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Detecting Leaf Pulvinar Movements on NDVI Time Series of Desert Trees: A New Approach for Water Stress Detection

Figure 2

Pulvinar structures of Prosopis tamarugo leaves.

(A) Tamarugo trees, (B) leaf angle randomly distributed during the morning when the solar radiation is low, (C) leaf angle in erectophyle position to avoid facing high solar irradiation at midday, (D) transversal section of a closed pulvinus (empty of water) during the morning, (E) transversal section of an open pulvinus (filled with water), which allows leaves to stand up and reach the erectophyle position, and (F) detail of the base of a Tamrugo pinna showing the three levels of pulvinar structures (at the base of the bipinna, of each pinna and each foliole).

Figure 2
