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Performance Evaluation of Kits for Bisulfite-Conversion of DNA from Tissues, Cell Lines, FFPE Tissues, Aspirates, Lavages, Effusions, Plasma, Serum, and Urine

Figure 2

DNA Yield and Purity after Bisulfite Conversion Applying Nine Different Kits.

HMW (upper panel) and FFPE tissue (lower panel) DNA was bisulfite-converted using nine different commercially available kits. Each bisulfite conversion was conducted in nine replicates for each kit. Left panel: UV spectra of bisulfite-converted and purified DNA (left panel). Middle and right panel: DNA yield of bisulfite-converted DNA as determined via UV (middle panel) measurement and via CFF qPCR assay (right panel), respectively. Shown are mean values of triplicate PCR measurements.

Figure 2
