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Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science

Hollstein, Martina; Mohtadi, Mahyar; Kienast, Markus; Rosenthal, Yair; Groeneveld, Jeroen; Oppo, Delia W; Southon, John R; Lückge, Andreas (2019): Planktic foraminiferal Mg/Ca and oxygen isotope data of sediment core GeoB17426-3 from the Western Pacific Warm Pool [dataset publication series]. PANGAEA,

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Supplement to:
Hollstein, Martina; Mohtadi, Mahyar; Kienast, Markus; Rosenthal, Yair; Groeneveld, Jeroen; Oppo, Delia W; Southon, John R; Lückge, Andreas (2020): The Impact of Astronomical Forcing on Surface and Thermocline Variability Within the Western Pacific Warm Pool Over the Past 160 kyr. Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology, 35(6),
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Latitude: -2.187833 * Longitude: 150.860500
Date/Time Start: 2013-06-04T02:03:00 * Date/Time End: 2013-06-04T02:03:00
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