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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter November 2, 2009

Drivers of colonization and succession in polar benthic macro- and microalgal communities

  • Gabriela Laura Campana , Katharina Zacher , Anna Fricke , Markus Molis , Angela Wulff , María Liliana Quartino and Christian Wiencke
From the journal Botanica Marina


Information on succession in marine benthic primary producers in polar regions is very scarce, particularly with regard to effects of abiotic and biotic drivers of community structure. Primary succession begins with rapid colonizers, such as diatoms and ephemeral macroalgae, whereas slow, highly seasonal recruitment and growth are characteristic of annual or perennial seaweed species. Colonization of intertidal and subtidal assemblages on polar rocky shores is severely affected by physical disturbance and by seasonal changes in abiotic conditions. Biotic factors, such as grazing, can strongly affect colonization patterns and also alter competitive interactions among benthic algae. Ambient UV radiation affects the diversity of macroalgal communities during early and later stages of succession. In contrast, microalgal assemblages have high tolerance to UV stress. Climate warming could alter algal latitudinal distribution and favor invasion of polar regions by cold-temperate species. Reduced sea ice cover and retreating glaciers could expand colonization areas but alter light, salinity, sedimentation and disturbance processes. Although the key role of macroalgae in coastal systems and, to a much reduced extent, the importance of microphytobenthos have been documented for polar regions, information on the successional process is incomplete and will benefit from further ecological studies.

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Received: 2009-1-28
Accepted: 2009-6-9
Published Online: 2009-11-02
Published in Print: 2009-12-01

©2009 by Walter de Gruyter Berlin New York

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