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Effect of short-term hindlimb immobilization on skeletal muscle atrophy and the transcriptome in a low compared with high responder to endurance training model

Fig 3

Enrichment map of Gene Ontology Biological Processes differentially expressed in low responders to aerobic endurance training (LRT) and high responders to aerobic endurance training (HRT) soleus muscle in response to hindlimb immobilization.

Enrichment results were mapped as a network of gene sets (nodes) related by mutual gene overlap (edges). The enrichment map reflects relative differences (HI versus control) between LRT and HRT. Red identifies up-regulated and blue down-regulated gene sets following 3 d of hindlimb immobilization. Differential expression (LRT versus HRT) was analysed after accounting for the effect of atrophy in each group relative to their own genotypic control. The left and right side of each node indicates LRT and HRT response respectively (n = 6/group). Node size is proportional to the percent of enriched genes per set, and colour intensity represents magnitude of change in expression. Blue lines represent edges of mutual overlap. Clusters of functionally related gene sets were circled and manually labelled to highlight prevalent biological functions among a set of related gene-sets (FDR <0.05; P <0.001).

Fig 3
