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MicroRNA expression profiles in molecular subtypes of clear-cell renal cell carcinoma are associated with clinical outcome and repression of specific mRNA targets

Table 2

List of miRNAs that exhibited subtype-specific expression (FDR < 0.05) and that were either significantly associated with OS (Leuven dataset) or suppressed an mRNA target that was downregulated with a fold change of < 0.5 compared to the other molecular subtype (TCGA dataset).

miRNAs with higher expression in ccrcc1_4 subtypes were systematically associated with shorter OS, and those with higher expression in ccrcc2_3 with longer OS. Downregulated mRNA targets are listed below the miRNA. Only experimentally validated mRNA targets were considered (sources: TarBase, TargetScan Human, miRecords, Inguinity Expert Findings). mRNA subtype-specific fold changes are illustrated in Fig 3B.

Table 2
