erosion and non-deposition was observed widest and even was encountered on the continental shelf during the early Holocene, potentially indicating a strong phase of the PCUC mirroring today's El Niño-like conditions.
    Type: Article , PeerReviewed
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  • 9
    Publication Date: 2019-09-23
    Description: Highlights • Very high rates of dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium by Thioploca. • Non-steady state model predicts Thioploca survival on intracellular nitrate reservoir. • Ammonium release by Thioploca may be coupled to pelagic N loss by anammox. • Thioploca may contribute to anammox long after bottom water nitrate disappearance. • Model indicates that benthic foraminifera account for 90% of benthic N2 production. Abstract Benthic N cycling in the Peruvian oxygen minimum zone (OMZ) was investigated at ten stations along 12oS from the middle shelf (74 m) to the upper slope (1024 m) using in situ flux measurements, sediment biogeochemistry and modelling. Middle shelf sediments were covered by mats of the filamentous bacteria Thioploca spp. and contained a large ‘hidden’ pool of nitrate that was not detectable in the porewater. This was attributed to a biological nitrate reservoir stored within the bacteria to oxidize sulfide to sulfate during ‘dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium’ (DNRA). The extremely high rates of DNRA on the shelf (15.6 mmol m-2 d-1 of N), determined using an empirical steady-state model, could easily supply all the ammonium requirements for anammox in the water column. The model further showed that denitrification by foraminifera may account for 90% of N2 production at the lower edge of the OMZ. At the time of sampling, dissolved oxygen was below detection limit down to 400 m and the water body overlying the shelf had stagnated, resulting in complete depletion of nitrate and nitrite. A decrease in the biological nitrate pool was observed on the shelf during fieldwork concomitant with a rise in porewater sulfide levels in surface sediments to 2 mM. Using a non-steady state model to simulate this natural anoxia experiment, these observations were shown to be consistent with Thioploca surviving on a dwindling intracellular nitrate reservoir to survive the stagnation period. The model shows that sediments hosting Thioploca are able to maintain high ammonium fluxes for many weeks following stagnation, potentially sustaining pelagic N loss by anammox. In contrast, sulfide emissions remain low, reducing the economic risk to the Peruvian fishery by toxic sulfide plume development.
    Type: Article , PeerReviewed
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  • 10
    Publication Date: 2019-09-23
    Description: Highlights • Sulphidic event on the shelf resulted in a temporal imbalance of the benthic N cycle. • Bacterial NOx storage is a major source of oxidative power during euxinia. • Peruvian shelf and upper slope sediments are strong recycling sites of fixed N. Abstract Oxygen minimum zones (OMZ) are key regions for fixed nitrogen loss in both the sediments and the water column. During this study, the benthic contribution to N cycling was investigated at ten sites along a depth transect (74–989 m) across the Peruvian OMZ at 12 °S. O2 levels were below detection limit down to ~ 500 m. Benthic fluxes of N2, NO3–, NO2–, NH4+, H2S and O2 were measured using benthic landers. Flux measurements on the shelf were made under extreme geochemical conditions consisting of a lack of O2, NO3– and NO2– in the bottom water and elevated seafloor sulphide release. These particular conditions were associated with a large imbalance in the benthic nitrogen cycle. The sediments on the shelf were densely covered by filamentous sulphur bacteria Thioploca, and were identified as major recycling sites for DIN releasing high amounts of NH4+up to 21.2 mmol m−2 d−1 that were far in excess of NH4+release by ammonification. This difference was attributed to dissimilatory nitrate (or nitrite) reduction to ammonium (DNRA) that was partly being sustained by NO3– stored within the sulphur oxidizing bacteria. Sediments within the core of the OMZ (ca. 200 to 400 m) also displayed an excess flux of N of 3.5 mmol m−2 d−1 mainly as N2. Benthic nitrogen and sulphur cycling in the Peruvian OMZ appears to be particularly susceptible to bottom water fluctuations in O2, NO3−and NO2−, and may accelerate the onset of pelagic euxinia when NO3−and NO2−become depleted.
    Type: Article , PeerReviewed
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