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Ribonucleotide Reductase Large Subunit M1 Predicts Poor Survival Due to Modulation of Proliferative and Invasive Ability of Gastric Cancer

Figure 2

RRM1 promotes cell proliferation via Ras/Raf/MAPK pathway in GC.

A, RRM1 overexpression was found to be accompanied with high expression of p-ERK in GC patients (p<0.01, n = 32), windows 1–4 show representative pictures of p-ERK and corresponsive RRM1 staining in 2 cancerous tissues from two representative patients (Pic 1–2: GC No1; Pic 3–4: GC No2). B, Overexpression of RRM1 (both ectopic and endogenous RRM1) through transfection of pRRM1 (pEBG-RRM1) promotes AGS cell growth; p-ERK was also up-regulated subsequently. C, RRM1 was down-regulated with siRNA in two GC cell lines, AGS and NCI-N87. The cells were collected and analyzed with Western blot and Ras activity kit (Millipore, MA). The Ras-Raf activity was severely decreased and so were the downstream proteins p-MEK, p-ERK and c-NFκB.

Figure 2
