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Metabolomic Assessment of Induced and Activated Chemical Defence in the Invasive Red Alga Gracilaria vermiculophylla

Figure 1

Feeding preference of Idotea baltica.

Odds ω for the relative deterrence of the herbivore by artificial diets containing either algal extracts or biomass (A) or isolated eicosanoids (B) are given. Means±95 % confidence intervals are given, asterisks indicate odds that are significantly above or below 1 (Fisher's exact test, p<0.05). A: extract from mechanically wounded algae was tested relative to controls containing extract from intact algae and tissue of algae induced with extract from mechanically wounded algae was tested relative to tissue of control algae that were treated with extract from intact algae. B: five different eicosanoids were tested relative to solvent controls, either isolated or in combination (PGA2:PGE2:15-keto-PGE2:7,8-de-HETE in a ratio of 1∶1∶1∶0.5).

Figure 1
