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Small-Animal PET Imaging of Amyloid-Beta Plaques with [11C]PiB and Its Multi-Modal Validation in an APP/PS1 Mouse Model of Alzheimer's Disease

Figure 5

In vitro binding assay with [3H]PiB.

Specific [3H]PiB binding to mouse and human brain homogenates and nonlinear modeling of data. (A) Binding isotherms for [3H]PiB with transgenic mouse brain tissues and human AD tissue containing Aβ deposits. Solid black curves show nonlinear fits with a single site model. Dashed lines describe 95% confidence bands around the fit. Resulting in vitro binding potential (BP) values and Aβ protein levels of these tissues are described in Table 3. (B) Semilogarithmic representation of the specific binding data as seen in panel (A) to delineate possible infliction points. (C) Scatchard graphs showing the same data as panel (A). Each data point is derived from the mean value of the original data octuples. Data show representative samples from tgtg-old (red), tgtg-young (yellow) and tg-old (orange) transgenic study group and severely affected human AD (huAD-C) tissue (green).

Figure 5
