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Effect of short-term hindlimb immobilization on skeletal muscle atrophy and the transcriptome in a low compared with high responder to endurance training model

Fig 7

Gene set enrichment analysis of a pathway representative of the ubiquitination cluster.

A) Co-expression network of genes involved in the Ubiquitin-dependent protein catabolic process (GO:0019941) gene-set. Nodes correspond to individual genes enriched in the delta comparison from control-to-experimental groups between low responders to aerobic endurance training (LRT) and high responders to aerobic endurance training (HRT; FDR<0.05, p<0.001). Edge lines between two genes represent a co-expression relationship. Colour intensity represents the magnitude of dysregulation, and black borders show ‘hub’ genes in the highest 5% of connectivity within the gene-set. GSEA rank plots shown for B) DELTA HRT-LRT, C) HIinLRT and D) HIinHRT comparisons. On each plot the vertical lines (barcode) indicate the position of each gene within the GO:0019941 gene-set within the ranked gene list. The height of each gene is proportional to the running enrichment score. Core genes that drive the enrichment score are shown in red (positive enrichment) or blue (negative enrichment). Corresponding normalised enrichment scores (NES), p-value and FDR are also shown.

Fig 7
