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Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science

Boldrini, Amedeo; Galgani, Luisa; Consumi, Marco; Loiselle, Steven Arthur (2021): CDOM dynamics in the presence of inorganic (silica gel) versus polystyrene plastic particles: a laboratory study - experimental part 1 [dataset]. PANGAEA,, In: Boldrini, A et al. (2021): CDOM dynamics in the presence of inorganic (silica gel) versus polystyrene plastic particles: a laboratory study [dataset publication series]. PANGAEA,

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The present dataset relates to a study that explored dissolved organic matter dynamics under three scenarios: a particle-free environment, a particle-enriched system with polystyrene microplastics, and a particle-enriched system with inorganic particles (water insoluble SiO₂). In part 1 of the experiment, natural marine organic matter was obtained by culturing a non-axenic strain of Chaetoceros socialis in 2 L flasks under each of three scenarios (1C = control, 2PS = polystyrene, 3S = silica). After the growth phase, filtered samples from the three flasks containing dissolved organic matter and bacteria were incubated separately in the dark in 4 replicates closed quartz cuvettes per treatment (total = 12 cuvettes, 28 mL capacity quartz cuvettes 10 cm path length, Hellma 120-QS, Quartz SUPRASIL, Hellma Analytics) at a temperature of of 20 °C ± 2 °C for 5 days. This dataset reports cell numbers measured by optical density in each of the three culturing flasks, three replicate measurements per flask..
CDOM; inorganic particles; Microplastics
Related to:
Boldrini, Amedeo; Galgani, Luisa; Consumi, Marco; Loiselle, Steven Arthur (2021): Microplastics Contamination versus Inorganic Particles: Effects on the Dynamics of Marine Dissolved Organic Matter. Environments, 8(3), 21,
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1TreatmentTreatGalgani, Luisa1C = control, 2PS = polystyrene, 3S = silica
2TreatmentTreatGalgani, Luisa1C = control, 2PS = polystyrene, 3S = silica
3ReplicateReplGalgani, Luisa
4Experiment dayExp daydayGalgani, Luisa
5BacteriaBact#/mlGalgani, LuisaOptical density measurements
Curation Level: Enhanced curation (CurationLevelC)
359 data points

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