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CD14 and Complement Crosstalk and Largely Mediate the Transcriptional Response to Escherichia coli in Human Whole Blood as Revealed by DNA Microarray

Fig 2

Inter-individual variations of the E. coli response of selected genes.

Relative quantification (RQ) data from qPCR analyses are displayed as scatter plots for the E. coli response of seven ERGs and non-responding TLR4 in absence (A) and presence (B) of combined inhibition of C3 and CD14. Data are shown for two sets of data, the controls included in the microarray study (●; single data points, n = 2) and five independent individuals (○; single data points, n = 5 with mean). The expression data were normalized to spontaneous activation in presence of PBS, only, which is indicated as a dotted line crossing the Y-axis (log2 scale) at RQ = 1. No statistical significance of the differences between the two datasets was found for the uninhibited (P = 0.82) and the inhibited response (P = 0.89) in a two-tailed unpaired t-test with Welch’s correction.

Fig 2
