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Prenatal Alcohol Exposure Modifies Glucocorticoid Receptor Subcellular Distribution in the Medial Prefrontal Cortex and Impairs Frontal Cortex-Dependent Learning

Figure 6

Membrane levels of dynamitin (A), Dynein IC1 (B) and Dynein IC2 (C) in the medial frontal cortex of saccharin (SAC) control and prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) offspring.

Corresponding representative immunoblots are shown below the respective figures. The cytosolic fraction was prepared and immunoreactivities were determined as described in the Materials and Methods. Data are presented as mean (± SEM) immunoreactivity corrected to Coomassie stain in PAE (n = 7) and SAC (n = 7) mice. Membrane dynamitin levels were lower (p = .01) in the PAE compared to SAC offspring. Membrane dynein C-1 levels were elevated (p = .002), while dynein IC-2 levels were lower (p = .012), in the PAE compared to SAC.

Figure 6
