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Role of Prox1 in the Transforming Ascending Thin Limb of Henle's Loop during Mouse Kidney Development

Fig 10

Expression and distribution of Prox1 in response to changes in osmolality in vitro.

Immunofluorescence staining of Prox1 (red) in MDCK cells from 150 (A–D), 300 (E–H), 600 (I–L), or 1200 (M–P) mOsmol/kg H2O medium for 18 h. Prox1 was expressed in the nucleus and cytoplasm; nuclear intensity was strong in isotonic conditions but not in hypotonic or hypertonic conditions. Blue counterstain: DAPI. Scale bars: 20 μm. (Q–R) Western blot analysis of Prox1 in MDCK cells after 18 h in media of different osmolality (150–1200 mOsmol/kg H2O). Prox1 was most strongly expressed in isotonic conditions and weakened with increasing or decreasing osmolality. Band intensity was normalized to β-actin. Each bar represents the mean of three independent experiments; error lines are SD.

Fig 10
