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Effect of short-term hindlimb immobilization on skeletal muscle atrophy and the transcriptome in a low compared with high responder to endurance training model

Fig 8

Boxplots of RNAseq data for transcripts of interest.

Data is shown for Trim63, Fbxo32, Hdac4, Mtor, and Ubr5 genes for A) soleus muscle and B) plantaris muscle in low responders to aerobic endurance training (LRT) and high responders to aerobic endurance training (HRT) control (CRTL) groups and experiment groups following 3 d hindlimb immobilization (HI). Boxes indicate the interquartile range (25%-75%) with the horizontal bar within each box indicating the median. The whiskers show the minimum and maximum values. *P<0.05, **P<0.01, and ***P<0.001 vs. line matched control (n = 6/group).

Fig 8
