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Decreased Fixation Stability of the Preferred Retinal Location in Juvenile Macular Degeneration

Figure 6

Fixation stability during fixation.

The fixation stability in squared degrees as measured with a bivariate contour ellipse area (see figures 3B and 3D for an example). Significant differences are marked: p<0.001 = ***, p<0.01 = ** & p<0.05 = *. The โ€œยงโ€ marks a trend. This figure shows that fixation was more unstable in the JMD group (1 degree [M: 0.33 SD: 0.20], 3 degrees [M: 0.44 SD: 0.49]) compared to the healthy control group (1 degree [M: 0.08 SD: 0.02], 3 degrees [M: 0.09 SD: 0.04]). The difference between the JMD group and the simulation group (1 degree [M: 0.07 SD: 0.03], 3 degrees [M: 0.07 SD: 0.02]) was not significant but a Bonferroni corrected p-value of 0.067 might be considered a trend.

Figure 6
