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  • Elsevier  (13)
  • China Geological Survey
  • 2020-2024  (9)
  • 2015-2019  (4)
  • 2021  (9)
  • 2019  (4)
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  • 2020-2024  (9)
  • 2015-2019  (4)
  • 1
    Publication Date: 2022-01-31
    Description: We present a transport-reaction model (TRACTION) specifically designed to account for non-ideal transport effects in the presence of thermodynamic (e.g. salinity or temperature) gradients. The model relies on the most fundamental concept of solute diffusion, which states that the chemical potential gradient (Maxwell’s model) rather than the concentration gradient (Fick’s law) is the driving force for diffusion. In turn, this requires accounting for species interactions by applying Pitzer’s method to derive species chemical potentials and Onsager coefficients instead of using the classical diffusion coefficients. Electrical imbalances arising from varying diffusive fluxes in multicomponent systems, like seawater, are avoided by applying an electrostatic gradient as an additional transport contribution. We apply the model to pore water data derived from the seawater mixing zone at the submarine Mercator mud volcano in the Gulf of Cadiz. Two features are particularly striking at this site: (i) Ascending halite-saturated fluids create strong salinity (NaCl) gradients in the seawater mixing zone that result in marked chemical activity, and thus chemical potential gradients. The model predicts strong transport-driven deviations from the mixing profile derived from the commonly used Fick’s diffusion model, and is capable of matching well with the profile shapes observed in the pore water concentration data. Even better agreement to the observed data is achieved when ion pairs are transported separately. (ii) The formation of authigenic gypsum (several wt%) occurs in the surface sediments, which is typically restricted to evaporitic surface processes. Very little is known about the gypsum paragenesis in the subseafloor and we first present possible controls on gypsum solubility, such as pressure, temperature, and salinity (pTS), as well as the common ion and ion pairing effects. Due to leaching of deep diapiric salt, rising fluids of the MMV are saturated with respect to gypsum (as well as celestite and barite). Several processes that could drive these fluids towards gypsum supersaturation and hence precipitation were postulated and numerically quantified. In line with the varied morphology of the observed gypsum crystals, gypsum paragenesis at the MMV is likely a combination of two temperature-related processes. Gypsum solubility increases with increasing temperature, especially in strong electrolyte solutions and the first mechanism involves the cooling of saturated fluids along the geothermal gradient during their ascent. Secondly, local temperature changes, i.e. cooling during the transition from MMV activity towards dormancy results in the cyclic build-up of gypsum. The model showed that the interpretation of field data can be majorly misguided when ignoring non-ideal effects in extreme diagenetic settings. While at first glance the pore water profiles at the Mercator mud volcano would indicate strong reactive influences in the seawater mixing zone, our model shows that the observed species distributions are in fact primarily transport-controlled. The model results for SO4 are particularly intriguing, as SO4 is shown to diffuse into the sediment along its increasing (!) concentration gradient. Also, a pronounced gypsum saturation peak can be observed in the seawater mixing zone. This peak is not related to the dissolution of gypsum but is simply a result of the non-ideal transport forces acting on the activity profile of SO4 and Ca profiles.
    Type: Article , PeerReviewed
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  • 2
    Publication Date: 2022-01-31
    Description: Highlights: • Clay dehydration water expelled from buried sediments drives mud volcanism. • Rise of fluids mediated by crustal-scale strike-slip faults cross-cutting wedge. • On active accretionary wedge, petroleum accumulations were dismantled in Neogene. • 4He enrichment and δ13C-CH4 ~−50‰ in fluids reflect an open hydrocarbon system. • Petroleum pools remain on shallow margin. Microbial gas vented out of active wedge. Abstract: A geochemical study of the composition of hydrocarbon gases and helium isotopes (3He/4He) in fluids from Mud Volcanoes (MVs) located on and out of the active accretionary wedge of the Gulf of Cadiz (GoC) provides information on fluid sources and migrations in deeply buried sediments. The GoC is a tectonically active segment of the Africa-Iberia plate boundary occluded beneath the thick sediments of an accretionary wedge dissected by crustal-scale strike-slip faults. Initially built during the Miocene Gibraltar Arc subduction, the wedge has since developed toward the W-NW in an oblique convergent setting. Interstitial water expelled from clays undergoing diagenesis in buried sediments drives mud volcanism on the wedge, with MVs located along strike-slip faults mediating fluid ascent. The large excess of radiogenic helium (4He) in all GoC fluids agrees with a clay mineral dehydration source of water. Hydrocarbon gases from all deepwater MVs bear methane having similar stable carbon isotope compositions of ~−50‰VPDB whether fluids are highly enriched in methane relative to heavier homologues (C2+) or not (Methane / (Ethane + Propane) ~10 to 10,000). We suggest that methane with −50‰VPDB was largely diffused out of early generating source rocks, and became dissolved in the water expelled by the buried sediments. Consistently, low 3He/4He ratios suggest an open hydrocarbon system: Petroleum accumulations and 3He dissolved in the original sedimentary pore water have mostly escaped into the water column during the major Late Neogene compressional events. At present, some MVs vent CH4-rich fluids from dewatering sediments, while other structures located on active thrusts additionally vent C2+-rich gases generated by active Cretaceous source intervals. By contrast, evaporitic seals preserved petroleum accumulations on the shallow Moroccan Margin, while the westernmost MVs located out of the accretionary wedge vent microbial gas.
    Type: Article , PeerReviewed
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  • 3
    Publication Date: 2022-01-31
    Description: Highlights • CO2 gas bubbles are completely dissolved within 2 m above the seabed. • CO2 is not emitted into the atmosphere but retained in the North Sea. • Dissolved CO2 is rapidly dispersed by tidal currents in the North Sea. • Harmful effects on benthic biota occur in the direct vicinity of the leak. • Monitoring has to be performed at the seabed and close to the leak. Abstract Existing wells pose a risk for the loss of carbon dioxide (CO2) from storage sites, which might compromise the suitability of carbon dioxide removal (CDR) and carbon capture and storage (CCS) technologies as climate change mitigation options. Here, we show results of a controlled CO2 release experiment at the Sleipner CO2 storage site and numerical simulations that evaluate the detectability and environmental consequences of a well leaking CO2 into the Central North Sea (CNS). Our field measurements and numerical results demonstrate that the detectability and impact of a leakage of 〈55 t yr−1 of CO2 would be limited to bottom waters and a small area around the leak, due to rapid CO2 bubble dissolution in seawater within the lower 2 m of the water column and quick dispersion of the dissolved CO2 plume by strong tidal currents. As such, the consequences of a single well leaking CO2 are found to be insignificant in terms of storage performance. Only prolonged leakage along numerous wells might compromise long-term CO2 storage and may adversely affect the local marine ecosystem. Since many abandoned wells leak natural gas into the marine environment, hydrocarbon provinces with a high density of wells may not always be the most suitable areas for CO2 storage.
    Type: Article , PeerReviewed , info:eu-repo/semantics/article
    Format: text
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  • 4
    In:  Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 62 . pp. 330-339.
    Publication Date: 2022-01-31
    Description: Highlights • CO2-methane exchange in a pressure vessel was simulated. • The model uses a detailed description of the kinetics for the CO2-methane exchange and simplifies the transport phenomena. • Irreversible dissociation rate of CH4- and CO2-hydrate in the pressure vessel was estimated as 0.02 and 0.03 mol m−3.s−1. • Formation of CO2-hydrate not only improved the quality of CO2 retention but also enhanced the methane recovery. Carbon dioxide exchange with methane in the clathrate structure has been shown beneficial in laboratory experiments and has been suggested as a field-scale technique for production of natural gas from gas-hydrate bearing sediments. Furthermore, the method is environmentally attractive due to the formation of CO2-hydrate in the sediments, leading to the geosequestration of carbon dioxide. However, the knowledge is still limited on the impact of small-scale heterogeneities on hydrate dissociation kinetics. In the present study, we developed a model for simulating laboratory experiments of carbon dioxide injection into a pressure vessel containing a mixture of gas hydrate and quartz sand. Four experiments at different temperature and pressure conditions were modeled. The model assumes that the contents are ideally mixed and aims to estimate the effective dissociation rate of gas hydrate by matching the model results with the experimental observations. Simulation results indicate that with a marginal offset the model was able to simulate different hydrate dissociation experiments, in particular, those that are performed at high pressures and low temperatures. At low pressures and high temperatures large discrepancies were noticed between the model results and the experimental observations. The mismatches were attributed to the development of extremely heterogeneous flow patterns at pore-scale, where field-scale models usually assume the characteristics to be uniform. Through this modeling study we estimated the irreversible dissociation rate of methane- and CO2-hydrate as 0.02 and 0.03 mol m(-3) s(-1), respectively.
    Type: Article , PeerReviewed
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  • 5
    Elsevier | Cell Press
    Publication Date: 2023-10-06
    Type: Article , NonPeerReviewed
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  • 6
    Publication Date: 2024-02-07
    Description: Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is a key technology to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from industrial processes in a feasible, substantial, and timely manner. For geological CO2 storage to be safe, reliable, and accepted by society, robust strategies for CO2 leakage detection, quantification and management are crucial. The STEMM-CCS (Strategies for Environmental Monitoring of Marine Carbon Capture and Storage) project aimed to provide techniques and understanding to enable and inform cost-effective monitoring of CCS sites in the marine environment. A controlled CO2 release experiment was carried out in the central North Sea, designed to mimic an unintended emission of CO2 from a subsurface CO2 storage site to the seafloor. A total of 675 kg of CO2 were released into the shallow sediments (~3 m 49 below seafloor), at flow rates between 6 and 143 kg/d. A combination of novel techniques, adapted versions of existing techniques, and well-proven standard techniques were used to detect, characterise and quantify gaseous and dissolved CO2 in the sediments and the overlying seawater. This paper provides an overview of this ambitious field experiment. We describe the preparatory work prior to the release experiment, the experimental layout and procedures, the methods tested, and summarise the main results and the lessons learnt.
    Type: Article , PeerReviewed , info:eu-repo/semantics/article
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  • 7
    Publication Date: 2024-02-07
    Description: Highlights • Four seafloor hydrocarbon emissions in the Eastern Black Sea were investigated • Eocene and/or Oligocene-Miocene Formations are most likely sources for oil and gas • Mixed secondary microbial and oil-associated thermogenic hydrocarbons at all sites • Site-specific light hydrocarbon compositions result from different mixing ratios Abstract Numerous hydrocarbon seep sites at the continental shelf, slope, and in the deep water basin are known to feed the Black Sea water reservoir of dissolved methane. In this study, we identified the likely sources of gas and oil that are emitted at four sites located on the continental slope offshore Georgia in the Eastern Black Sea at 830 to 1,140 m water depth – an area with gas seepage only (Batumi seep area) and three areas of joint gas and oil seepage (Iberia Mound, Colkheti Seep, and Pechori Mound). The geochemistry of bulk parameters, organic fractions and individual hydrocarbon biomarkers in near-surface sediments and of gas/oil expelled from the seafloor was analyzed and jointly interpreted to assign most likely hydrocarbon source rocks in the studied region. Presence of oleanane in shallow oil-impregnated sediments and oil slicks attests that the source rock at all sites is younger than Mid Cretaceous in age. We conclude that hydrocarbons ascending at all the four seepage areas originate from the Eocene Kuma Formation and/or the Oligocene–Lower Miocene Maikop Group, which are considered the principal hydrocarbon sources in the Eastern Black Sea region. Distributions of crude oil biomarkers in shallow sediments suggests moderate to heavy biodegradation. C1/C2+ ratios (10 to 4,163) along with stable C and H isotopic ratios (δ13C-CH4 ‒46.3 to ‒53.1.3‰ V-PDB; δ2H-CH4 ‒159 to ‒178‰ SMOW) indicate gas mixtures of oil-associated thermogenic and secondary microbial light hydrocarbons that are discharged from the four seep sites. Light hydrocarbons discharged at the Batumi Seep area are characterized by significant enrichments of methane, but almost similar δ13C-CH4 values if compared to the other study sites. Such methane enrichments likely result from a comparably higher degree of petroleum degradation and associated formation of secondary microbial methane.
    Type: Article , PeerReviewed
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  • 8
    Publication Date: 2024-02-07
    Description: Highlights • In-situ temperature measurements were conducted at the Danube deep sea fan. • Operations were performed with the MARUM-MeBo200 seafloor drill rig. • The BSR is located ∼20 m below the current gas hydrate stability zone. • Seismic data suggest presence of shallower BSR-like events. Abstract Coring, geophysical logging, and in-situ temperature measurements were performed with the MARUM-MeBo200 seafloor rig to characterize gas hydrate occurrences in sediments of the Danube deep sea fan, off Romania, Black Sea. The new drilling data showed no evidence for significant gas hydrate saturations within the sediments but the presence of free gas at the depth of the bottom-simulating reflector (BSR). In-situ temperature and core-derived geochemical data suggest that the current base of the gas hydrate stability zone (BGHSZ) is ∼20 m shallower than the BSR. Investigation of the seismic data around the drill sites shows several locations where free gas previously trapped at a former BGHSZ migrated upwards forming a new reflection above the BSR. This shows that the gas hydrate system in the Danube deep sea fan is still responding to climate changes initiated at the end of the last glacial maximum.
    Type: Article , PeerReviewed , info:eu-repo/semantics/article
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  • 9
    Publication Date: 2024-02-07
    Description: Evaluation of seismic reflection data has identified the presence of fluid escape structures cross-cutting overburden stratigraphy within sedimentary basins globally. Seismically-imaged chimneys/pipes are considered to be possible pathways for fluid flow, which may hydraulically connect deeper strata to the seabed. These fluid migration pathways through the overburden must be constrained to enable secure, long-term subsurface carbon dioxide (CO2) storage. We have investigated a site of natural active fluid escape in the North Sea, the Scanner Pockmark Complex, to determine the physical characteristics of focused fluid conduits, and how they control fluid flow. Here we show that a multi-scale, multi disciplinary experimental approach is required for complete characterisation of fluid escape structures. Geophysical techniques are necessary to resolve fracture geometry and subsurface structure (e.g., multifrequency seismics) and physical parameters of sediments (e.g., controlled source electromagnetics) across length scales (m to km). At smaller (mm to cm) scales, sediment cores were sampled directly and their physical and chemical properties assessed using laboratory-based methods. Numerical modelling approaches bridge the resolution gap, though their validity is dependent on calibration and constraint from field and laboratory experimental data. Further, time-lapse seismic and acoustic methods capable of resolving temporal changes are key for determining fluid flux. Future optimisation of experiment resource use may be facilitated by the installation of permanent seabed infrastructure, and replacement of manual data processing with automated workflows. This study can be used to inform measurement, monitoring and verification workflows that will assist policymaking, regulation, and best practice for CO2 subsurface storage operations.
    Type: Article , PeerReviewed , info:eu-repo/semantics/article
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  • 10
    Publication Date: 2024-02-07
    Description: Highlights • Geochemical analyses highlight multiple diagenesis processes occurring in the sediment. • Intense methane seepages and organic matter degradation contribute to the sulfate reduction. • Chemical of dissolved and mineral iron species indicate that iron is associated with clay minerals. • In response to seawater intrusion, ion exchange, dissolution and reverse weathering reactions change the composition of clay constituting the sediment. Abstract Pore water and sediment geochemistry in the western Black Sea were investigated on long Calypso piston core samples. Using this type of coring device facilitates the recovery of the thick sediment record necessary to analyze transport-reaction processes in response to the postglacial sea-level rise and intrusion of Mediterranean salt water 9 ka ago, and thus, to better characterize key biogeochemical processes and process changes in response to the shift from lacustrine to marine bottom water composition. Complementary data indicate that organic matter degradation occurs in the upper 15 m of the sediment column. However, sulfate reduction coupled with Anaerobic Methane Oxidation (AOM) is the dominant electron-accepting process and characterized by a shallow Sulfate Methane Transition Zone (SMTZ). Net silica dissolution, total alkalinity (TA) maxima and carbonate peaks are found at shallow depths. Pore water profiles clearly show the uptake of K+, Mg2+ and Na + by, and release of Ca2+ and Sr2+ from the heterogeneous lacustrine sediments, which is likely controlled by chemical reactions of silicate minerals and changes in clay mineral composition. Iron (Fe2+) and manganese (Mn2+) maxima largely coincide with Ca2+ peaks and suggest a close link between Fe2+, Mn2+ and Ca2+ release. We hypothesize that the Fe2+ maxima below the SMTZ result from deep Fe3+ reduction linked to organic matter degradation, either driven by DOC escaping from the shallow sulfate reduction zone or slow degradation of recalcitrant POC. The chemical analysis of dissolved and solid iron species indicates that iron is essentially associated with clay minerals, which suggests that microbial iron reduction is influenced by clay mineral composition and bioavailability of clay mineral-bound Fe(III). Overall, our study suggests that postglacial seawater intrusion plays a major role in shaping redox zonation and geochemical profiles in the lacustrine sediments of the Late Quaternary.
    Type: Article , PeerReviewed , info:eu-repo/semantics/article
    Format: other
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