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  • 1990-1994  (23)
  • 1965-1969  (4)
  • 1993  (23)
  • 1966  (4)
  • 1
    ISSN: 1432-1440
    Keywords: Na+/H+ antiport ; Hypertension ; Diabetic nephropathy ; Hereditary factors
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Summary The incidence of diabetic nephropathy in patients with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) may depend on factors other than the quality of diabetes control. Hypertension is an additional factor associated with a high degree of renal involvement in IDDM. One abnormality consistantly observed in various tissues of patients with essential hypertension is enhanced activity of the Na+/H+ antiport. In the present study we have therefore studied platelet antiport activity in 41 healthy subjects (control), in 22 patients with untreated essential hypertension (EH), and in 35 normotensive IDDM patients (type 1). Of these patients 17 exhibited signs of diabetic nephropathy (group 1) while 18 had no evidence for renal involvement of IDDM in spite of a duration of IDDM of at least 10 years (group 2). The two IDDM patient groups were undistinguishable with respect to age, body mass index, and arterial blood pressure (group 1, 117.9±2.4/78.4±1.5 mmHg; group 2, 113.9±3.6/76.1±1.8 mmHg). Antiporter activity was determined from the rate of cell volume changes induced by propionic acid. Platelet Na+/H+ exchange activity averaged 23.43±0.43 10−3·s−1 in control subjects and was markedly elevated in EH (28.38±0.62 10−3·s−1 P〈0.01). Antiport activity in group 2 patients without nephropathy averaged 24.54±0.57 10−3·s−1 and was undistinguishable from the control group. However, platelet Na+/H+ antiport activity was significantly stimulated in group 1 patients with nephropathy as compared to group 2(26.95±0.73 10−3. s−1 ; P〈0.025). Our results show that renal involvement in IDDM is associated with enhanced activity of the platelet Na+/H+ antiport.
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  • 2
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    Mathematische Annalen 167 (1966), S. 338-350 
    ISSN: 1432-1807
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Mathematics
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  • 3
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    Human genetics 〈Berlin〉 92 (1993), S. 516-518 
    ISSN: 1432-1203
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Biology , Medicine
    Notes: Abstract The human aggrecan gene (AGC1) has been localized to 15q25→q26.2 by in situ hybridization. Although no genetic diseases of connective tissue map to this location, the malignant melanoma-associated surface antigen mel-CSPG is located here; mel-CSPG is a chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan. This raises the possibility that AGC1 and mel-CSPG may be the same gene.
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  • 4
    ISSN: 1432-1203
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Biology , Medicine
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  • 5
    ISSN: 1432-1076
    Keywords: Osteogenesis imperfecta ; Joint contractures ; Collagen fibrils ; Mineralization
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: Abstract We describe a male patient with osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) who was born with contractures of the knee, elbow and ankle joints. During the first 4 years he suffered from recurrent fractures. He has white sclerae, mild dentinogenesis imperfecta, multiple wormian bones, severe scoliosis and short stature. Morphological analysis of cortical bone revealed typical characteristics of OI including varying width of the osteoid, swollen mitochondria and a dilated endoplasmic reticulum of the osteoblasts. Collagen fibrils of the osteoid had a varying diameter, a feature not found in typical OI patients. Analysis of compact bone showed that the size of apatite crystals and the extractability of collagen with pepsin were markedly elevated compared to controls and other OI type III and IV patients. Lysyl hydroxylation of collagen from the organic bone matrix and the electrophoretic mobility of collagen α1(I)- and α2(I)-chains were normal. Our results provide evidence that this patient belongs to a subtype of OI. The biochemical studies indicate that the underlying defect involves defective fibril-formation of collagen type I leading to an altered mineralization of bone.
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  • 6
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    Oxford, UK : Blackwell Publishing Ltd
    Journal of fish biology 42 (1993), S. 0 
    ISSN: 1095-8649
    Source: Blackwell Publishing Journal Backfiles 1879-2005
    Topics: Biology
    Notes: Hydrogen sulphide is a toxicant naturally produced in hypoxic marine sediments, hydrocarbon and brine seeps and hydrothermal vents. The California killifish, a salt marsh resident, is remarkably tolerant of sulphide. The 50% lethal concentration is 700 μM total sulphide in 96 h, and 5 mM in 8 h (determined in flow-through, oxygenated sea water). Killifish exposed to sulphide produce thiosulphate which accumulates in the blood. The cytochrome c oxidase (a major site of toxicity) of the killifish is 50% inhibited by 〈1 μM sulphide. Killifish liver mitochondria are poisoned by 50–75 μM sulphide but can oxidize 10–20 μM sulphide to thiosulphate. Sulphide causes sulphhaemoglobin formation (and impairment of oxygen transport) at 1–5 mM in vitro and to a small extent at 2 mM in vivo. Killifish blood neither catalyses sulphide oxidation significantly nor binds sulphide at environmental (low) sulphide concentrations. Exposure to 200 μM and 700 μM sulphide over several days causes significant increases in lactate concentrations, indicating shift to anaerobic glycolysis. However, individuals with the most lactate die. In terms of diffusible H2S, the killifish can withstand concentrations two to three orders of magnitude greater than would poison cytochrome c oxidase. The high sulphide tolerance of the killifish, particularly of concentrations typical of salt marshes, can be explained chiefly by mitochondrial sulphide oxidation. Sulphide tolerance and mitochondrial sulphide oxidation in the killifish have a constitutive basis, i.e. do not diminish in fish held in the laboratory in sulphide-free water for 1–2 months, and are improved by prior acclimation.
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  • 7
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    Oxford, UK : Blackwell Publishing Ltd
    Pediatric anesthesia 3 (1993), S. 0 
    ISSN: 1460-9592
    Source: Blackwell Publishing Journal Backfiles 1879-2005
    Topics: Medicine
    Notes: This prospective study was undertaken to examine the safety and to review the historical antecedents of an alternative method of paediatric anaesthetic induction other than halothane by mask. Two-thousand and five ASA I, II and III patients, 1 month-16 years of age initially received 70% N2O in O2 via a flavour-scented mask for 1–3 min, until adequate sedation was achieved. Venous cannulation was then undertaken, followed by an intravenous induction with thiopentone, and either atracurium or suxamethonium. The anaesthetist noted the occurrence of specific critical incidents during induction: excitement, coughing, vomiting, airway obstruction, laryngospasm, bradycardia for age, hypotension and/or hypoxaemia. The frequencies of all eight specific critical incidents on induction were extremely low in all ages. The studied alternative method of paediatric anaesthetic induction may be safer and more applicable in diverse clinical settings than a conventional halothane mask induction.
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  • 8
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    European food research and technology 196 (1993), S. 224-227 
    ISSN: 1438-2385
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
    Description / Table of Contents: Zusammenfassung In einer Analysenserie wurden die Rohprotein-, Rohasche-, P-, K- und Ca-Gehalte von 57 Proben der 8 eßbaren, häufigen Pilzarten verglichen. Nelken-Schwindling und der Nebelgraue Rötelritterling sind wichtige Proteinquellen, die Pilze aus der FamilieBoletaceae bilden eine Mittelgruppe, relativ proteinarm sind Hallimasch und Herbsttrompete. Den niedrigsten Proteingehalt wies der Pfifferling auf. Der Aschegehalt schwankt in breiteren Konzentrationsgrenzen. Eindeutig wurden besonders hohe P-Gehalte bei den Arten Nebelgrauer Rötelritterling, Nelken-Schwindling nachgewiesen; die Mehrheit der Arten enthalten 6–7 g Phosphor/kg. Die Pilzarten enthalten durchschnittlich 30–40 g/kg Kalium und 0,2–0,3 g/kg Calcium.
    Notes: Abstract A comparative analysis of crude protein, crude ash, phosphorus (P), potassium (K) and calcium (Ca) contents of 57 samples of eight common edible mushroom species was made. The most important protein sources were:Marasmius oreades andLepista nebularis. Species of theBoletaceae formed an intermediate group, while relatively proteinless species were:Armillariella mellea andCratarellus cornucopioides. The lowest crude protein content was established inCantharellus cibarius. The ash contents varied more widely. The greatest P contents were measured inLepista nebularis andMarasmius oreades but most mushrooms contained 6–7 gP/kg. The analysed mushroom samples contained 30–40 gK/kg dry weight and 0,2–0,3 gCa/kg. These analyses are important from the point of view of the nutritional role of mushrooms.
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  • 9
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    European food research and technology 197 (1993), S. 381-384 
    ISSN: 1438-2385
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
    Description / Table of Contents: Zusammenfassung Die Aminosäurezusammensetzungen von 6 Proben (5 Arten) der GattungRussula und von 7 Proben (5 Arten) der GattungAgaricus wurden bestimmt. Die Proben der GattungRussula(Täubling)-Arten haben eine Gesamtkonzentration von 14,79% (bezogen auf Trockengewicht), dieAgaricus-Proben (Champignon-Arten) haben eine höhere durchschnittliche Gesamtaminosäurekonzentration (23,75%). Die essentiellen Aminosäuren kommen in beiden Gruppen in bedeutenden Konzentrationen vor, ihre Anteile sind: 48,9% der Gesamtkonzentrationen (bei der GattungRussula) und 46,4% (bei denAgaricus-Proben). Was die Frage der Unterschiede der wildlebenden und gezüchtetenAgaricus-Sorten anbelangt, sind die Unterschiede unbedeutend, aber bei einigen essentiellen Aminosäuren wurden bedeutende Konzentrationsabnahmen festgestellt, insbesondere hat die Glutaminsäurekonzentration zugenommen!
    Notes: Abstract The amino acid concentrations of six samples (five species) of the genusRussula and of seven samples (five species) of the genusAgaricus were determined. TheRussula samples have significantly lower total amino acid concentrations (14.79% of the dry weight), than theAgaricus species (23.75%). Essential amino acids occur in both groups in appreciable concentrations: 48.9% of the total amino acid concentration forRussula and 46.4% forAgaricus. Between the cultivated varieties and the wild species ofAgaricus are insignificant differences in the total amino acid concentration, but the quantities of certain essential amino acids were lower, whereas the concentration of Glu was higher in the wild species.
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  • 10
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    European food research and technology 197 (1993), S. 427-428 
    ISSN: 1438-2385
    Source: Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2000
    Topics: Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Nutrition Technology
    Description / Table of Contents: Zusammenfassung Verschiedene Eiweißtypen (Roheiweiß, verdauliches und unverdauliches Eiweiß) wurden in Hüten und Stielen vonPleurotus ostreatus (Austernseitling) in vier Reifephasen analysiert. Diese Reifephasen waren: A (Durchmesser der Hüte 〈5 cm); B (D: 5–8 cm); C (D: 8–10 cm) und D (Durchmesser 〉10 cm). Die untersuchtePleurotus-Sorte (der Hüte und Stiele) hat einen relativ hohen Rohproteingehalt, zu 92% (durchschnittlich) verdaulich ist. Höhere Roh- und verdauliche Eiweißgehalte wurden in der zweiten Phase (B) gefunden. Die höheren Angaben des unverdaulichen Eiweißes wurden in den Fruchtkörpern der letzten Phase gemessen. Diese Angaben können auch die Pilzanbauer für die Optimalisierung der Pilzproduktion- und Ernte gut verwenden.
    Notes: Abstract Different kinds of protein (crude, digestible, non-digestible) were analysed in caps and stipe ofPleurotus ostreatus (oyster mushroom) in four phases of development. The phases examined were: A (cap diameter 〈5 cm); B (diameter 5–8 cm); C (diameter, 8–10 cm) and D (diameter 〉10 cm). ThePleurotus variety analysed (the cap and the stipe) has a relative high crude protein content, the main part of which is digestible (average, 92%). During the four stages of fruit body ripening, stage B was the best, with the highest crude and digestible protein concentrations. In stage D the highest nondigestible protein content was measured in the cap and stipe. These data can be used for optimal harvesting of fruit bodies of cultivatedP. ostreatus.
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