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Changes in the Hydrocarbon Proportions of Colony Odor and Their Consequences on Nestmate Recognition in Social Wasps

Figure 4

The changes in colony odor due to usurpation.

Cuticular hydrocarbon variations in host colonies (colony ID: 2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 12, 20, 22, 25, 30). Each symbol represents either the foundress or the usurper or the control or usurped nests. The plots on the left show the projections of the two most discriminant components (PC1 and PC3) in the DAs based on the linear-alkane fraction. The plots on the right show the projections of the two most discriminant components (PC2 and PC3) in the DAs based on the branched-alkane and linear-alkene fraction.

Figure 4
