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MTO1-Deficient Mouse Model Mirrors the Human Phenotype Showing Complex I Defect and Cardiomyopathy

Figure 6

Molecular analysis of mouse tissue.

(A) mtDNA copy number in hearts of Mto1−/− mutant mice was significantly reduced as compared to controls (*p<0.05) (B) Respiratory chain complex I was visibly reduced in a Western Blot using a cocktail of OXPHOS antibodies ( in Mto1−/− mutant mice as compared to controls while respiratory chain complexes II, II, IV and V were unchanged. (C) Enzymatic activity of complex I in heart tissue lysates was only mildly reduced in Mto1−/− mutant mice but (D) maximal respiratory capacity was significantly reduced in freshly isolated mitochondria (**p<0.01).

Figure 6
